self we see the accomplishments of one season as it comes to an end. We can see how we have become the star. Perhaps this August you can use an apple to dissect your growth. Imagine the many layers of an apple in your mind. By examining the layers one by one, we can, in turn, look at our life and see the growth. Begin by starting with the outer skin, noting its colour, texture and shape. Then look around you. What do you notice? While holding the apple, let’s give gratitude for its beauty that you are admiring. Return your focus to your environment and give gratitude for the beauty around you. The outermost layer of the apple is called the ‘skin’ which can resemble the surface of our life and external part of us. This can also be referred to as the public side of our life. Has your public life changed? What changes have appeared this summer? Changes can be in the form of growth, peacefulness, and the ability to rid yourself of what is no longer needed. Remember, change doesn’t have to be an explosion of thunderous happenings. Turning your gaze to you physically… is there anything different about your appearance that has shifted through the summer? While holding the apple, give gratitude for its beauty that you are admiring and for your own beauty. The next step is peeling away the outer layer to see the meatier part of the apple. Notice the whiteness, the purity inside this fruit. This white part resembles the internal side of us; the inner side of our life, as well as the personal side. Quite often, we can change internally through a season. How does it look, feel, and smell? Focusing on yourself, close your eyes and see how you have changed within this summer. Are you more relaxed, happier, and calmer? Are you more content or feeling more confident? Do you have an urge to move forward? Like the seeds that blossom into flowers, we can too. With regards to your personal life, what has blossomed there? Many times, when I personally look back through the months, I can see changes with regards to who I was and with whom I have become now. With maturity comes changes and development. What area of your life has become more mature? Now let’s slice the apple in half revealing the core with seeds in the center of this wonderful fruit. This piece resembles the essence of what manifested from that tiny seed in the beginning and thecore of us – the “deep inside of who we are.” What is happening at the core of our life? And to take our questioning even deeper – what is inside the core of us? The light of who we are. Look within the center of the core. Do you see the star and the seeds resting inside? You too are a star. Take a moment and examine yourself spiritually. Can you see the star that you are? That unique, magnificent star! Do you see that beautiful uniqueness deep down within that only you can bring to the world around you? Now take the apple in your hands and hand over the star to yourself. You deserve it for finding the strength to blossom. Remember with every seed comes a potential for another tree with which an apple can grow to create more seeds to create a tree next year on which apples will grow. The cycle continues with every season within our life and within us, for there is no separation. Spend the next few minutes going over your inner garden and the outer garden of what you wanted to create this summer. Like in our life, there is growth with every cycle. See how much you have grown! Whether or not you see changes, have faith that with every cycle of the seasons there is growth. By dissecting our life and our self we can examine the achievements we have made as the season comes to a close. It is then that we are able to understand how we have earned a star. Another plant that is alive this time of year is the Sunflower. This beautiful, magnificent flower is tall with large yellow heads shaped in a round form. The petals are placed to look like the symbol of the sun with rays. Within each face of this flower are seeds which also bring food to all who desires. Like the apple, the sunflower continues to give. This tall flower is a bright, friendly looking specimen, which brings a smile upon many faces that see it flowering. It is like having the sun right in your hands. This shining yellow flower shines its light for many to see. Perhaps it is reminding us to shine our light too – put on a happy face. Mimicking these gifts from Nature, we, too, can shine and spread seeds around by spreading the lessons we have learned and offer what we have created to others. Savour the end of summer and reap the rewards of your labour. It is time to harvest. Views:]]>
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About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.