You can’t do anything about THE economy, but you can do something about YOUR economy. Invest in yourself even if you are a side-preneur, build a side business while you are still straddling (working 9 to 5 and building your own business). You still will have that backup plan or something else that is going to feed your soul. There are great benefits to being an entrepreneur. Your time is your time. The biggest thing is there are no clocks. For example, I do not depend on clocks. My natural cycle is 10 pm through 4 am, my most productive times. With that, I can work when I want. My best advice for someone that wants to be an entrepreneur is to focus on what you do best, and hire out the rest. There are numerous people who play at the stuff that they are struggling with. So, why are we struggling to do everything? Hand off your book keeping, hand off your taxes. Have an understanding of what is going on, but some of the administrative stuff and all those other things, you are not being productive. How do you find success? To find success, look for the opportunities and take action. One of my coaches had a saying, “Say YES and Figure Out How!” Or, find somebody else that knows how and partner with them to take advantage of those opportunities. Many opportunities can be found on social media. One of the best social media platforms is Twitter. Twitter is like a global town square where there are no limits of what you can share with other people. You can use Twitter to build your audience, build your traffic and grow your business. It’s all based around Building Better Relationships. It’s not B to B, or B to C, it’s really people to people. Helping people to master the business of life, especially entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs struggle with hurdles and emotional conflicts. So, how can entrepreneurs work through those hurdles? That is one of the things that differentiates me from other Twitter experts. Mind mastery is one of the aspects I focus on, for people to understand and incorporate it into everything they do. Twitter is a great vehicle to share inspirational messages and continue personal growth, as you grow into your potentials. Mind mastery comes down to the habits, and the things that we do and the things we can control. After losing a position in 2008, I started tweeting to get myself off of the couch, and received great responses. That is part of why I share my #JustForToday affirmations on Twitter, reminding ourselves that we cannot go from the bottom of the ladder to the top rung of the ladder in one step. There are different steps along the way. So, if you can keep reaching for a better feeling thought, just for today, then you will make better choices. For example, #JustForToday I am going to eat better. #JustForToday I am going to exercise. #JustForToday I am going to make those phone calls. Build those habits. In building those habits it takes about 60 – 90 days. Anything before 60 days I have always talked myself out of it, and I would stop. But once I got past 90 days that became part of my DNA. I now have almost 2,000 straight days where I have meditated and practiced yoga. Meditation helps you center yourself, and allows energy to flow through you. Even to just quiet your mind. Napoleon Hill talked about it and his invisible team. That is what I feel about meditation. I go in with my questions. I have my invisible team, my Crystal Collective. I have asked people that are in life now and those that have passed over to be in that collective. I quiet my mind, ask questions and allow the answers to roll in. When I allow that to happen the answers come in quicker instead of struggling, looking for something else. For example, if I am not making progress with my work, I go sit in our healing room and allow that to come in and refuel myself. It helps me to look for the next opportunities. Meditation can be anything else you want it to be. It doesn’t necessarily have to be 20 – 30 minutes, sitting in the lotus position with your legs crossed, arms folded. In another way, it is a variation of prayer. Prayer is you asking for help. I think meditation is the Universe and God answering you back. You can grab that in just a couple seconds wherever you are in the course of the day. Keep an open mind. It’s like a parachute. If it isn’t open, it doesn’t work. What can you do for the greater good? For me, my #JustForToday quotes are little reminders to help people make a better choice. What can you work on today? What are your baby steps? By sharing motivational quotes as Zig Ziglar said … “it is a motivational bath, people need it every day”. We don’t know how many people are watching, and the words we put out and the impact they have on people’s lives. So, I am dedicated to putting that motivation out there. You never know what is going to happen. If it touches one life, whose life they are going to touch and the whole butterfly effect goes into place. I am taking on my responsibility that I am going to continue to display a large dose of motivation every day because I know it may have an impact on somebody else’s life. Views:]]>
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About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.