Social butterfly Libra is the seventh (7th) sign in the zodiac which falls between Sept 23 and Oct 22. This Sun sign is symbolized by the Scales representing equality, justice and balance and is associated with the 7th house, the house of partnership. As a cardinal quality with an air element, Libras are ambitious with lots of energy, they are doers not thinkers, taking action to achieve what they want despite their hang up on making decisions. Indecisiveness is a drawback for the Libran, as with the Gemini sun sign. Libras regularly ‘weigh’ every situation, sometime flopping from one side to the other or always being on the fence. This uncertainty and vacillation causes all sorts of frustration for others. Nevertheless Libras do have clear opinions and strong beliefs into which they become overbearing, controlling and very calculating but in a playful sort of way in order to GET their way. On the surface Libras are diplomatic, poised and sweet but underneath they are as hard and sharp as nails. Once they make up their mind and finally come to a decision watch out, it’s full steam ahead with iron fists; nothing can get in their way of what they want or how they want it. On the positive side of Libra, they are idealistic, charming, and fair and have the ability to look at situations keenly with an objective eye. But on the not so positive side they can be deceitful, narcissistic, and manipulative. Being perfectionists, Libras feel they are right all the time and will make sure that you agree. Libras are skilled in dealing with people so they make great negotiators, promoters and salespeople; and with the Scales of justice and balance on their side they make great judges and attorneys. Libras ruling planet is Venus, a planet of harmony, beauty, love and possessions. Known for being the brightest planet, Venus is also associated with the heart chakra as is Libra. Venus’ energy has the power of persuasion which plays a part in Libras clever behavior. Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) essential oil aroma encourages steadiness, transformation and support. This is a great essential oil for the workaholic and perfectionist for it calms the mind, eases frustration and gently uplifts to lighten up the Libra soul. As big of an ego a Libra may have, there is an undeclared sense of insecurity. The aroma of geranium helps balance these emotions while promoting self love and allowing the heart to heal. The energy of Geranium will offer a hand of reassure to those who need it just like a big hearted Libra. This essential oil’s aroma is heavy, similar to rose. It is distilled from the leaves and branches of the Pelargonium graveolens plant and considered a “universal” oil in aromatherapy, just like Lavender. The sharp, minty aroma of Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) essential oil is alive with vibrancy and self acceptance. It helps bring on a smile even in the toughest times. This essential oil has a dual effect, it cools and warms, it soothes and stimulates. So whatever the Libra is in need of at any point, inhaling the fresh scent of peppermint will invoke balance. Peppermint is a perennial herb where the essential oil is distilled from dried leaves. Wanting everything to be perfect including themselves. Libras may have the tendency to suffer from headaches, in which case a cold compress of peppermint essential oil may come in handy. Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) essential oil is known for grounding one’s energy and instilling confidence. This essential oil is steam distilled from the wood, branches and sawdust of the Cedrus atlantica tree. A whiff inspires balance and strength for the oscillating Libra. The gentle wood scent brings compassion and understanding at a time when the Libra can be a little disconnected emotionally. Cedarwood is also wonderful aroma to ease any tension, fear or insecurity one may have. Even though freedom is important to a Libra, they fear being alone and prefer being in a partnership whether it’s romantic or business. Libras are often a tower of strength for many, especially in a time of crisis. This strength mimics Cedarwood’s energy. The much celebrated Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil is just right in easing an overbearing Libra with its peaceful and soothing aroma. Always striving for the best future, Libras need to take a minute, breathe and live in the moment. Lavender’s scent wraps one in comfort, serenity, security and acceptance, making it an ideal oil to diffuse in a bedroom. Lavandula angustifolia is an aromatic shrub whose flower tops are steam distilled allowing for an herbaceous, floral scent. This comforting aroma serves in harmonizing ones energy nurturing the soul. Many Aromatherapists will use Lavender essential oil in a blend formulated to promote a restful sleep. Fun fact: E.E. Cummings was a Libra. A delightful, floral, grounding aroma with just the right love, confidence and balance for the Libra can be found with Zen Age’s Libra Sun Sign perfume oil roll on. To purchase Zen Age Aromatherapy astrology/zodiac blends, other custom blends or for more information please visit Please become a fan of my pages on and Thanks for reading. Namaste. Cris Avery Cole, Holistic Aromatherapist and Intuitive Medium
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