Archangel Ariel is known for manifestation, courage, and prosperity. So how does one go about the process of creating what you want in your life?
By Desiree Szabo
We first must believe that as human beings we first possess the power in ourselves. With the help of Archangel Ariel, you can create your dreams into your own reality. The exercise I would like to convey is to try this when you need Archangel Ariel to assist you, creating divine magic in your life. The topics to choose from to help you on your journey can be about relationships, finances, health, career, spiritual growth, your home, and travel.
Start out with gratitude. Thank Archangel Ariel and your source that you are one in thought.
1) First see, hear, feel and know what it is that you wish for. Make a wish list. Write it down on a piece of paper. Allowing whatever in your mind’s eye that you desire. It does not matter if it does not make sense just start writing. Believe in your heart that anything is possible. The minute you have a nagging doubtful thought, please stop. Take three breaths to get you back to source and begin again. After you have made your wish list. Take a moment to congratulate yourself that you were able to do this. You began the first step in the process of manifesting what it is that you truly desire.
2) Begin again, once more, this time taking one wish and affirming and claiming that this wish is in the present moment, not in the past and not in the future. Just right now. Feel this emotion opening your heart chakra and expanding out into the universe. You may feel emotions that arise that you never knew about. It is all right to feel overwhelmed, shaky, nervous, and not grounded. Just breathe out that feeling. Let that pass and breathe in love, peace, joy, excitement, and calmness. Feel grounded to Archangel Ariel. She will center and balance your heart chakra.
3) Take another breath and visualize again that your desires have been answered.
4) Call again to Archangel Ariel to help you manifest your wishes and then surrender them to Source. Know that the law of attraction is taking place right now.
5) Know that you are a powerful, magical, and omnipresent. Archangel Ariel will help you to be open to receive. After you have written it down, you just have to say it aloud, your wish list and affirmations. Speak with conviction, courage, clarity, and intention those thoughts that you have written into words. Your request has been sent out to the universe.
6) Say thank you to Archangel Ariel and Source for allowing yourself to becoming an alchemist. Divine Magic has taken place.
In todays job market; call upon Archangel Ariel to speed up the employment process. Visualize that you are already doing the work that you are created on this earth to perform. Make a list of your abilities, talents, and your gifts. It is important to see yourself and thanking the universe for the position that you have created in your mind’s eye. Take yourself on an eight-hour journey on what it is like doing this position that you are manifesting from the time that you started till the time that you end. It should be effortless and free flowing so that time does not matter. You are not punching a clock. You are being, flowing, existing and co-creating with source. Feel how you are engaging in your work, visualize what you are seeing and hearing how you are co-creating with others, knowing that you are guided to do this work.
Archangel Ariel is the healer of the Animal Kingdom. If you have pets that are lost or hurt, please call Archangel Ariel to assist you. Blackie, an older cat, is in tune with Archangel Ariel. He senses when negative energies are around him. He will make a point to show us when danger is in our midst. He teaches lessons on how human beings should treat each other with respect, love, and kindness. Remember that your animals can foresee what is to come to pass. They have an inert sixth sense of knowing that can help you. Please talk to your animals out loud and have communication. They long to be addressed lovingly and to be appreciated for the work they are here on earth to do. Pet them often. As human beings we have a responsibility to help our wild animals. The wild life is suffering and Archangel Ariel comes to their rescue when it pertains to the animals, birds, and fish. If you have the time to volunteer to clean up the oceans from oil spills, trash and wounded sea life. Archangel Ariel will show you her signs. Lions and animals will appear out of nowhere, figuratively. You will have a desire, a calling to pitch in wherever source will direct you. You just need to listen. Your heart will let you know if it is the right sacred service to be involved with.
Archangel Ariel – Angel of Nature
Meaning of the name: “The Lion or Lioness of God” Specialty: Connects with nature, animals, elementals, and helps in creating and manifesting abundance for your earthly needs, Halo aura colors: Pale pink Related crystal: Rose quartz Astrological Sign: Aries, the light, carefree, happy spirit Dates: March 21 – April 20 Works with: environmentalism, prosperity, and courage Candle colors: Abundance – green, gold, silver, yellow magenta Camping – green, brown, yellow Clearing Debt – magenta, green, gold, black Finances – gold, silver, green, purple Healing and protecting animals – green, brown New Home – orange, brown, gray, black Success – Purple, gold, green Aromatherapy oils: Jasmine – attracting money, Cinnamon – love and success, Rose – love. Angel Lights: Pink (pale) Career: Animal welfare and environmentalism Ask for Ariel’s Assistance: Protects and heals the waters, as well as animals, birds, and fish that live near the waters, protection if you travel by water, helps the sick or lost pets, relationship harmony, and divine magic for manifestation. Chakras: Root, base of the spine, issues, survival and substance, concerns about money, shelter, and home. Heart, chest, if you hold or wear a rose quartz, your heart will open to Archangel Ariel’s magnificent love. Ariel’s energy is warm, healing and feminine when her presence is near.Desiree Szabo is certified in Mediumship, an Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Integrated Energy Therapy. She is an Ordained Minister, Creator of the Blog Talk Radio Show, Adored Angel, and co-host of Achieved Radio shows. She is also a well-known writer for numerous metaphysical publications for the spiritual realm. To learn more, visit her website:]]>