We have gathered with excitement and anticipation of what Gaia will share with us on this first month of our 2016 year. Read on as we discuss the blocks that are holding you back, releasing judgment and expanding on being the best you that you can be in the year ahead!
During the trance channel session they will refer to me as the Lighthouse. Simply put, I am the Light that spirit sees and they have chosen me as the vessel in this manner to guide others. To protect the identity of the participants they are recorded as the letter P, and Gaia as G. Please know that in reading this channeled message you will receive the energy as if you were a participant in the very space the messages were given. Namaste.
G: Greetings. And welcome to the first channel of 2016…and might I say this year is off and running. Finding you chasing your tails, finding you chasing yourselves out of your emotional baskets, would you say?
Group: Yes.
G: Now, as WE typically do, WE shall use your Lighthouse for quite a few examples here this evening. For she knows WE will and she is okay with that. She doesn’t mind being the example or the poster child for what to do and not to do, and simply speaking from her experiences, her words not mine; it’s been a bunch of bull crap! Things have been happening that are seemingly out of her control and emotionally she is so wired all she wants to do is cry. All she wants to do is crawl back in her yummy little bed and stay there for hours on end. Is there anyone who has felt this besides her?
Group: Thanks heavens it’s not just me.
G: I was not joking when I said in 2014 and 2015 to get rid of your emotional baggage for if you bring it into your 2016 year, WE are going to put you through the ringer to get rid of it once and for all. Your Lighthouse is seeing a grandmother energy that she had when she was a young being who had the old-fashioned style ring washer machine. Most of you will have at least seen photos, if not seen someone who has had this, where you put the clothing through and you literally crank as the material goes through the rollers to ring out the wet material, and through the ringer it would go again until it was dry enough to hang on the line. Guess what? You are the clothing WE are ringing out and it doesn’t feel pleasant if you have not done your work. WE are raising her hand for she is guilty. But she is fully aware. She is fully aware that she has not done her own work as she guides all of you through doing yours. Is it not, as a teacher, easier to tell others what to do and to ignore your own advice? She is no different. For it is easier to guide others to their rainbow than it is to find your own. Right? Do you understand what I’m speaking?
Group: Yes.
G: She had a dream the other night WE wish to share with you, where there were elephants from a circus running amuck. Now, in dreamtime what do elephants represent?
P1: Something you don’t want to deal with.
P2: Your emotions.
P3: Slow moving.
G: Large obstacles in your way, slow moving, that are in your emotional body, because of what? An elephant’s memory…they don’t forget. They hold onto memories. They are large obstacles; they are slow moving and slow to forget. So, a few elephant’s turned into a hundred and then they turned into a thousand. Now, I am throwing her out on the carpet for this is information you must know…your teacher is going through it too. She is no different than you are and she chooses to be the example to let you know what to watch for, what to look for, how to move through it with more ease and grace than your ballerina Lighthouse and her two left feet.
You all still have these obstacles in your way. Whether you’re dreaming about elephants or dreaming about something else, or getting your awareness through some other avenue, you all still have energy in your emotional bodies you need to release. Maybe with the exception of one of you, you all still have work to do. You can certainly disagree with me, if you would like to, you’re all farther along than you think you are, but you all still have things to release and let go of, too. You’re Lighthouse talks about her need to judge. She has gone through the past three weeks to a month of being in an uncontrollable judging behavior. What is that really? What is judgment?
P3: Fear of what you see inside yourself.
G: Yes. So WE have allowed her to see in other people what she doesn’t like in herself. Only she has still continued to judge and chosen not to look inward (hence the elephants). How many of you are finding yourself in a place of heightened judgment of others around you? Be honest. Anyone?
P3: Yeah.
G: All of you are judgment free?
P4: Probably not judgment free, but I don’t think it has increased, definitely not judgment free.
G: Judging your judgment.
P3: We do indeed judge our judgments.
G: In 2016 it’s all about, as WE have talked before, becoming the most authentic you that you can be. However can you become this authentic being unless you release the obstacles? And when you feel the need to judge, simply become aware of your judgments, then ask, ‘Why am I judging?’ What is in this judgment statement I’m making that is reflective in something I don’t like about myself? Where is that emotional need in me coming from to judge this person for the way they dress? The way they choose to wear their hair? For the shoes that they are wearing and the items that they are buying? A statement they made on your Internet Facebook? What is it about that statement that rubbed you the wrong way?
There are more than plenty of opportunities for you to judge people throughout the day, sometimes you’re doing them unconsciously, but I promise you, you are judging. But, what I want you to do is become aware of when those judgments are happening. Recognize are they coming from a place of fear or maybe your own inadequacies or something you’re not wanting to look at in yourself?
Your Lighthouse was afforded an opportunity to speak with a divine being today that asked her the question, ‘who are you going to be in 2016’? Which is totally in alignment with what WE have been taking about. Who are you really? Who do you want to be in 2016? How do you wish be seen? How do you desire those around you to feel about you? What is your legacy? What brings you joy? Do you want to be happy in 2016 or do you want to continue being the way you are…on the emotional roller coaster. Most of you are. Most of you are on the emotional roller coaster because you have yet to grab onto life with both hands! You’ve yet to fully commit to the fact that you are the creators of every experience that is happening to you. Everything.
If you are creating experiences for yourself that give you an opportunity to judge then could you possibly consider creating experiences for yourself that put you in a place of non-judgment? Who would you be if you weren’t judging? It’s what your Lighthouse talked about today. Who would I be? Who would I be really if I didn’t see anything outside of myself to judge? Contemplate on that. Who would you be? She has been judging for her hair color, she has been judging herself for many things over these past few months, who would she be without those judgments?
Who are you completely and totally always; you’re love, right? You’re divinity, you’re divine spiritual beings. 100% Love. And when you find yourself judging others it is difficult to come from a place of love because that is fear. Love is non-judgment; fear is judgment. So when you find yourself out of balance in judging more than you are non-judging, then you are living more in fear than you are love, do you understand?
Group: Yes.
G: There will never come a time that you are not judging…it’s not possible. You judge the smell of delightful foods. You judge the color of a beautiful rose. You judge the sunshine…everything. But are you judging beauty or are you judging from a place of fear. There’s a difference. Does this make sense?
Group: Absolutely.
G: There is a huge difference and if you are judging something that smells delightful versus judging what someone else is doing because you wish possibly you could be doing it; you judge them to make yourself feel better. Isn’t that why WE judge…to make ourselves feel better? Who has any comments on this subject?
P4: I think sometimes you can, just as an example, say I see something that is just outrageously expensive. I’m in a lot of people’s homes and I see things that are just over the top and I’m thinking to myself, what would it actually be like to be in that position to experience that. In other words, where that would not be any concern at all, just to go get. I know it’s a judgment on self, lack to an extent.
G: So you’re judging…
P4: More observing, not really thinking that this is a bad thing or a good thing, but more of an observance of how would that feeling be.
G: And I’m glad that you bring that up because observing is different than judging. You can observe from a place of non-judgment. Would you like to elaborate more? (Refers to P3)
P3: What he is talking about is having a fantasy, which isn’t necessarily a judgment. I mean it’s not a judgment, a fantasy is not a judgment; it’s a thought experiment so to speak. But, from my point of view, if you are going to live in a 3D world where there is duality, it’s absolutely impossible to be without judgment. It’s only through judgment that you are able to choose from the nature of polarity or duality for your experiences. I suppose there are some rare individuals that have gotten themselves to the point where they’re not judging and I guess that would be complete neutrality, but I wonder if it’s humanly possible to stay there for a lifetime. I almost don’t think it’s possible.
P2: Can I add something to that because I think you are looking at judgment and discernment? Discernment isn’t judgment. Discernment is choosing not to engage in what you see in front of you. You say that’s not for me, where judgment would be saying ‘oh that’s bad’. Whatever you’re looking at. So you are going to discern that you may not want to take this path or you may not want to have a certain experience because that doesn’t feel in alignment with you, but I don’t feel like that’s judgment.
P3: Or are you judging that it’s not something that is good for you?
P2: I don’t think it is judgment, I think it’s discerning. Judgment is saying that is a bad…okay let’s say you see Lisa wearing a red dress and you say ‘that is one ugly red dress,’ or you would say, ‘I don’t think I would want to wear that red dress, it’s not for me.’ It’s putting a condition or making a pronouncement is more of a judgment.
P3: If you were choosing one thing over another I would tend to think that that was a judgment.
P2: No. It’s what you’re saying about that thing.
P5: Judgment is a negative. Judgment is saying it is bad or it’s wrong.
P3: Not necessarily. It doesn’t have to be.
P1: Judgment is, like what Gaia was saying, you can judge something because it’s beautiful, you find that beautiful or it smells wonderful, or you want to eat that food because it smells good.
P6: It could be positive or negative.
P2: But there’s discernment and it’s not the same thing as judgment.
P4: When you talk about something being beautiful, you’re comparing it to something that’s not.
P1: Right, which makes it a judgment.
P2: Well, no…
P4: You say that’s beautiful then you have to know that there is something that is not beautiful.
P3: Right, and that’s where you fall into duality. You experience the duality, but judging a rose to be more appealing than a carnation, that’s not necessarily saying one is bad or good, it’s just you prefer one over the other, it’s still a judgment but it doesn’t have to be bad, or you don’t have to be saying it’s bad or good.
P4: I guess we would have to define the word judgment.
P7: I was going to say wouldn’t it really just show you that judgment is necessary, but it’s what type of judgment you do.
G: Correct.
P3: All judgment in a three dimensional world is absolutely necessary so you can experience 3D existence through duality. You have to be able to choose, so choosing, meaning judging one thing over another.
G: When you judge something to your own detriment, you see a behavior happening and you choose to place judgment on that experience because you yourself feel inadequate about it to make yourself feel better…that is when it is very detrimental to your spirit.
P1: That’s what I felt when P4 said, you see something that is outrageously expensive and you say that, because if you have that judgment, you don’t have to think about the fact that you can’t afford that, that you see the lack in your life, and then that reflects the judgment on you. That’s what I thought you were saying.
P3: You can fear the lack you have in your life or you can just have a fantasy, still based on judgment, but it is judgment through the experience of duality.
P1: Right, then you have the fantasy, which is not; it’s where you don’t beat yourself up about it.
P3: Judging a rose over a carnation isn’t reflecting the pain inside you, ya know.
P1: it doesn’t do anything to where you are…you are using that as a tool to hurt yourself because that’s what I feel like the kind of judgment we are talking about really, where that really lies, where the real problem is.
G: That’s right.
P3: That judgment about your own inadequacies that gives you a chance to see what the pain or what the darkness is in you that can be healed, so actually when you judge it can be to your benefit to see what your own darkness is to overcome.
P1: Right, as opposed to trying to tear somebody else down so you feel better about yourself.
P3: You can say, what a big mouth, then think, oh wait, why did I judge him as that? What is that in me that is causing that judgment? Then I can learn a lesson and move forward.
P4: I think that is really why we have judgment in the duality, so that we can understand exactly that. So we can have the knowledge, or not just the knowledge, but, the wisdom of the knowledge of actually experiencing and knowing as opposed to just knowing of it.
P3: Know experientially what you already know conceptually.
P4: Yes.
G: What a brilliant conversation we’re having here this evening. Are you understanding the difference now? Are you understanding how judgment that comes from fear of your lack or inadequacies is what WE are discussing here this evening? That WE are wishing for you to become aware of when you are judging from your own lack and then journeying inward as to where it resides in your body, releasing and letting go of that thought pattern because it no longer serves a purpose, forgiving it, loving it and transmuting it. And with each step that you take towards releasing that energy you become more and more authentic and are able to walk through your daily experience in more joy and more peace. That is OUR desire for you. And I have good news for everyone in this room…you have much less to take care of than your Lighthouse does. Of course she lives in drama, her life is full of drama. She doesn’t know how to be anything other than drama, thus her 1,000 elephants. But it is a choice, it absolutely is a conscious choice, now that you are aware, to release and let go of the need to judge from a place of lack. Does that make sense?
Group: Yes.
G: I cannot stress enough how important it is, especially in this year, your universal 9 year, your 2016, adding up to your universal 9 year, it is your year of completion. It is your year to finally let go. To release all unwanted thoughts, feelings and emotions out of your physical being once and for all. And when you do that, who will you be? Do you recognize yourself? Will you recognize yourself? Some of you have been in such a place of lack and un-authenticity that it’s become comfortable to be who you are. Do you understand?
Group: Yes.
G: And when good happens you can’t handle the vibration of good. You can’t handle the vibration of love because you are not used to what that feels like or looks like. Do you understand what I’m saying?
Group: Yes.
G: WE are saying this from a place of love. True and ultimate love. You’ll never get this 100% right, but you can get close. And it’s all through conscious awareness. You speak something and you become consciously aware that you’ve just judged from your lack. That’s when you know you’re moving through your ascension beautifully. Beautifully. And when you have a partner, such as your Lighthouse does, that is open to telling her anytime she is throwing herself into judgment. When she doesn’t see it herself, her partner pulls it in. Are you judging or are you observing? There’s a difference.
Observation has no judgment one-way or the other, it’s just you see and you just see it. But once you place a value on it, of good or bad, or any, as you say, duality, then it becomes some form of a judgment, and as that judgment is coming, it always goes back to the root of…it’s coming from your lack or inability to love yourself. Do you understand what I speak?
Group: Yes.
G: Is there anything else anyone wants to say about this subject before WE move on?
P3: That’s good stuff.
G: It is simply in awareness, simply in awareness. You’re Lighthouse has had some great opportunities for growth these past few weeks. She would also like to share an experience that she had on Saturday of this past week where she ate a piece of food and it got stuck in her throat. For the next hour and a half she proceeded on working on getting that food out of her throat, to the point that she thought she was going to have to go to the emergency room to have it removed. Now, what is it when something is stuck in your throat, what is the spiritual meaning of that?
P3: Not speaking your authenticity.
P4: Having a hard time taking it in.
G: Excellent. So she finally works through that only to have, two days later, to be driving down the freeway shoving a sandwich down her throat and for food to get stuck again. Now, the reason she asked for US to share this experience with you is because it frightened her. And in the middle of the freeway, driving her 65MPH with the dog on her lap and a sandwich in one hand, she finally asked US, so what is the meaning of this? And OUR response to her was, Be Present. Period. Be Present. Be where you are at this very moment. Not thinking where you’re going, not distracted by doing five things at once, but present in the now. Be present.
It’s the same thing that happened on her Saturday morning, she was doing five things at once, wasn’t present in her moment, and no, she was not living authentically for she was doing things that she didn’t want to do but was going to do them anyway out of what…societal obligation. Now, doesn’t that bring up an interesting topic? Obligation.
P3: Fear of being judged by other people.
G: Let’s talk about obligation. What are your feelings around the word obligation? Anyone?
P7: They’re mixed. I don’t know that I could just blow them off. I think that would be selfish.
P1: There’s your judgment.
P5: Judging self.
G: It’s a big hole…it all runs together now doesn’t it.
P7: Yes.
G: Do you see how not living authentically, but living out of obligation, you’re judging yourself whether you should or shouldn’t? How will someone else feel about you if you don’t do what they expect your behavior to be? That’s obligation. She felt obligated to be somewhere on Saturday, to her own detriment, she did not want to go. She did not want to be where it was she was supposed to be, or was obligated to be out of her own design. Thus, she created an experience for herself, and might I say, she could have done it a little less painful, simply by speaking up and living authentically. Would have saved her an hour and a half of vomiting. Does anyone else have anything to say about obligation?
P2: Well it feels unauthentic. It feels as though you’re not doing something if you feel obligated to do something. It’s not something you’re doing from your heart. It’s something you feel that you have to do. If you do that task feeling that you have to do it for whatever reason, then it becomes inauthentic. It goes against your energy and if you can’t change your view point of it but you can look at it another way and you say, alright, maybe I don’t want to do this but there’s some kind of benefit here, or there’s maybe another way to look at it and feel about it, and if there’s not another way to look at it and feel about it, then you don’t do it.
G: That’s right. Brilliantly spoken.
P2: Thank you. I’ll take that judgment.
P3: That’s an observation.
P4: Obligation is a good thing because we have opinions of what we are obligated to do and they aren’t always what they end up being, and we really end up enjoying what we’re doing when we’re doing it, although we felt obligated because we have this opinion of how it might be before, so we are actually judging it prior to.
G: Which also plays into expectation, now doesn’t it? Releasing your expectation of whatever the outcome may be. All beautiful examples of human behavior in the making and in the workings. Quite complex individuals you are. But, what WE are trying to get you to understand, especially in this year ahead, is pay attention…does this help me move into being a more authentic being? Am I living my truth? Am I speaking up for myself in what I feel is really appropriate for me? Or am I doing this because of someone else’s expectation of me, or an obligation of someone else’s desires? You do not always have to say yes to everything. No is also in the human vocabulary. Do you understand?
Group: Yes.
G: It is all about being the most authentic you that you can be. It is the tone of 2016. You will hear me, if you continue to come to these sessions, speak on this subject over and over and over because repetition is good for the human mind. WE love you all so much. And it is not a mistake you are here this evening. Your souls have heard the call, you know that you have grand things to do here on this planet. Each and every one of you, you are playing a grand part, which is why WE press upon you so eagerly to make sure you understand how important you are to the work that is going on. Because of those among you who can’t get it together, how are the common going to? How are those other beings who don’t choose to have these types of experiences, how are they going to get it if teachers such as yourselves aren’t getting it? Do you understand what we speak?
Group: Yes.
G: WE are teaching through loving you. It can be a blast to the ego, just ask your Lighthouse, she has more than enough experience with that. But, it is truly in awareness of the experiences that you’re having and knowing when it’s an opportunity to grow…to expand. Just as her Luscious Lover (my husband Patrick) has had a recent experience that he wrote about (in our newsletter), he chose to share that experience to help other beings, and thank you for doing so.
P3: You’re welcome.
G: You are all learning, every single one of you. If you weren’t you’d be dead. End of story. When you take your last breath, that’s when the lessons of this dimension end. So, until that time comes, you will continue to learn, on a daily basis, more and more about yourself, what makes you tick, how you move through life and how you teach others to move through their experiences too. Every single one of you is being primed, just like you are priming a well to get the water to come up, you’re pumping and you’re priming; every single one of you is being primed for greater things. That is why WE need you to be the best of the best of the best! Yes, that’s a judgment, but you are all teachers here and that’s why you make the greatest teachers because you see your stuff. You are aware of it, you work through it, and you allow yourself to have those experiences, but are conscious enough to know what needs to be changed. Do you understand?
Group: Yes.
G: So kudos needs to be given to you. Kudos to all of you for moving through all the stuff you are moving through, including your Lighthouse. Many ah-ha moments were had today… many… and many more to come. Blessings to all of you.”
For a full transcript of this channel, which includes the question and answer session of the participants, please visit www.LisaNoland.com/Channeled Messages.