Watching for subtle signs The ads in June brought me a few good results. One of the guys, Bill responding to my ad said he would sell me a Southwest green pass for around $250. The pass would allow me to fly on any dates, provided the seats were available. A nice option for last minute travel. If I had the 250 bucks, I would have bought the pass, but then I wouldn’t have a story to tell. I offered him to barter for a psychic reading, but he said he and his wife didn’t believe in such things. The story with him ended right there. I just wrote him off and went about my life. It later turned out that this was a subtle sign from the Universe. Taking action I continued to run the Craigslist ad for barter without much thought to it. It must have been an auto-pilot action from my sub-conscious mind. One of my ads brought a response from another gal, let’s call her Jessica. She asked me if I would be interested in buying a SouthWest round-trip pass for cash instead of barter. Oddly enough, it seemed like deja vu. Or was the Universe trying to tell me something this time? I told her all I could give her was 100 bucks in cash and the rest would be in barter for psychic readings. I never heard back from her. The story took a new turn on 11th of July when my parents called me and demanded a date for my flight, which I had managed to successfully dodge for almost two months. I knew that something had to give at this time. So, I asked them to give me a few days to look into things until I figured out how I would fly to Boston on such a short notice. Lack of both time and money didn’t really help me, for all I know, I could have used the small break/vacation. I went back to my old emails and wrote to Jessica. She dropped the price on the tickets slightly, but she was firm on her offer – it was cash only. I was now regretting not getting the tickets from Bill. He was a lot less pricey to deal with. I decided to call Bill to see if he still had his tickets. I knew if he did, it would be an act of God, because his deal was very good and it had been almost a month since I had talked to him. He never returned my call or email. So, that option was out. So, I just decided to pursue Jessica and see where things would go. I wrote to her again stating I was interested in her tickets and wanted to get a deal done with her. She wanted me to meet her in person. There was a small problem. She was in Los Angeles and I was in San Francisco. I had posted my Craigslist ads in San Francisco as well as Los Angeles. She had responded to the LA ad. She called me Sat/Sun and wanted to get the sale done Monday afternoon during her lunch break. She would FedEx me the tickets. Hunches are often trying to tell you something I thought it was odd that she was putting off the sale until Monday afternoon when we were talking on Sunday via email. But, I kind of ignored that hunch. On Monday around 12:30pm, we talked on the phone. I asked her as to how I could confirm that the tickets were real and not a piece of junk. She responded by saying that she tried to sell those tickets earlier this morning to another lady. But the deal fell apart and she gave me the number for the airlines to call and validate the tickets. Universe working out the ‘how’ As soon as she said that, I had an “aha” moment. This was why she was delaying the entire transaction. She really wanted to sell those tickets to someone else. She had me in her pocket as a back-up option. On my end, I never thought I would buy the tickets from her. But I got the monies to purchase them at her price and I was good. The tickets were meant for me – they had my name written all over them. Neither of us were aware of it and it was a chance encounter, or a ‘cosmic coincidence,’ that we met. Jessica and I concluded the transaction and she sent me the tickets via FedEx on Monday. I received them on Tuesday. Wednesday morning I flew out from California and my feet were treading the grounds at Boston Logan airport in the evening. Future forecasts The story however does not end here. I went back to one of my psychic notebooks which I used to keep track of predictions. The prediction for that day was a meeting between me and my parents. This was done two-three weeks prior to this event. I had completely forgotten about it since I do predictions/forecasts weeks in advance and write them down. The one for that day was a very strong signal indicating a meeting. When I had first done that prediction, I discarded it as whatever and didn’t really give it much thought. It seemed too tall of a prediction when I did it and honestly, the Boston trip was not on mind at all. Was it pre-destiny, an accurate prediction, or an act of God? Asking for manifestations from the Universe This trip was something I had asked the Universe to manifest for me. I play with different techniques all the time to see how they work for me. No one technique is better than the other – it is what works best for you. You will only know after you try several different methods and play with it to see what is bringing you the best results. A lot of different factors are involved in determining the result, its timing and, of course, ‘how will it happen’ as well. I could have never guessed that this was how I would get the tickets to fly. Neither did I think that everything would fall into place so quickly. But, I did learn one thing from early on – it is that the Universe is a lot smarter than you and I. The best way to learn is to play with some manifestations like lunch with a friend, a parking spot, a perfect dress, a nice pair of shoes, etc. – the only limit is your imagination. Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.