A Thanksgiving Message A year has passed and the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us. This day marks the beginning of the holiday season for those of us in the USA. Before I write of the activities of what happens after Thanksgiving Day, I want to speak of Thanksgiving, a holiday to share with family and friends and a time to be thankful for what you have at this time. For me, it’s about the relationships with my family and friends. It’s also about all that I have to be grateful for in my life and letting the people in my life know how I feel. It’s about thanking my higher power and all that are in our universe, protecting and guiding us on a daily basis and thanking them for the help and guidance they have shared with me this past year. I have found, over the years, that when I am not in a place of appreciation, then it is time for me to start writing down what I am grateful for. And it’s also time for me to write at least three things that is positive as I live my day. I found when I do this, I feel better about all that is happening in my life, no matter how small. The fact that there is positive activity going on gives me hope and confidence that all is well. I am also letting the universe know that I am grateful too. When I write my grateful list, I try to write at least ten things on a given day. On the next day, when I write my grateful list, I make an effort to write a few more additional items. But, if I find I am running out of items, I repeat some of what I wrote the previous night. After about a week, I try for 15 items, and continue adding a few more each day. I usually go up to 20 over a period of a few weeks. I found that, as I make this list, I become very grateful for all that I do have. In thinking about the grateful list, I thought, why not include children, grandchildren, partner, friends, or even a group of friends in making this list in a creative way. So here are a few ways I have been inspired to share today:
- Purchase or decorate a notebook or journal that you absolutely fall in love with. Use this journal to write down all that you are grateful for. You can draw or paint what you are grateful for, or write poetry about being grateful, too.
- Maybe invite your children, no matter what their age, to do the same.
- Make a grateful affirmation board of all you are grateful for and add to it as you find or think of others. You can do this for you personally or invite family members to participate, too.
- Another thing you can do with family is to have a journal for the family members to add to as they go through their day or week. Then put their name next to what they had written.
- Have a white board to write down all you are grateful as your day goes by.
- Draw a large heart, or purchase one at a craft store, and have your kids or partner write what they are grateful for, and/or they can draw as above, or put pictures in the heart signifying what they may be grateful for. Making it as colorful as desired.
- Thanksgiving is a great time to do some of these projects too.
- Thanksgiving or holiday time is a good time to do them with family. Or any other time for that matter.