Have you ever noticed that being around certain people, situations or places can leave you feeling drained and tired? Do you pick up on other people’s feelings when you are around them? Why do these things happen? It’s because everything is energy, including us.
Everything Is Energy
Every place and person has their own energy, every emotion is energy. For example, sadness is a heavy energy; anger is strong, charged and intense; whereas happiness is light and expansive. If you work in a place with a lot of stressed people, the stress and tension will literally be in the air, so that just being in that environment can leave you feeling wired or exhausted. Have you ever walked into a room after people have been arguing and sensed the tension? Or walked into a place and instantly felt either deeply relaxed or so uncomfortable that you just wanted to leave? Or been in beautiful places in nature and experienced a sense of peacefulness? Every thought we have has a positive or negative charge to it that is constantly affecting our mood and energy field. Every conversation we have with another is an energy exchange.
Not your stuff!
Each and every moment we are interacting with lots of different energies, however we are often not taught this fact or how to take care of our space. This can leave people feeling drained, exhausted, confused or hyper. Often when people are trying to figure out within themselves why they feel tired, angry or drained, it’s not even theirs, it’s an accumulation of all the energies they have been around clogging up their system. Because these energies have not been released, the person mistakes them for their own and tries to figure out why they are feeling the way they are. This is especially true for caring, sensitive and empathic people. Below are some commonly experienced signs that you are picking up on other energies.
12 signs that you may be picking up on other energies
- Feeling tired or exhausted after being in contact with certain people or places
- Feeling drained by busy places like cities or commuting
- Feeling wiped out, supercharged or hyper after work
- Feeling like you can’t switch off
- Picking up or taking on others feelings or symptoms
- Sudden changes in mood for no apparent reason
- Feeling angry for no reason
- Problems getting to sleep
- Waking up exhausted
- Busy, fast, unsettled thoughts
- Feeling overemotional for no apparent reason
- Feeling ungrounded
Your space
We do not finish at our skin. We all have a very real electro-magnetic energy field that surrounds us, which is sometimes called the aura. This energetic field has many layers including mental, emotional and causal. We all have one, there are no exceptions. Some people are more aware of theirs than others. Have you ever experienced people who have no sense of personal space and step too close when they speak to you? Or felt someone staring at you, only to turn and catch them. These are not sensed through the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell, but rather through the aura. This energy field is constantly interacting with the energies of others/places/situations around us. Even the electrical devices we surround ourselves with have their own electromagnetic energy that affects the personal energy system can leave us feeling drained.
Taking care of your space
We are all know how to take care of our physical being, but taking daily care of our energy can have wonderful benefits on energy levels, thoughts and mood. I have found that when I teach clients how to cleanse and ground, they instantly feel calmer, clearer and more centred with a better ability to deal with people and situations in their lives. When I used to train holistic therapists, I would meet wonderful souls whose intention was to make people feel good. Time and time again I would see these kind hearted souls with positive intentions, who loved their job wondering why they felt so drained after certain clients, got so emotional, or took on the symptoms of the problems of their clients. This was because they had never been taught how to take care of their energy and were constantly taking on other peoples ‘stuff’ without releasing it.
To take care of our physical being daily, we clean ourselves, we nourish ourselves with food to give us energy, we dress ourselves, we exercise, we rest… Can you imagine if we never washed or bothered putting on clothes to protect our skin, we would very quickly get clogged up with dirt and feel exposed and uncared for. Yet, when we don’t take any daily care of our energy, that is what is happening with our auric fields. They are open and exposed picking up other energies and thoughts, becoming drained or overloaded.
Benefits of daily energy care
It is very easy to take care of your energy as part of a daily routine and can be very beneficial in many ways, and it can be as quick as cleaning your teeth.
- Have more energy
- Feel more comfortable in your space
- More emotionally balanced
- Improved sleep
- Clearer, calmer thoughts
- More centred
- Feel more safe & secure
- Increased awareness
- Feeling stronger mentally and emotionally
How to take care of your energy
For maximum benefits, I would recommend practising a daily energy care routine at least twice a day, once on waking and once before sleeping. It can be repeated at other times when you may be particularly affected by other energies, such as work, meetings, visiting busy places, dealing with stressful situations. If you work with clients on a one-to-one basis, whatever your profession, it can be helpful to practise in between clients. But the best way is to try it for yourself for a week or so and then don’t do it for another week and notice the differences for yourself.
Grounding is a process that connects your energy to the earth and allows your energetic system to feel centred and balanced. It allows the dispersion of any energy build ups or picked up energies from others to be sent back into the earth. It brings you into your physical being and centres your whole system. It can also be very useful if you are stressed/worried or very emotional. When worried or overloaded with energies we have been around, we can feel hot, agitated, flustered, off balance and energetically look like a lollypop with all the energy build up unbalanced. Grounding allows the rebalance of the system. Ways to ground:
- Place feet on the ground, legs uncrossed and visualize roots going from your feet into the earth
- Visualize or sense roots or a beam of light connecting your base chakra to the centre of the earth.
- Take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the earth
- Go for a walk outside
Cleansing the energy field allows any other energies that we have picked up or been around to be literally cleared away from your own energy field, leaving it fresh and clean. It’s rather like having a shower for our auric fields. Ways that you can cleanse your energy system are:
- Imagine bringing bright light up from the earth through your feet and body to the top of your head, then flowing back down through your energy fields around you and back into the earth
- Imagine a bright light above your head, it can be any colour that feels right for you. Imagine it washing down through your body and energy fields into the earth beneath you. You can even do this in your daily shower as part of your normal daily routine.
- Use an aura spray with essential oils to cleanse your energy field.
- When you suddenly have a change in mood or thoughts, ask in your mind “who does this belong to, is this mine? Or is it someone else’s? If you feel lighter on the ‘someone else’s,’ then say to yourself “return to sender with love, light and consciousness attached.”
- Imagine a bright violet flame whooshing through your whole system quickly. This dissolves all forms of negativity.
Rather like putting our clothes on our physical body, protection still allows us to go about our normal daily activities, but with a layer that protects us from the elements. It is not that we are shutting ourselves off in anyway, but rather placing a layer of love, light and awareness around our energetic layers to act as a filter so that we are not walking around energetically naked and exposed. Ways we can apply energetic protection are:
- Imagine a light in our heart expanding out until it forms a bubble of light around our whole being, notice the colour and the distance around you. As you practise, this may expand.
- Imagine a circle of light around your space.
- If you work with angels or guides, ask them to place energetic protection around you
- Imagine light and love filling every layer of your energy fields.
Personally I like to imagine roots from my feet, then a shower of light cleansing my system and expand a bubble of light out from my heart to surround all my energetic layers, but you can try any of the techniques above and see which ones work best for you.
