elainefesseyagonyaunt@bellesprit.com. Only a first name and location is required or remain anonymous if preferred. Question: Dear Agony Aunt, My name is Lisa and for some months my husband has been acting strange around a girl at work. He is her manager and several of his staff have also noticed this. When it was her birthday he even asked me to make her a cake! Should I believe what I’m hearing and sensing or am I imagining this? Please help. Lisa, USA. Dear Lisa, I understand your fears, but this girl is definitely making your husband feel special. She has designs on him to further her career. He would prefer to think that he is above flattery, but unfortunately stress has got the better of him. Her attention makes him feel special and powerful. However, he will not risk his wife, job and family for an affair. He asked you to make the cake as a strong message to her. My wife made this cake and is supportive of me. Nothing stays the same for long and she will move on swiftly when she can’t get her own way. In the meantime, try to find time in your busy schedule for each other. Have a regular date night and give each other special attention. Be happy, Agony Aunt Question: Dear Agony Aunt, Our relationship is suffering because of my partner’s behavior. What should I do? Anonymous, UK. My dear friend, Your partner has an issue with his own importance. He feels less of a man sometimes and this lack of confidence makes him act out of character. He causes scenes and dramas to attract attention. This is an unconscious way for him to make changes happen. He truly wishes for more love between you but lacks the courage to ask for it, fearing rejection. Talk to him and ask him what he really wants. Don’t get upset and he will talk sensibly to you about his fears and needs. Your relationship will improve if you are both able to communicate clearly with each other, but it requires backing down on certain issues. Be happy, Agony Aunt]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.