elainefesseyagonyaunt@bellesprit.com. Dear Agony Aunt, I have a wonderful relationship with my partner. I only have one problem. My sex drive is a lot higher than theirs. Do you have any advice please? Thank you! Penny, USA. Dear Penny, Thank you so much for entrusting me with your personal problem. This is the answer I was given from my guide. This is not as bad a problem as you assume. Your partner works hard and is a bit of a perfectionist. They take on too much stress and assume a lot of responsibility. They put in so much effort that they are often worn out by the end of the day. All of these things affect sex drive and libido. Communication is key here. You must highlight this as an issue as they are not aware that this is a problem as such. Try to get them to speak about the stress and try to find quality time to relax together away from the everyday strain and worries. I wish you every happiness. Agony Aunt Dear Agony Aunt, I have had a difficult time at work recently and was put in a position that compromised my values and ethics. I stood by my principles, but know something needs to change. What can you see on the work front for me please? Thank you, Tina, UK. Dear Tina, Thank you for your question. You have been tested by a new spiritual guide who is lined up to assist your spiritual work to expand. This is a higher guide to assist with a large scale expansion. You are not meant to stay at this job long term. There will be a change soon allowing your spiritual work to take the front seat again. This test was to allow this high spirit guide access now or later, depending on how you responded. It turns out you are now ready for these changes around the Autumn/Fall. Good luck! Agony Aunt Views:]]>
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