elainefesseyagonyaunt@bellesprit.com. With the aid of my spirit guide I am able to channel an answer for you to provide insight into your dilemma. No problem is too big or too small so please don’t hesitate to send in to me for an answer. All that is required is a first name and a location. With love, Agony Aunt Dear Agony Aunt, For some time I have noticed my sister flirting with my husband. When I bring this up with him he laughs it off and says that it is harmless fun. He won’t understand how much their behavior upsets me. Please help me with some insight into this situation before I do or say something that I may regret. Thank you, Mary, NY. Dear Mary, I can see how frustrating this must be for you. Jealousy and sibling rivalry can be a destructive thing. Your sister feels you were always the one to get the best grades, the more praise and extra benefits. Her self-esteem is low and so she tries to steal your glory. Try suggesting to her that she take some courses to boost her confidence. This will give her success that is her own. Tell your husband in no uncertain terms how much his behavior is affecting your marriage. Try to communicate more with everyone. You are bottling up your emotions and causing stress to build up. Things have become a little stale in your relationship and so try flirting with your husband. Go on some date nights and ask your sister to babysit. If he craves some attention, it should be coming from you and not your sister. Much love, Agony Aunt Dear Agony Aunt, I have been feeling very low about life. Recently my good friend lost her son to Cancer. He was a young man with his entire life ahead of him. I am so upset and know I am letting her down by not being there to support her. Why do I feel like this when my friend is being so strong for her family? Please help me. Alison, Leicestershire. UK. Dear Alison, I am so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your friend’s son. Life can sometimes appear so unfair. You are suffering from a bereavement. The death of her son has triggered a memory that you have stored away. These repressed feelings come from the loss of someone very dear to you and at the time of their passing you had to be strong for someone else. These feelings are now flowing. Although it may feel hard right now, it is much healthier to go through the stages of bereavement. A counsellor can help you. Sending love and healing, Agony Aunt Dear Agony Aunt, I am having to deal, as a Trustee of a Family Trust, with a Co-Trustee who is unable to do the job. I do not seem to be touching base with solicitors, ombudsmen. I would like to know how to get public bodies on side in order to make some progress. Giovanna Bett, Cornwall UK. Dear Giovanna, The person you speak of has struggled with responsibility, has not communicated with authorities particularly well, and has caused so much confusion that this situation is now on hold as no one knows what it is they are supposed to do. To ease the confusion, you can speak very clearly with everyone. Dates need to be verified and other particulars that are not correct. This bad communication needs to be cleared up almost by starting from scratch. I hope this helps your situation. Agony Aunt]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.