Tarot Rock with The Duke
Renowned for his glam-rock aesthetics, enigmatic presence and charming character, Stanley Duke returns to the scene, crash landing from a...
Renowned for his glam-rock aesthetics, enigmatic presence and charming character, Stanley Duke returns to the scene, crash landing from a...
Kate Lanxner is a channel, coach, and healer facilitating workshops in healing arts and alternative New Age thought and medicine.
Readers ask questions for our Bellesprit Diamond Psychics and Healers […]
Our psychics offer advice to two of our readers regarding love […]
To avoid problems in your relationship follow these signs […]
Pamela Cummins discusses the meaning of a mother’s dream about her departed son […]
Which gemstones are best for your zodiac sign? Megan Neal shares her thoughts […]
What does it mean when you find yourself back at grandma’s house in a dream? […]
Are you creeped out by dreams of spiders and snakes? […]
Do you know how to prepare for a psychic reading? Follow these tips […]
Pamela Cummins explains the symbolic meaning of seeing yourself in a yoga pose […]
Why are you dreaming about having sex with your ex? Pamela explains possibilities […]
You keep dreaming about a house? What is this dream trying to tell you? […]
What are our dreams really trying to say to us about our daily lives? Pamela knows […]
Sometimes the wackier the dream, the more spiritual the meaning […]
Is this actually happening or is there something deeper going on in its meaning […]
Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.
©Belle Salisbury 2021 · Bellesprit
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