elainefesseyagonyaunt@bellesprit.com. Dear Agony Aunt, My grandmother died a year before I was born, Family stories say that she was a Romany Gypsy, others that she was from Italian descent. My question to you is can you see where my grandmother’s origins come from and what was she like? Do you have a message for me from her please? Thank you, Rachel, UK. Dear Rachel, It is my pleasure to look into this for you. My feeling here is that your Grandmother was indeed a gypsy but from the Hungary/Romania area. Her family was very poor and she suffered much hardship. This created a very stoic woman who never complained and took one day at a time. Nothing ever fazed her. You also have Viking genes from your Grandfather’s side and this genetic concoction makes you very physically strong and hardy. Your message is please take care of your father. He is holding in too much emotion and this is affecting his stomach area. Be his friend and confident as he needs someone he can trust to talk to. Much love Agony Aunt Dear Agony Aunt, My boyfriend and I have had an on/ off relationship for three years now. Why can’t I let him go and what is our connection please? Best wishes, Mary, Ireland Dear Mary, Thank you for writing to me. Your boyfriend has a boyish charm that reminds you of a relationship in early childhood. He is like a younger version of your dad. You and your boyfriend are on a path of learning together that has not yet concluded. That is why you are drawn back together. You both need stability and you nurture him. Then you become angry when he appears weak. Return to your early relationship with your father. Forgive him for what you assume is weakness. He has always done his best with his own lessons in early childhood. You have had to be the strong one in your family and this is strength is the gift you have received from this life lesson with your father. I hope this has helped you Mary. Much love, Agony Aunt]]>
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