Dear God , Holy Spirit, and Jesus, please help me to exchange pain for peace. What healthful changes are you being guided to make? Your body instantly responds to loving care. Greetings Beloveds, It is I Archangel Raphael who come before you today. I am the Angel of Healing, as well as the supreme healer in the Angelic realm. Call upon me when you are in need of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing. When you do, know that I will be right by your side. Today, I am honored to be present with Jesus. Please be open to the miraculous healing, love & light that are here with you . May you feel the healing presence that is bestowed upon you at this time & be open to the healing that is available. You may see the beautiful emerald green rays that begins to surround you. Feel this omnipotent energy spread throughout every area of your life that is in need of healing. Allow this energy to continue on to every level I would like you to join hearts with myself Archangel Raphael and the healing Angels, as we take you under our wing. As this healing energy is being transmitted, take a deep breath and set your intentions. This energy is filled with the healing you are seeking and is for the greatest good of all. Allow it to be absorbed as it flows through your body. It now enters the top of your head and proceeds downward, through your shoulders, chest and arms, then reaching your hands. It enters your lower body & extremities down to your feet. Every cell of your body is now filled with this loving healing energy. Allow this energy to align with the healing you seek. Let go any expectations and be open to this divine experience. Enjoy this loving healing energy, as it renews & refreshes you. Any concerns you have are now being addressed. You will receive the answers to the questions you have in regard to your health. Be open to the divine assistance you will receive. Any unused energy will exit through your feet and will go down into Mother Earth. Feel this beautiful energy. Notice the sensations you are now feeling. Your body may tingle or feel warm. You may feel an overall sense of peace. Just relax and allow the energy to flow through you. You may feel a release occurring as well. Allow this healing love to permeate every fiber of your being. As above, so below]]>
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About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.