By Danelle Devi
All space is sacred space. All of Mother Earth holds a special energized connection to all living creatures, and thus must be honored. The Medicine Wheel is a physical expression of this knowledge. It can be used to set up sacred ceremonial space.
The Medicine Wheel is constructed by placing 12 large stones in a circle, similar to the face of a clock. The 4 largest stones are placed at the 4 cardinal directions. Begin by placing the stone in the South, the place of the child, where life begins. Then move to the West, to the North, and finally to the East. The Eastern stone is placed last because the space inside of the circle is filled by spirit entering through the Eastern door. When it is about to be closed, it is time to ask Spirit to fill the space so that mutual honoring and love can occur. This is one of the traditional ways to build a Medicine Wheel.
The Medicine Wheel is used to gather together the energies of all of the animals, creatures, beings, Stone People, Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, the Sky World, Star Nation, the Standing People, or trees, the two legged (humans), Sky brothers and sisters, and the Thunder Beings. These are what we call “Mitakuye Oyasin” or “All Our Relations”.
Ceremony is a method for honoring and recognizing the connections to all life through the expression of gratitude in chants, dances, and rituals. It is always done with guidance and of Great Spirit and the Great Mystery.
The Medicine Wheel is a symbol of the wheel of life; ever changing and ever evolving. The Earthwalk is based upon the understanding that each one of us must stand on every spoke of the great wheel of life many times, and that every direction is to be honored. Until you have walked in another’s shoes or stood on their spokes on the wheel, you will never truly know their hearts.
The Medicine Wheel teaches us that all lessons are equal, as are all talents and abilities. Every living creature will one day see and experience each spoke of the wheel and know the truths. The Medicine Wheel is a pathway to truth and peace.
The Medicine Wheel is life, afterlife, rebirth, and the honoring of each step along the way.
Mitakuye Oyasin
Danelle Devi is a Tera Mai Seichem Reiki Master, Dar’Shem Master, Tarot Card Reader, Animal Communicator, Numerologist, Psychic Intuitive Empath, and Shaman. For more information about Danelle or to contact her, visit her website