A Message from Gaia: Judge Nothing, Love Everyone
It’s Friday, August 15th, 2015, and earlier in the day I had met with a grieving Mother, who almost three years to the day had lost her beloved daughter (who I will call Charity) to a tragic end. Her daughter committed suicide and the family is still greatly grieving her loss. I carried her energy into the evenings channel session where Gaia addresses the group and her beautiful energy presented itself as well. There is much to learn from the souls who found life too difficult to bear; this channel is dedicated to all such souls.
During the trance channel session they will refer to me as the Lighthouse. Simply put, I am the Light that spirit sees and they have chosen me as the vessel in this manner to guide others. To protect the identity of the participants they are recorded as the letter P, and Gaia as G. Please know that in reading this channeled message you will receive the energy as if you were a participant in the very space the messages were given. Namaste.
G: Greetings. I am Gaia. For the one being that I have yet to meet, welcome.
P1: Thank you.
P2: You can just talk and be conversational…it’s okay.
G: And to the rest of you…I thank you for your presence here this evening. WE do know that there are many other places you could find yourself on such a beautiful eve as today and WE are grateful and WE are thankful and WE are honored that you have chosen to be with US. Your Lighthouse was sharing with you about an experience that she’s had yet today, and WE would like to elaborate on that as she said might happen. I have that young being here with me so I will speak her words as well. I would ask that these words be shared with her mother to help her heal.
P2: Sure.
G: The young ones on this planet are among some of those important beings. They were seeded here for very specific reasons. And as you all yourselves have experienced, it is a very tumultuous place to be. It can be unforgiving, it can be painful, it can be joyful and it can be loving. Depending on who you are and what day it is, or what time of the month it might be…for you women present in the room.
You knew prior to coming in here that planet Earth was one of these most difficult assignments you would take on. And I promise you, all of you stood at your planning table and said, ‘I’ll do it…send me in, that’s my job. I’ll take that assignment. I’m just the person for the job’. And down the shoot you go…some kicking, some screaming…whaling on the way out. As WE strip you of all of your memories so that you can learn from the experiences of being an earthling…being on earth. Because if you came in with everything, what good is there? What lessons are there to learn if you have all the knowledge at your fingertips right off the bat?
Now, you have heard and I will speak on this as well; upon taking your first breath, it is your closest relationship to your home, your home base I’ll call it, your heaven, your Shambala, your sanctuary. But you are stripped of the ability to speak or even move on your own. But yet, you are closest to home where you have most memory of…who you are…what you came in with and you have so many stories to tell and all you can say is goo-goo ga-ga, right? And as you progress in those young years, depending on who you chose as your parents, you start being formed in the social experiment that you’re in. How to walk…how to talk…how to act. The majority of what is spoken to you is, no…no…no. So you begin to be afraid, you begin to instill fear in your physical being from a very, very, young age. Are you following me?
Group: Yes
G: So the young being you were speaking of, that is exactly what I am talking about. So by the age 2 or 3 you can start orating your words and concerns to your beloved parents or whomever it is that is raising you and in their adult capacity, depending on their level of consciousness, most think you are seeing imaginary things. They discount what you are saying, so again, you begin to question your belief system in what you see. So then the earthly experience strips you of everything you thought you knew and reorients you to the way it wants to orient you.
You start going to school and then whoever it is that’s your teacher orients you to their belief system and before you know it, you have no clue who you are. You’ve lost your identity completely and these young beings are just flailing because they come in with the highest level of consciousness that has ever come in on this planet ever, in any timeline. And then to be told they are not who they think they are, not who they say they are, and they have to act, and walk and talk in a certain manner in order to be accepted in their society. Talk about mass confusion.
They don’t feel like they fit in. I have to do a certain thing…I have to dress a certain way to fit in, and the only thing they can think of is how to get out. And unfortunately, there is a mass exodus happening across this planet…of these young beings. Because they are very, very misunderstood. Their services are being misappropriated and their abilities to heal are like no ones business. It’s outstanding. It’s unheard of and some of the beings that are choosing to check out are beings that came in to cure your cancer, to heal diseases that these older generational bodies have.
That was their mission and they are recognizing it now just like this young female that left, her name is Charity. She knows now that she left very premature, and she sees now what a mistake that was, but didn’t know how to find the help she needed. I’m not saying this is her parent’s fault, but she never felt like she had a voice. Because, as parents, you tell our children how to act and how to be. In school, your teachers don’t let you talk. They don’t let you have a voice. They don’t let you express yourself. They have a curriculum and that’s what you follow, and that’s exactly what I’m talking about. The curriculums in your systems today are broken. They are dysfunctional and they are not working.
The children that are here today cannot follow the curriculums that are set in stone in the school systems. They don’t learn the same way, and they don’t act the same way as your generation did, because they are extremely gifted. Now, will the cures for cancer and the cures for some of these other inflicted diseases find their way in? We’ll find a way. But young beings like Charity…she was leading the charge for some very amazing, miraculous things to happen. And now WE have to find another path. Do you understand what I’m speaking?
Group: Indeed.
G: It’s not by coincidence that that happened today. Nothing is a coincidence. But the people in this room, you are the movers and the shakers of your generation. You know the people and you know the ways in order to make these changes happen and it starts with one voice. But in order to see these changes through, you have to start. You just have to start. Do you understand?
Group: Yes.
G: It is mission critical to get to these young people before they exit. And I can tell you, just as in Charity’s case, there were no signs. Her parents didn’t know. It’s not their fault. It is a choice she made, but it was the wrong one. A better choice would have been to know that she had a place that she could go in order to get the help she needed, and to not feel like she was a failure if she did. This society has created a system of ‘you feel like a failure if you ask for help.’ Who understands that statement?
Group: Indeed.
G: And that must change because no one being can do it alone. You are anything but a failure if you ask for help. That’s where the system is broken. These young beings are some of the greatest light on this planet. And they are needed here…they are needed here. And all WE ask is for you to consider what part you will play in saving them? If she would have had access to someone like you…you or you…or any of you…she might still be here today, understanding why she felt so different. And understanding why, even though she had a beautiful, gorgeous exterior, her interior was broken because she didn’t feel connected.
She knew she was different but she did everything she could to fit in. And when she just couldn’t do it anymore, she didn’t know of any other way but out. It’s not the last one you will hear of and it’s becoming more and more frequent. And it is, as you have spoken, once it has happened it’s helping the parents to heal through it because then the ripple effect of the brokenness continues.
What’s missing the most is love. Love of self and the ability to be loved. Coming in at a very, very, young age every young person should be taught how to love themselves. This isn’t about ego, this is about pure and simple love. It’s not taught in your school system to love your self. It’s taught in your school system to fear competition…who’s better than you. How many times, you yourself, have you not felt like you fit in because you weren’t quite the athlete, or you weren’t quite as good at that instrument that you played, or you weren’t quite as good at drawing a tree as someone else.
You’re compared from the minute you come out. ‘Oh Susie walked at 10 months,’ already being compared to who’s better…you’re already teaching your child from a very young age that they aren’t good enough if they didn’t walk by a certain age or talk by a certain age. Let it be known that your son is one of them. But he is with parents that are allowing him to be him. He’s authentic and he knows he’s loved. Do you understand?
P2: I do, thank you.
G: So he will not be one of them. But it starts with each and every one of you. You all know someone who has a child and what are you doing to learn how to love yourself enough in order to teach them to love themselves enough? It’s that ripple effect. It’s the love train that your Dr. Mark (Chirila) has spoken of before. It’s his goal from the other side to teach all of you how to join that love train and stay on it. Might you even consider calling it the Love Train?
In every single kindergartener’s bag that they get for their first day of school should be a mirror. And they should be allowed to look in that mirror and find beautiful things about their selves. And then be able to talk about it versus comparing their selves to the others…if their shoes don’t look like someone else’s shoes, or they don’t have the latest fashion. Your Lighthouse knows all of this. She still lives this too. She has a walk-in closet that doesn’t have fifty pairs of shoes, you’ll maybe find five. But that’s by choice because she’s comfortable in the shoes that she walks in now. But it hasn’t always been that way because she, too, felt herself compared to all the other kids in school. Never fit in. Never understood. Always bullied. Always the outcast. It is the bullies in your system that need the most love. They’re the ones that are crying out the most. So, what are you doing to help them? Are there any questions around this subject?
P3: Charity had no signs…how would we have found her?
G: That is an excellent question. And what she is expressing to me is it’s not about finding her, it’s about her finding you. So, what is set up in the system so that kids that are having trouble or emotionally distraught, or not feeling like they fit in, what is set up in the system so that they can come safely to you? Do you understand?
P3: Yes.
G: It’s backwards. You can come to me if you want to improve your academics. You can come to me if you want to learn to run faster, or hit that ball harder. But there is no place for them to come when they feel broken and they don’t want to disappoint their parents for feeling broken. Does that answer your question?
P3: Yes.
G: Anyone else?
P2: Yes, I have a question. Do some of these kids come in knowing they are going to leave early so they can wake up people, wake up society?
G: Yes.
P2: Is that why Charity left early?
G: No. That was not her plan. But you are absolutely correctly speaking some of the beings truth. They do it for a wake up. That’s correct. But that was not her case and she knows that now. And she knows how she hurt people in the process of leaving. But it’s important that her family know how much she loves them and how much she misses them. And how she wishes she could take it back. And how she wishes she would have just spoke up. What else?
P4: What was it that she needed?
G: Love. Her family loved her but didn’t know how to love her, if that makes sense.
P1: I’ve been searching for love all my life and the love that I see in the older generation, I do not see it at all in ours, and I do not see it in the young ones, is that the love that you speak of?
G: That’s correct. That’s absolutely correct. Well-spoken Dear One.
P2: Unconditional love is what needs to be understood.
G: That is correct. It’s non-judgment and unconditional love and knowing that you can make mistakes and still be loved. There is too much pressure in the system. The testing that you put these children under, barbaric.
Go ahead and close your eyes. I want you to find yourself very comfortable in your chair, nice and relaxed. Just take a nice deep breath in through your nose…expanding your lungs and out through your mouth like the wind…and again…and again. Now, I want you to visualize yourself walking through a beautiful doorway. And the door is made of this beautiful oak wood with gorgeous designs. Just see it in your mind, and as you open the door, on the other side to greet you is everything that you have ever wanted in your life. It’s like your own little storage closet. See it as big or as small of a room as you need it to be. With all the infinite possibilities of all the things that you have ever wanted; be it love, a different job, a new career, and I want you to stand there at that doorway just looking in, knowing that everything behind that door is your creation and within the realm of possibility of all of you to bring in. It’s a storehouse of all the knowledge you have ever acquired over all of your lifetimes.
Now, go ahead and walk in and start looking around as if you are shopping for what’s the next grand thing you are going to bring into yourself and into your life. See yourself with a shopping cart. You can see yourself with a basket on your arm, just start putting things in your basket to bring out of your closet or out of your room. Meander around…and around the parameter of this space you see a beautiful golden white glow as if you’ve just shinned a light bulb or a flashlight onto a pile of gold coins…shining brilliantly…knowing that everything within that space is being charged with that beautiful golden white light.
Then as you focus in a little more on that golden white light, you begin to see faces. You begin to see shapes of beings of those you’ve known in the past, in your past experiences, in your past lives, and in your heavenly state. You see your guides, you see your Arch Angels, and you see them all just standing over and watching and protecting all of your beautiful creation until you have made a choice to bring it in. As you smile at them, they’re smiling in return at you, and they are filling your cart, they are filling your basket full of this tremendous love energy to the point of overwhelming.
You find yourself closing your eyes in the middle of this space so that you can drink it all in. You are just drinking it all in to the almost impossible that you can take in anymore, and with your next breath, even more comes in. It’s an infinite supply and they’re showing you it is infinite, that all you need do is open the door to all of your infinite possibilities and see them there for you. They are there for you.
So spend a moment with your eyes closed just taking in all of that beautiful love energy from all the beings you’ve ever known in your life and past lives and from other planets and other galaxies and other time lines. Feel that love. Accept it from them. Accept it from them. Now, take a few more moments looking around your space and seeing if there is anything else you would like to bring out of your closet or out of your space at this time. Knowing that at any time you choose, it’s your storehouse, you can retrieve anything simply with your mind, simply by making a choice and simply by choosing love.
Make your selections…yes. And make your way back to your door. Glancing back one more time at all those beautiful beings, thanking them for their love, thanking them for their protection and thanking them for sending you joy always and for filling your heart with that infinite love. Infinite, unconditional love. And as you come back through the door, you gently close the door and you look back and you see the design on the door, so vivid in your mind you could draw it, so vivid in your mind you can sketch it upon opening your eyes if you choose to. But knowing that door is the door to your heart pathway. You simply have opened your heart to all the possibilities that are yours and that journey that you just took was into yourself. And that beautiful golden white light is you. You just saw you. You just saw you.
With a big smile on your face, take a nice deep breath in though your nose, back out through your mouth like the wind and set your intentions on moving forward with whatever you brought back and out of your storehouse. Knowing that anytime you wish, you can go back in. You can journey back into your heart center and bring more out. It’s always there for you. The love is always there for you. The joy is always there for you. And anything you want, need, desire, your heart has the capacity to bring forward for you. Knowing that it all begins with love of self first. It’s love of self first.
Silently with your eyes still closed, see yourself in your mind pulling your arms up to your chest and giving yourself the biggest hug and telling yourself how much you love you. How grateful you are for all of the experiences that you have had in this lifetime that brought you to who you are today. And with an unconditional love and an endless capacity to share that love, thank all the beings that have ever been a part of this experience for you…another nice deep breath… and again.
And when you are ready you can open your eyes; with a big smile on your face and full knowledge of what you brought out of your storehouse and that you are going to bring to fruition into your life beginning now. With no fear, only love…no fear, only love. Who would like to share what they brought out? Anyone?
P5: I will. I brought a big crystal ball and a business suit and the business suit is for public speaking, so if anybody knows of any toastmasters, I need help!
G: That’s excellent. And how shall you use your crystal ball?
P5: To see.
G: And once you learn to see?
P5: To share.
G: Yes. You do not need toastmasters, Darling, you just need to speak. You just need to begin. Do you understand?
P5: Yes.
G: Thank you for sharing. Is there anyone else that would like to share? You do not have to; this is a place of love where you can if you would like to.
P1: I will. I brought out my non-profit and not only do I want to change the laws by my non-profit, I need to love me like a princess because I want women to see that they are worth loving themselves as a princess. And I actually have marketing working on a crown and the words faith, love and hope are going to be intertwined in the crown of my logo.
G: I love it!
P1: So Corinthians 13…I’m very close to God, and Corinthians 13 is one thing I told marketing that I want my non-profit to represent, that’s love.
G: And it will happen. Trust this to be your truth Dear One. And I thank you for sharing.
P1: Thank you.
P4: I brought out love and I’m a little confused by it. I saw a library, and I was getting binders that was unconditional love and compassion and patience and I don’t want this to sound wrong, but I feel like I already have those, but that’s what I brought out.
G: So you brought out extra.
P4: Yes.
G: Now are you still confused?
P4: No.
G: Very good. And you brought binders for them…what do those represent?
P4: That I have research to do.
G: And how will you share?
P4: I don’t know.
G: To be determined. That is beautiful, Dear One; that you brought out things you already have in your own capacity and more than enough to share with others. And binders represent the sharing of knowledge and once you find your outlet there’s no stopping you.
P4: Thank you.
G: Is there anyone else…I love hearing your stories.
P3: Well, I wasn’t going to share because it doesn’t seem like what I brought out was so helpful for others, but maybe it is. My place was very peaceful; it was sort of like the perfect world, like an Eden; heaven on earth. And I’ve been waiting for a partner to show up in my life and he was there. And I brought him out with me. And I think that the love that we share will be what is reflected out, it seems kind of…
G: That’s phenomenal. You are absolutely correct in your assessment of what you have brought forward. And it is your ego that is not wanting to share, and that is old programming.
P3: That’s why I decided to share.
G: So WE say kudos to you Dear One for moving through it in such a quick manner. You will share a love with this being beyond measure and just leading by example of knowing that it takes love of self first in order to find that true soul mate and then you two will share love with other beings and elevate them through yourselves. So that is beautiful. It’s quite beautiful actually. Thank you for sharing.
P3: Thank you.
G: You’re welcome.
P6: I’ll share…because I feel like I’ve been peer pressured into sharing. (Giggles from group) I don’t know if peer pressure is the right word…infinite being pressured. Well, like P3, I’ve been waiting for a partner and that…the door, when I went in the door I saw a tree on the door; that was the design. Then I opened the door and the only thing that was there was him, and I brought him out, but also, by the time I started looking around, more things appeared that I wanted. So I brought him, he was in the cart first, and then the career that I wanted, and then just all the love from all of the people that have been in my past, present and all the timelines. That just made the room fill up with all the things that I wanted, that I guess I didn’t think about but I brought. Like I said, and I brought a feeling of being healthy and happy and loved. I brought all that out and when I pulled the door shut in the middle of tree was a heart.
G: That’s amazing. And why ever would you not want to share such a beautiful experience.
P6: I don’t know, I kinda wanted to keep it for myself but I don’t not want to share things with people, for just some reason I felt like I wanted to keep that to myself. But I’m fine with sharing it, that’s fine.
G: Yes. And I’m telling you I needed you to share. You need to become comfortable with sharing things that you’re not comfortable with sharing.
P6: Okay.
G: Do you understand? It’s moving you out of your comfort zone and into a place of more comfort.
P6: Okay.
G: Because how are you going to help people if you aren’t comfortable sharing who you are?
P6: That’s true.
G: Through your own growth. Why do you think WE use your Lighthouse as an example so often? She is not afraid to be that person so that you can learn. And it is your ego that was not wanting to share, not you. Because you were afraid of what would people might say if all you brought out was a guy. Is that true?
P6: Yes, that’s it. That’s definitely true.
P3: It feels selfish.
G: It is not selfish, it is the desires of your heart and that was what you were to bring out, is that which you desire, was that not the instruction?
P6: Yes.
G: Job well done. And job well done for moving past your ego and sharing. We’re proud of you Dear One. You’re getting it.
P6: Thank you.
G: You’re welcome. I wish for a moment to turn the floor over to you (addressing my husband Patrick) for I feel there is a grand message coming from you…from Arch Angel Michael. So close your eyes…and just speak…”
Patrick Shalosky: This is something that has been on my mind big time for a few months, and it’s this whole thing about love and unconditional love. This thing about love, we are never taught what that is. We think that love is finding a partner and being in love, but that’s not it. That’s an emotion that can be part of love, but real love is something grand! One of the guys I work with was speaking about a passage in the bible and I thought ‘everybody get’s tied up in their dogmas and their ideas about what’s real and what to believe, what’s God’.
I thought about that for a couple of days…I thought even what’s in the bible really comes down to four words, judge nothing and love everyone. Then I thought, you can break that down even more and that is love everyone. Because, if you truly love everyone then there is no judgment, there is no room for judgment, the two are totally incompatible. So the judgment won’t even exist. Then I thought, that can be broken down to just one word and that’s just love. When you just love that includes people, experiences, your belly fat, your baldhead, it includes everything.
If we can get a handle on that and really start to understand it, there’s no more problems in your life, they just go away. All of a sudden you quit having people at work wanting to start dramas with you. I realized that we pull that drama to us because we need that experience, but once you say ‘I just don’t need the drama anymore, I’m done with it’, it stops coming.
Same with bad relationships, there’s somebody I’ve been working with for a long time who has a history of bad relationships and she is just getting to the point where she is taking responsibility for choosing it. And once you quit playing the victim role, whether it’s at work, relationships, whatever, and you start taking responsibility, then you can start relieving yourself of the guilt, the fear of that. When you are on the tale end of that experience you start coming down to love really is all there is and all you need to do.
I know we all have some crazy experiences in our past, some more traumatic than others, and I do get that, and I get how some peoples struggle to get to love is greater than others, but we really did come in and chose that even though that’s very difficult to hear at times, but we did. And we can overcome all of this stuff in one lifetime. All of our crap from past lives, this life, all of our karma, all of that can be overcome in just one lifetime and it can be overcome in an instant if we can get our mind around it and just realize that the formula is very simple. I realize the process can be complicated at times, but the formula really is simple and that is just move into love.
I’m really getting the hint on that big time lately. When we took our journey earlier, I didn’t speak up about mine. When I walked through the door, I was ahead of Gaia, but when I walked through the door there was Lisa, I took her hand and we just walked through this garden and I had a basket on my arm and Gaia talked about a basket but I wasn’t putting anything in it. As soon as I had my basket I was giving out boxes of love to other people in this garden and it didn’t matter how much I gave because there’s always more in the basket, it just never ends. So, I just passed it out freely. Unconditional love really is the way. That’s my desire for the planet.
G: What an honor and a blessing all of you are to US. And WE thank you for your presence this evening and the gift of you. And the gift of your time here on earth and all the gifts you are bestowing all those beings that walk across your path and have the honor of meeting you as WE have. Thank you. Thank you.
For a full transcript of this channel, which includes the question and answer session of the participants, please visit www.LisaNoland.com/Channeled Messages.