A Message from Gaia: Oneness with the All
The night is Friday, September 11, 2015. We have gathered on this beautiful evening and entered a space of openness. The full desire of the group was to expand their awareness and Oneness with the divine. Read on as Gaia takes the group on a journey to achieve this Oneness with the All.
During the trance channel session they will refer to me as the Lighthouse. Simply put, I am the Light that spirit sees and they have chosen me as the vessel in this manner to guide others. To protect the identity of the participants they are recorded as the letter P, and Gaia as G. Please know that in reading this channeled message you will receive the energy as if you were a participant in the very space the messages were given. Namaste.
G: Greetings. I am Gaia. What an incredible group we have here this evening. I welcome you. I welcome you back and I welcome those energies that are new to my field through this channel, welcome.
I want to thank all of you for bringing your energies forward and for allowing your energies to be shared with these other beautiful beings in this room, both seen and unseen. Most everyone in this room is fully aware of their self and fully aware of their energy bodies. WE find it incredibly wonderful that so many like minds are choosing to come together at such a critical time and WE are thanking you. Please know that when I say WE, I am speaking on behalf of the universal consciousness. I just happen to have the loudest voice today.
WE thank you for the work that you are doing on behalf of us, on behalf of yourselves, and on behalf of your fellow humans that you share your space with. As well as the fellow humans that are on your planet Earth. Most of which, you will never know the impact of your energy and your divine service. But know that in their field, they feel you when you do your work. When you work your magic, when you’re meditating and sending out love on a universal level, they’re getting it.
Changes are happening. Whether it is visible on the physical level may not be seen to you, but know that on an energetic, cellular level you are making a difference. All of you! You’ve heard it said, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ so too, it takes a village to clean up this planet, to clean up your Earth. It does take a village. So don’t think, “Who me? The service that I’m doing? How could it ever be that it helps anything or anyone?” And I am telling you it does. If your service only helps one human, then might you have even completed your life’s mission through that act of service to one human?
You do not know these things. Through being your magnificent selves, it may not be known to you who you are or how you are helping these beings, but you are. As I have said before to some of you in this group, just the act of BEing, just BEing…you’re sharing your light, you’re sharing your love and you’re sharing your energy with those beings around you that need it most by being present and aware of how you are anchoring your light. Being present and aware of how you are interacting with both friends, family, loved ones, and co-workers.
Are you walking around with a smile on your face or are you frowning and scowling at the person who just cut you off in traffic? Are you aware of how you carry your body? Are you walking around with your shoulders slumped or are you confident and grounded in your being? All of these things matter. All of these matter!
Your Dear Lighthouse conducted an interview with Arch Angel Ariel, she is here incarnate, she has walked into a physical body of a beautiful being named Claire Candy Hough. She has written a beautiful book (One True Home: Beyond the Veil of Forgetfulness) and during this interview process, your Dear Lighthouse had an ‘ah-ha’ moment. It was discussed how many so called light workers are among the wounded that are choosing not to heal, but to work on other people so that they don’t have to work on themselves. I feel it appropriate to bring that up because everyone, including your Lighthouse, including each and every one of you, has wounds that you are still working through and you are still healing.
When that is done you will transcend into your light body or you will become what one has said to be enlightened, which is few on the planet. So don’t think that you have accomplished and released and let go of everything, because there is always some small part of you that has something yet to release and let go of. So as long as you are continuing to work on yourselves, raising your vibration raises the vibration of those around you. But spinning your wheels trying to heal those around you without healing yourself makes no sense. Do you understand what I speak?
Group: Yes
G: WE will not do so this evening, but WE quite frequently use your Dear Lighthouse as an example, oh, might WE do that now. She had yet another experience this week where some energy came into her field. Two days prior WE had been working with her, bringing to her conscious awareness, non-judgment and love. Unconditional love. And there were a couple of beings that WE brought into her conscious awareness. And she was asking, ‘Why am I thinking about them? What is it about them?’
WE orchestrated a synchronistic event. She ran into one of those beings in a store last evening. Taken off guard, why? She was not listening to us. She was not paying attention to the synchronistic experiences that WE were dropping into her field so that she could be aware of and speak her truth to this being that WE placed in her path.
The reason WE bring this up is because when your mind is cluttered, when your mind has too much chatter and you’re not listening to us, it is quite possible you are missing grand opportunities to speak your truth when those synchronistic events happen. Or might you be missing those grand synchronistic events to meet the people you’ve been waiting to meet and have called to you?
So WE are asking you, just as your Lighthouse learned yet another lesson this week, to pay more attention. WE are always, always, always talking to you! WE are not the chatter in your head, that’s your ego. WE are that gentle nudge. WE are that soft tender feel. WE are that beautiful expression of love that is coming forward somewhere in your body.
You’re being guided to go to a different isle in the store. You’re not sure why, but you are going to pass through that isle. And there is going to be a synchronistic event for you, to catch eyes with someone, to say hello to someone or to exchange a few words. Little might you know that that person has not had a kind work spoken to them all day until they crossed paths with you. You don’t know or understand the impact of your beauty and your love that you share, but trusting and honoring those experiences as they happen helps bring forward the enlightenment that you’re seeking. Do you understand?
Group: yes
G: There are opportunities presented time, after time, after time, after time, after time, and 99% of the time you’re missing them because you are so involved in yourself! You’re so involved in the projects you’re working on, getting to and from a certain place and you’re missing them. These are very valuable opportunities to make a difference.
Your Dear Lighthouse was speaking before we started about her empty mind experience and all the chatter that happens in her mind when she sits and tries to quiet her mind. An empty mind is a beautiful experience. You may want to change the verbiage to connecting with the Oneness of Self. When you can achieve being in a space of having nothing going on in your mind, at that moment you are completely one with the All. You are completely one with everything that is going on in the universe. That’s when you can achieve the most work and that’s when you can receive the most messages; through that quietness of mind.
But you’re not going to achieve it sitting in front of your televisions, or sitting in front of your mobile devices or your computers. You’re not going to get there listening to music on your electronics or with your nose in a book. It is of great importance for you to find time to be with self with no one else around. Do you understand the importance of finding that time? The importance of finding that time to be with your self is so important to your personal growth and your ascension process itself.
Because, if you are not doing it for yourself, how can you ever help anyone else achieve that space or achieve that Oneness of self? Once you yourself have mastered it; then teach others how to get there. No two experiences are alike and there is no wrong way, you just begin. Call it being in the void, call it empty mind; call it ‘just do it!’ Find the time to be with yourself, to bring in that expression of love and to seek the Oneness with your self and the Oneness with All.
At this time I would like everyone to please close their eyes. Find yourself in a comfortable position, feet on the floor if you’d like. You can sit on the floor if you’d like, it doesn’t matter. Just wherever you’re comfortable. Just take in a nice deep breath through the nose and out through the mouth like the wind… and again. In through your nose and out through your mouth. And what I would like you to do is visualize…visualize yourself sitting in a very comfortable chair in the middle of a room with the walls painted whatever color you want them to be.
Whether it is a fluorescent blue, a beautiful pink, a deep purple, just feel the beautiful colors in that room. The only thing in that room is this beautiful chair that you have found yourself sitting in. Might it even be a recliner, and you recline the chair back. This is your Oneness time. Taking a nice deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. With each breath in, you find yourself sinking deeper, deeper and deeper into this beautiful chair. As you’re lying there, with your eyes closed or sitting with your eyes closed, you allow your mind to wander.
Feeling the beauty of the space that you’re in, you’re mind has actually wandered off and you’re finding yourself in that chair with no thoughts, nothing in the way of being one with yourself. You hear the quietness of your breath and stillness of the room. You’re aware of your body and its comfort in this chair, but you have absolutely no thought, its just awareness.
As you continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, you’re in pure awareness of the Oneness of your being. And even though your eyes are closed, awareness is presenting you with the feeling of beings around your chair. Your spiritual guides, your angels, your loved ones, both from this lifetime and past, and other worldly beings have gathered around your chair to be in Oneness with you as you feel their energy blending with yours.
Allow yourself to take in the Oneness of the beauty of their energy, the beauty of their love. Having no thoughts, just pure awareness of the Oneness that you are; the magnificence that you are. Your ability to create in this Oneness space is unlimited. Continue breathing through your nose and out through your mouth and with each breath feel your body expanding… expanding… expanding beyond the four walls of that room. Allowing yourself to move beyond your physical body and any limitations you may have created.
As you’re seemingly drifting off into space, just allow yourself to feel the beauty of being one with everything you’re passing by. That you do not have to move your physical arms to reach and touch, it is simply becoming aware that you are what you’re touching. You’re everything you’re experiencing and everything you’re creating. In through your nose and out through your mouth, you continue to breathe as you soar around feeling the beauty of the Oneness you are, the massiveness of your energy and the magnificence of your pure being. Your soul is smiling at this awareness. Your mind is empty as you are one with All and you are one with US. Let’s remain in silence and I will bring you all back when it is time.
(The group sat in silence for several minutes)
Now, bring your awareness back into your physical being. Be aware of the room that you’ve created. Be aware of the chair and find yourself gently moving back to that space. Nice and softly, finding your way back to that space. Bringing your awareness back to the fact… you are now back in your chair, back in your physical being. With a knowing that you are still one with the All that you have just experienced.
Take a deep breath, in through your nose, out through your mouth. Begin to feel your physical body, grounding yourself back into your body and bringing your mind back… aware that your mind is back. Thinking clearly, seeing clearly with a pure knowing of your ability to become one with yourself and one with the infinite All anytime you wish simply through your awareness. Another deep breath in… and again. When you are ready, you may open your eyes. Most of you are back I believe. If there are a few of you still traveling, that’s okay, just come back when it’s appropriate for you to be here. Is there anyone that would like to share about their experience?
P1: My room was yellow, bright yellow and when we first started traveling, or when I first started traveling, I thought I’m going to make my energy large, so I went planetary large. I thought, ‘why am I limiting myself to the planet,’ so I just expanded myself to the size of the universe. Then instead of looking out into the universe, I was able to look into myself at the universe. I saw all the planets and stars and stuff whizzing around and beings flying through space and all that. So that was kinda cool.
G: That’s fabulous! You achieved it!
P1: Thank you.
G: Well done Dear One. Is there anyone else that would like to share? Please feel free to do so.
P2: I went to the sacred space in my heart that I learned a few months back how to get to. So it’s not a room per say, but what I have is a big flat rock on the water and so there’s water all around, sort of a turquoise/aqua marine color, and there’s a glow, just everything is glowing beautiful golden light and I already have a chair there and that was my chair and I just meditated there. It was beautiful.
G: Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful Dear One! Is there anyone else?
P3: Mine was very similar to P1’s, I found myself circling the world and then raising up and becoming one with All the universe. And my room was prisms, just lots and lots of prisms, colors and light.
G: That’s magnificent!
P4: My room was purple, every purple you could think of and my chair was gigantic white, like I was sitting on a cloud in the middle of this room and when I opened my eyes I had angels all the way around me, light beings, angels, they looked like angels to me, all the way around me and I kept reviewing different things in my life. It was like it was on fast forwards spinning backwards going to this situation and then it jumped to this situation, it was almost like it was…see…see this one, see this one, so it felt like a review.
G: So you called in your Etheric Council?
P4: Okay. If that’s what that was…will you explain that?
G: The Etheric Council is where you review your life upon your transitioning or near death experience or a meditation such as you’ve done. People believe that you have to die before you live. People believe that you have to die before you can meet your council and check in with your progress, these things are not true. You can check in anytime you wish, as you have done. You are living in what is called a present moment experience, Dear One, and you were getting up to date information on how you are living and moving through the experiences on this earth plane and this journey at this time. Job well done.
P4: It was very fast.
G: And what did you gather from that?
P4: When I sit and think with my own mind it was too fast to even figure which pieces they were showing me. I’ll have to go back and review what I was reviewing.
G: Which is why WE had you out of your mind, do you understand now?
P4: Yes. Now I know where the review tapes are.
G: You’ll find them again and it will be easy for you to do so.
P4: Thank you.
G: You’re welcome.
P5: My walls were purple, blue and pink spirals and I had a white leather chair that later turned purple. I was just very, very, quiet and I heard very clear messages. They were very clear messages at the moment. It was very peaceful, loving and kind.
G: Wonderful!
P6: I had a lavender room and my body disappeared and I had this sense of being in the universe without any defined shapes, that’s the best way I know how to explain it.
G: WE understand. That’s a beautiful experience Dear One. You became one with the All is another way to explain what you have experienced. And it was easy for you to do.
To the group: You do not have to be a trained channel to get there. As you can see from the other experiences, it was very easy for you to escape into the Oneness of yourself, was it not?
Group: Yes.
G: Is there anyone else that wanted to share? I do not want to hold that opportunity from you.
P7: I was listening to you guide us and I don’t remember anything and I came back when you brought us back. And in the last two days, I work with patients and one caught me, she brought me back, she said that I was in lala land. She was like, “Where are you at?” I was like, “I’m right here,” she said, “You drifted off. And then the day before, it’s kinda similar, but I was looking at the clock and telling patients that they were an hour late for their appointment. When they argued with me and said, “I’m not late, I’m on time” I turned around and looked at the clock again and I’m like…. where in the heck are these times coming from? I just saw the time! I looked at the girl next to me and I said, “Am I going crazy?” and this has been happening for two days. I don’t remember anything. It seems like when I was coming back just now, it was just like one second. I’m listening to you take us and the next minute you’re bringing us back. Where am I going? What am I doing? Am I falling asleep? I don’t know! I just don’t know about the timings… someone said that they thought that I was ascending or something… am I?
G: You are going on your journeys, Dear One, but you are slipping very easily in between the different dimensions which is beautiful, but at the same time, you need to stay grounded in your physical being so that you don’t look like a fruit loop to those around you. Do you understand?
P7: I think, I don’t know…how do I stay grounded? That’s where I’m confused!
G: There are stones you can use, there are oils you can wear, but what is happening to you, Dear One, is you are very rapidly ascending into your truths. What some people might have taken months or years to get to, you are transcending into days. Do you understand?
P7: Yes.
G: You’re playing catch-up Dear One. Your soul knows. Your subconscious knows. And when you come out of what you might call a daze or a loopy moment I would suggest you close your eyes, ground yourself to the Mother Earth energies and ask to remember and it will be brought back to you, do you understand?
P7: Yes.
G: It’s just like you had a dream, and when you wake up you forget the dream; same thing. You train yourself to remember until it becomes a conscious experience. That is all.
P1: You get used to weird stuff happening and you are just like…it happens, yeah that was another one of those things.
G: He speaks truth from a human perspective. Anyone else?
P8: I had a prism type rainbow room, just like P3 did, which was interesting. And the thing that was most significant right towards the end, I felt my body expanding and suddenly it felt like energized, like there was energy coming into me, no message, it was just energy. And I was, oh wow, I just felt like this buzzing and that was just before we came back. So, that was my experience. And when I got back, I’m very peaceful and for some reason I was fascinated with my hands. I don’t know, beautiful things aren’t they? I can do so much with them.
G: Did you bring back with you your ability to heal through touch?
P8: Ah…perhaps.
P5: He brought more of it than he already had.
G: Yes. That’s magnificent Dear One. That is magnificent. Thank you for sharing. Anyone else?
P9: I think I was out beforehand because I missed the instructions on the room. So where I go, cause it was a beautiful guidance into that deeper place and I’ve done that before, is I go off somewhere and most of the time I’m just out. I know I had one therapist refer to it as ‘blacking out’ because I don’t have any awareness of what is going on there. But like this experience this evening, it was a deep peace. It almost is a feeling of being worked on, and then when you asked us to come back, there was that resistance to coming back. And then of course I had, and often times its more profound, this feeling of just being really rested. Really recharged. I have no clue where that is, but it’s almost like an addiction to get there and to get that feeling, and to come back. Sometimes I’ll just ask for guidance, what is this about and get some feedback. But I don’t know where that is that I go? I’m not sure how to get more in touch with that experience? Even if there is a way to do that or to make it more of an awareness, to bring back more awareness, more wisdom, more purpose.
G: You go in with the intention of bringing back. You go in with the intention of increasing your awareness of where you are. And where you are going is your one true home. Where you are going is home from an angelic standpoint and that is why you have the resistance from wanting to come back. For all you know is love there. All you know is acceptance and being one with all. But you can have that feeling in your waking state simply by asking for it to come forward to you. In that state that you were all presented with going to, you may or may not remember, but I guided you through being the creator of whatever it is you wanted in that space. And being that creator you can be in your present conscious waking state as well. Did you feel that?
P9: Yes.
G: Very good.
P9: It makes perfect sense.
G: Thank you for sharing.
P10: I have to tell you of my room when we did the meditation. The walls were green like the forest and the chair hung from the ceiling like a swing and the beings that were around me were all iridescent. And when I traveled up, I became the wind. I flew through everything, over everything, and around everything. It was the most peaceful, smooth is the only way I can describe it, no ripples just everything was so smooth. And there were other beings there and everyone was on the same level. Everyone loved everyone equally and everyone had the same goals, purpose and I didn’t want to come back. I really didn’t want to come back. When I started to come back, I had a memory and I guess, I don’t know if they were dreams of me trying to fly and not understanding why I couldn’t fly? Of trying to get wind underneath me and it not working, and not understanding why. Then when I came back, I felt the energy, it felt electric on my arms and on my chest and I didn’t want to open my eyes. It was really awesome!
G: You were in complete and total Oneness with your awareness of your beauty and your magnificence in your truth and your true home.
P10: Yes.
G: And I’m telling you, Dear One, at any time you wish to return to that space you can, simply by releasing your mind and allowing that connection to happen. It truly is that simple. And that is where the magic begins. You might consider writing a book, a child’s book about your experience and to the Oneness. Could you see it, beautiful illustrations of your green forest walls, and your swing hanging from the ceiling?
P10: Yes. I just realized that’s what I’ve been creating. That’s what I am creating around me right now in my green room that I just painted. I just made fairy houses and just painted my first butterfly last night.
G: Magnificent! And might you consider illustrating your own book through your child like art? For no one will know your visions but you, do you understand?
P10: Yes, I do. And that has been a recurring theme, so I guess it’s time I listen.
G: No time like the present.
P10: Thank you.
G: You’re welcome.
(At this time the beautiful energy of Arch Angel Metatron entered the room and addressed the group)
It is I, Metatron, those of you here this evening are by far among the greatest of the great of your kind. Whether you accept or know this to be your truth, I cannot control. All I can do is convey the importance of your work here on this planet. Each and every one of you holds a great position in my eyes, no different than I to your Creator or your God. I ask that you see yourself as such. Believe in your ability to make a difference where you are and in whatever situation you find yourself in. You are the creators of your own universe. You are the universe. You are vast beings in but a mere shell of skin. At any time you can connect with us, with I, with any beings of your desire, simply through thought which is different than thinking. Thinking is mind chatter. Thought is intention. Do you know the difference? Do you feel the difference? And do you understand the difference?
P2: No.
Thinking is your mind chatter, your mind going wild and going amuck. Thought is like shooting an arrow at a bull’s-eye. You set your intention on that which you want and you create. Thinking is throwing darts and them landing everywhere but the board, do you understand now what I speak?
P2: Yes.
WE believe in you, I believe in you and every breath you take is precious to us. Every breath. I thank you for the gift of you and humanity thanks you. Trust this to be your truth. Go now and be the greatest of the great that you are, knowing that I am one with you. WE are one. I am you. I am Metatron.
(At this time Gaia requested everyone to hold hands)
G: Find yourself in a comfortable place. Nice deep breath in and with your breath out, if your eyes are not closed, then close them. Receive us now through the energy that is moving through this room. Through each and every one of you. Cleansing you. Feel the power coursing through every ounce of your being. Own your strength. Own your magnificence and own your truth now. It is with great honor that I have spent this time with you. And it is great love that I share with you and leave with you. Knowing that I am always with you and WE are one. Blessing be to you.
For a full transcript of this channel, which includes the question and answer session of the participants, please visit www.LisaNoland.com/Channeled Messages.