In dedication and remembrance of a very dear departed friend, Dr. Mark Chirila who left this physical world on January 31, 2015. His message of love is expressed from the afterlife during this very memorable channel session. You will be forever loved Mark and remembered in our hearts always. Energy never dies.
As a note, during the trance channel session spirit will refer to me as the Lighthouse. Simply put, I am the Light that spirit sees and they have chosen me as the vessel in this manner to guide others. Please know that in reading this channeled message you will receive the energy as if you were a participant in the very space the messages were given. Namaste.
G: Greetings. I am Gaia. I welcome all of you, all of you beautiful beings here on this beautiful celebration eve. Your planet is about to celebrate what it calls it’s Valentine’s Day, it’s day of love. For those of you who have heard me speak before it saddens me, and it saddens US, that this planet chooses to only celebrate love one day a year when WE would ask you to celebrate it every day of your living being. Some of you are living in that capacity, some of you are not. A good example of living in that capacity is your Dear Lighthouse and her luscious lover Patrick (my husband). Another example are my luscious lovers sitting before me now (Gaia looks at our dear friends who recently got engaged).
It is OUR desire, when I speak OUR or WE I am speaking on behalf of the Universal Consciousness, it is OUR desire that you live in the vibration of love, through the vibration of love, and in the vibration of love with every breath you take…with every breath you take. Some of you sitting before me now may say, ‘well now that’s impossible, I hate people.’ You don’t have to raise your hands, I know who you are, and trust me you do not find yourself here by mistake. For, if you are here, you’re being loved whether you want it or not. You are being loved whether you choose to accept it or not, but you are being loved. Because WE love you all so much it is OUR desire for you…for you to love as much as WE love you, and be in love with life itself as much as WE love life itself.
Your Dear Lighthouse has gone through yet more experiences and has become yet another example of losing faith, losing love these past few months. For her, when she speaks about walking on her head, she is not kidding you…she dumped herself on her head one morning and couldn’t find her way back up. And it is only through the love of her team and their guidance and OUR love for her and her luscious lover Patrick’s love for her and her friends love for her that she can now walk her talk. Not that she wasn’t doing it before, but she, too, is human. She, too, falls down.
Who here has fallen in the past few months? Fallen in your faith, maybe fallen in your responsibilities, what’s it all for? Fallen, do you understand? Who here has had any kind of trouble? Calling out to your God? Calling out to anyone who will listen? You are not alone. You are never alone, ever…EVER. WE are always here with you. WE are always here for you. WE never leave you. WE wait patiently as you choose to go through your difficulties by yourself and then WE are there when you are ready to seek OUR guidance again and ask for OUR help. Just ask your Dear Lighthouse, she will tell you how difficult it is to go through it without US. It’s not fun. And one would think, but Lisa? She seems so cheery. She seems so kind. And she is cheery and kind, but she, too, falls.
I cannot express to you, all of you, how much WE love you. Each and every one of you! She briefly spoke of the loss of a dear friend (I spoke of Dr. Mark Chirila before the channel began) in these past two weeks, she briefly spoke of him…but I choose to speak for him. He is here with you now, his bundle of joy self was known as Dr. Mark Chirila, he was preciously known to US as Buddha and he is here to share his love with you, as well and his wisdom. His message to you is you never know in your earthly existence when it will be your time to expire. You never know when your number will be called, and you never know when your last breath will be taken.
On the eve before the day that this planet celebrates love, he is practically begging you to understand what those words really mean. What does love really mean to you? Is it an overused word by society? Is it an overused word between lovers? What does it mean? What does it mean really to love someone? To be in love? You don’t only have to be lovers to love someone. But it is in the act of love, the act of friendships, the act of companionship, the act of just being in each other’s energy; that is sharing love.
It is a very misunderstood word. All of you being here together now, you are sharing love. You are sharing an event that is of an interest, of a like mind; that is sharing love. He wishes he knew that and understood that more and he wishes you to understand it now. Those that have been left behind, that have known this beautiful energy and what he has meant to you, he thanks you. He thanks you. But he is also asking all of you to please not take advantage of the fact that you think you have another breath left to take. To not wait until a day, one day a year to express and share your love and your beauty and your gifts with one another.
Did you know that just a simple smile at someone projects your love to them? And no one loved more than him (Mark was always smiling!) No one wanted to share love more than him. And he is thanking you all now for those who knew him and even those that didn’t know him. He understands on a grander scale now that love is like throwing a stone into a pond, it’s a ripple effect. So simply, you loving one another sends out a ripple effect through the universe and that love reverberates and expands and sends out to each and every one of you.
That’s why when you see a commercial or you see two people who are seemingly in love where does it hit you…it hits you here (Gaia pulls hands to my chest). You can feel it, it’s palpable. Infinite love, infinite gratitude, infinite joy, and infinite peace, you feel it. It’s an energy, it’s an energy that is shared among you, with you and through you…for all of you. Do you understand?
Put your hands up like this, but you do not have to touch the person beside you. Just put your hands up towards the person beside you (we all put our hands up, palms facing the person next to us). I want you to just close your eyes and I want you to just BE love. You don’t even have to focus on sending it out, just BE in the moment of the pure expression of love. Do you feel your hands pulsing at both the sending and receiving of that energy from someone sitting next to you? And you are not even trying you’re just BEing. Just in the act of BEing you can feel that beautiful love.
These are the things he wishes he knew more of and that he is sharing with you now. His mission, now that he is on the other side, is to start a love train so that everyone will know what it feels like to share in love. You can put your hands down. Could you feel that? Truly could you feel it? (Group answered yes) And all you were simply doing was BEing. All you are is Love. Every ounce of your being, every cell in your body came from infinite love…thus it is love. You are told by your parents, by whomever, that you are less adequate, or that you are not enough…all these words that have been spoken to you your whole life…your problem is you believe them and you have accepted it as your truth and what I am telling you now is that none of it is true.
What is true is that you are divine. You came in an infinite spark of light, a divine being and so, too, you are today. So I would ask you to release any and all thoughts, feelings and emotions that no longer serve you and give them up to a God source, to me, to whomever it is that you believe in, but just release it and let it go. Know that every ounce of your being knows how to be only love, only love. Some of you have heard the saying…only love is real and it is so true. Mark knows this beyond measure now, that there only is love. And if you could see what he sees and feel it the way he feels it now, that’s what he wishes to share with you. That’s what he wishes to share with you.
There is so much wisdom and there is so much power in knowing your truth. You can speak it aloud or you can speak it in your mind. Close your eyes and just repeat after me…’I am love. I own the power of my truth and my truth is I am love’. Now put your hands on your heart and just feel that…feel that moving through your being. Nice deep breath…in through the nose…out through the mouth…and again. Just feel that, feel that connection to your oneness. Feel your expansiveness. Feel your beauty. Know this to be your truth.
These suits that you wear, this skin that you’re in, isn’t your truth. Your love radiates out beyond your physical body. Some of it radiates out into other neighborhoods, some of you…your love is so expansive it radiates out to other galaxies. And with each breath you take live in gratitude for…live in gratitude for each expression of love that is given to you, both seen and unseen, and share love with one another. Not only on this given day of your physical year, but every day of your physical year. Express how much you love one another by speaking those words, or express it though a kind act, or through a hug, it doesn’t matter, let it be shown. And the Lighthouse’s Dear Friend Mark, it was always shown, his friends knew they were loved. His bride knew she was loved beyond measure and his capacity to love now knows no bounds. Knows no bounds.
Your capacity to love has no boundaries. You do not have to be absent of your physical bodies to learn this about yourselves. Your ability to love has no boundaries at all. WE love you all so much and WE want you to love as much as WE love, and WE want you to feel that love as much as WE feel that love for you. If it takes writing love notes to yourself, then do it. If it takes looking in the mirror and telling yourself ‘I love you,’ then do it. Whatever it takes to recognize your truth, act on it. Because trust me, as your Dear Friend Mark is telling me…life is short and life is precious and life truly is a gift, whether you feel it is or not. It’s not a punishment, it’s a gift.
You come here by choice and some of you would throw your sharp tongues at me and say ‘I would never have chosen this job. I would never have chosen this life and I would never have chosen these hardships.’ What I would say to you is, let’s read the scrolls…yes, right there it says ‘how you choose…how you choose to move through this experience is truly your choice.’ You’ve heard the terms ‘I’ll take the high road’ or for those of you who choose to stay in misery and pain, you can remain on that low road. Regardless of what road you’re on, you are still love and WE still love you. It doesn’t matter, but I can tell you it is a lot easier if you choose the higher path, and that higher path is one of enlightenment and one of joy and one of harmony. Being truly grateful for all of your experiences.
Who is truly grateful for all of their experiences, both sucky and good? Your Lighthouse is trying to raise her hand, but she is truly grateful for all of her experiences, even when she falls on her head. She is grateful for now she has knowledge of the difference. That is what WE would ask you to understand…all of this is for your higher good and the amount of time that you remain in that pain is your choice. Your choice! WE will love you through whatever choices you make, do you understand? There is so much love in this room. There is so much love for you from the other side and there is so much love for you universally. That is all WE want for you…is to recognize this for yourselves. It truly is one big love fest! Only you don’t need to get naked and throw yourselves into a pool of jello! (Group laughter)
For a full transcript of this channel session please visit Messages.