elainefesseyagonyaunt@bellesprit.com. Only a first name and location are required or remain anonymous if preferred. Dear Agony Aunt, I am 54 this year and since 2007 my health has gone downhill and have spent more time in hospital than ever. My big problem is even though I take medication for it, my blood pressure is always high. Also money problems and loneliness. I always seem lonely even with family around. Will things improve? My job is suffering. Saima Dear Saima, Thank you for entrusting me with your problems. This is the channeled answer I received from my guide. “Your blood pressure is an indication that life is intolerably pressurized. This originates from something you assumed was dealt with a long time ago. Memories of past traumatic events are stored in the auric field until released by gentle counselling and healing.” Letting go of these memories can prove difficult at first. Memories flood back, forcing you to face the issues. Find a way to unconditionally love and forgive. Once you start, the energy will flow and gradually pressure releases. To address your money problems and loneliness, you are on a treadmill that appears virtually impossible to leave. Money comes in and is gone fast. Because you feel lonely, money appears to compensate for this unhappiness. Lack of money equates to a lack of happiness. You are suffering from a mild depression which is actually a stage of healing from a past event. It is telling you that this is the time for change. This is the time to move away from the past and make way for new, exciting experiences. You chose a life lesson to learn in this lifetime, embrace the lesson and learn from it. Move forward. Your money flow is mirroring the blocked energy flow. Sending love to you on your healing journey Saima. Agony Aunt Dear Agony Aunt, Recently life improved for me when I got a new job. I am often asked to work extra hours, although I need the money, I have a four year old son to think about. My problem is I always say yes when often I mean no. How can I learn to stick up for myself? Jane, Falmouth UK. Dear Jane, A lifetime of not feeling good enough has made you overly willing to please everyone apart from yourself. You bottle up feelings of resentment until they explode at unexpected moments. Then you feel so guilty you over compensate with willingness. A vicious circle. Start by re-evaluating your life. What makes you happy? Work out how many hours you wish to spend with your family and friends, as opposed to working? Try to find a happy balance and stick to it. List all of the things you like about yourself. Feel proud of your achievements. Then you can begin to put your own needs first. Be strong! Agony Aunt.]]>
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