Archangel Zadkiel helps hold mercy and compassion towards you and others, and to let go of judgments and un-forgiveness.
By Desiree Szabo
Zakkiel will help if you need to forgive yourself or another. He is the Archangel of invocation and transformation. He is the Angel of freedom, benevolence and mercy.
Archangel Zadkiel wants you to be aware that when you are channeling with him and your higher consciousness that your ego may get in the way and prevent you from hearing what he has to say to you. Please be aware if the following occur:
Take a journal and a pen and write down what starts to occur in your mental/mind, heart chakra/emotions/feelings, and physical body as well as psychically/spiritual. Breathe through it. Be gentle with yourself. If tears flow, it is your body releasing and responding to what it does not want to hold onto any longer.
The four blockages that you may encounter, and may be stuck in the process of evolving, transforming, and on the road to your own enlightenment with Archangel Zakkiel are:
1. Blame – giving up your power, victim hood and martyrdom, a determination to suffer.
2. Self-pity – masquerading to be something or someone else. Woe is me mentality.
3. Avoidance of the power of responsibility, within yourself.
4. Clinging to the past, old beliefs, and past lives gets in the way
Archangel Zadkiel wants to be a co-creator with your higher self. Call upon him for clairaudience, teaching, learning, and compassion. Start out with a strong intention and strong attention when communicating and meditating with him. Ask yourself the questions, what do I hear, see, feel and know.
He wants to have a relationship, work on your spiritual growth, empowerment, and how your soul is growing in this lifetime. His message is to be conscious while you are awake. Pay attention. Write down your dreams when you wake up in the morning for the messages he wants to tell you. Vision yourself as radio receiver with a pair of pink fuzzy antennas on your head. The angels want you to have fun and laugh on this earth. Receiving information can be fun and entertaining. You have the power to discern what you want to receive and what you do not want to receive. Again if it feels good, makes you smile, gives you a warm fuzzy feeling and the energy is warm, it is Archangel Zadkiel tuning in. If you encounter an entity that is not angelic, cold, and makes you feel uneasy, just tell it to go away. You have the power to take back the responsibility within your life. Archangel Zakkiel is available to give you information that you seek as well as the guidance that you are asking for.
Teaching, Learning, and Healing
Archangel Zadkiel suggested for me to help students learn. I followed up by interviewing JM, a teacher for adult education.
JM taught his specific teaching method to his students to help them pass tests.
He responded, the 3R’S repeat, repeat, repeat. Writing it down and seeing a picture helps. Good study habits are like meditation, do it every day at the same time, set the atmosphere; maybe low classical music, telling people to not disturb you when you are in study mode, as well as earplugs. I loved that since
Archangel Zadkiel’s specialty is clairaudience.
Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself.
I received a collect call from the police department regarding one of my family members. They were in trouble with the law. I immediately called upon Archangel Zadkiel for help. I needed to address the situation with love, patience, and understanding. It really helped when I prayed and meditated for guidance, even though the news was unexpected and a shock to my system.
Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind or from other people.
Three of us are playing a game with numerology, regarding the lottery. We are paying attention to what we hear when numbers come up. It has been quite a lot of fun to see the synchronicity amongst us. We have strengthened our telepathic skills as part of this learning experience to see how in tune we are with our angels and spirit guides.
Archangel Zadkiel
Patron Angel of Forgiveness
Meaning of the name: Righteousness of God
Specialty: heals and improves your memory, mental functioning regarding names, figures and other important information. Intellectual understanding. Call upon Archangel Zadkiel to remember anything.
Halo Aura Color: Deep Indigo Blue
Related Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Astrological Sign: Gemini, the sociable but studious multi-tasker
Dates: May 21st to June 21
Candle Colors:
Education – yellow, blue, silver
Legal Matters – blue
Broken Relationships –blue
Bergamot – happiness, help with legal matters, protection
Lavender – peace and relaxation
Cedar, Frankincense, Musk, Sage, Sandalwood – forgiveness and anger
Angel lights – Blue
Career – teachers, educators, and lawyers
Chakra – heart
Zadkiel’s energy is soothing, calm and peaceful. Ringing in the ears is his sign that he is nearby.
Desiree Szabo is certified in Mediumship, an Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Integrated Energy Therapy. She is an Ordained Minister, Creator of the Blog Talk Radio Show, Adored Angel, and co-host of Achieved Radio shows. She is also a well-known writer for numerous metaphysical publications for the spiritual realm. To learn more, visit her website:]]>