Who are our Angels of Abundance? By Desiree Szabo Archangel Raphael – the healing angel who supports our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components. He helps us have enough energy to work on our healing modalities and our life purpose. You can call upon him if you are a healer and need help in your practice or in choosing a school. Archangel Michael – who protects us, gives us strength, and clears with his magnificent shiny sword our worries, doubts and fears. If you ask, he can give you details of your life purpose and impart to you specific detailed guidance for the next, best step to take on your life journey. Archangel Metatron – helps us with universal energies. He shows us how to create instant manifestation and the way to use time in your favor to create what we want instantly. Archangel Raziel – who, through our dreams, can wash away past-life memories, clear blocks and unconscious fears. Archangel Jophiel – who helps us to lift our vibrations in order to beautify our thoughts, actions, and situations in life. Why do we ask for help from the Angels of Abundance? Typically, we ask the Angels for help because we want to free ourselves from the barriers that our ego has instilled in us through thought forms. We want to leave behind what does not serve us, such as toxic jobs, relationships, and environments. The Angels of Abundance want us to be able to fulfill our contract… why we came on this earthly plane to serve, be happy, and live life to the fullest. So, let us dive a little deeper and find out the definition of the word abundance and what it should mean to you. Abundance means a feeling of security and safety. The Abundance Angels keep on stating that you need to feel good about the word abundance. First, take a moment to have a time out…find a quiet spot and center yourself. Light a white candle if you have one; breathe in and out slowly. You have been busy all day and your mind has been preoccupied with a million thoughts. Slowly say out loud, or silently to yourself, the words “I Am that I Am.” Then slowly say the word “abundance.” You should feel, warm, secure, and content. God has given you everything that you have ever wanted and it is at your disposal to use. Slowly breathe in and out, opening up your red chakra (root) and see it spinning slowly. Notice your feeling, if feelings come up. They may manifest as a quickening of breath, tightness in the stomach, or uneasiness…that is a sign that you are blocked. Call upon the Angels of Abundance and ask them to remove the blocks. After that step, ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords of limitation, lack and worry. It is important to know that we are always surrounded by the Abundance Angels who want to protect, nurture, and help us achieve our highest potential. Your life purpose is abundantly supported because it is a blessing to be of service. It is natural, it is fulfilling and it helps people, animals, and the environment. You came on this earth with a life contract to serve and to just ‘be.’ “Being” can be as simple as joy, happiness, a smile, or a kind word. Pay it forward at the grocery store or a toll-booth, send a thank you card, or however you want to be of assistance to others. Sometimes we get so caught up in the “doingness” of our life purpose that we forget to stop, ask, listen and thank our Abundance Angels for their support. What else does abundance mean? Abundance means a feeling of wellbeing. All is well when you invoke your Abundance Angels into your vortex. You should feel financially secure about your present and future life. Abundance refers to tapping into plenty of time in your life, creative ideas, having confidence, love, relationships, and any positive condition or outcome that your heart’s desire can imagine. You can repeat the saying “I am tapped in, tuned in and flowing to abundance in my life”. Watch the miracles take place. Here are the steps to communicate with your Angels of Abundance: Ask for help. Ask for what you want….be clear and with intent. Angels are always supportive and can give you loving guidance. If you ask, it is given lovingly with no strings attached, unconditionally. You can ask through traditional prayer, meditation, affirmations, visualizations, a vision board, music, dancing, writing, painting, or any other creative outlet. If you are having trouble, here is a short prayer, “Dear Abundance Angels and God, I need help with _____” (Explain the person or the situation in detail). Do not hold back. If you feel tears coming up, and your body starts to tingle, has goose bumps or shudder- it is okay. You are releasing feelings that you have been harboring for a long time. Continue praying, “I feel ____”. Express your honest, heartfelt feelings and ask for help for everyone involved for your highest good. “Thank you, Amen”….you can always add this to your prayer, this or something better. You may find calling upon the Angels of Abundance will help you in discussing your feelings. They will give insight into the reasons for your problems and can help with finding solutions. Do not buy into fear that you do not deserve heaven’s help or that you are bothering God and the Angels. There is infinite supply for everyone, so do not buy into being selfish or not deserving to ask for help from the Abundance Angels. Sometimes the ego can have disbelief or lack of knowledge if your request will be answered. These thought forms are all misleading to your abundant life. The Abundance Angels want you to clarify your desires if you are unsure and ask your angels what they would recommend if they were in your shoes. You only need to ask once, keep the faith, have inner strength, and courage. The key to manifesting is to have crystal clear intentions. You must know what you want. You must not be wishy-washy and change your mind over and over again. Manifesting will be blocked and you will be giving mixed signals to God and the Abundance Angels. You are worthy and deserve to have abundance so that your wishes can come true. Remember the how is up to God and the Abundance Angels. We do not need to figure it out. Embrace the magical power of deserving manifestation. Practice developing an abundance mindset twenty four hours in a day, even when you are dreaming. I find that eating organic food, drinking water, exercising, being around a loving congregation of like-minded people, and a spiritual practice is necessary. It is important to do the work. Visualize what it is that you want to happen, already knowing that it is happening as you do so. Be positive, keep your focus on the one thing. Allow the Abundance Angels to let you receive what you are asking for. Keep your divine contract. Please let me know how the Abundance Angels have helped you. Image © Steve Roberts
Desiree Szabo is certified in Mediumship, an Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Integrated Energy Therapy. She is an Ordained Minister, Creator of the Blog Talk Radio Show, Adored Angel, and co-host of Achieved Radio shows. She is also a well-known writer for numerous metaphysical publications for the spiritual realm. To learn more, visit her website: http://www.adoredangel.yolasite.com.Views:]]>