Bellésprit welcomes articles of potential interest to our readers providing they focus on a spiritual, metaphysical, or paranormal topic. Having your work included in our publication is a great way to gain exposure to new audiences and markets. It can help sell your information, products, services, or other intellectual endeavors such as workshops or seminars.
Authors and writers are invited to submit their articles to us for consideration in Bellésprit. Please read our submission guidelines before submitting any content for inclusion. We will not accept a link to a blog site or previously posted article. We look forward to receiving your articles and sharing it with our readers.
Article Submission Guidelines
Article Format
Articles must be submitted in a text document, word document, or within an email.
Please include a suggested title to your article on the first line of the manuscript and your name on the second line.
Text should be left justified only. Do not use any formatting in your submission. Formatting will be applied during your article design by our editing department therefore your article must be plain text without formatting. Articles should be between 10,000 and 20,000 characters, which include spacing (usually about 2-3 typed pages).
Bellésprit will not permit any content that contains pornography/adult material, hate or violence-oriented material, racial intolerance, advocate against any individual or group, have an insulting, obscene, or a degrading tone or that which contains any profanity.
All articles must be submitted via email. Articles should be attached as a Word or plain text document. Email all submissions to Please include any accompanying files such as photographs, sound files, or videos separately from your text document.
Copyright Policy
By submitting an article to Bellésprit you are insuring that you are the rightful owner of the content provided without plagiarism. Bellésprit adheres to all local, national and international copyright laws. By submitting an article you are granting permission for its use in our web site. Contributing authors retain all copyrights to their individual works.
We will not accept submissions that are commercial or advertorial in content. Article content must be of a teaching or sharing nature providing knowledge or inspiration to our readers.
Accepted articles may be edited for length, style, grammar, organization, syntax, and clarity; additional text could be added. This is at the sole discretion of our Bellésprit editors. When editing, we will act in good faith to preserve your intended message; it is not practical to notify authors of edits.
Photograph, Sound and Video Requirements
We require our writers to provide their own ad-ins to accompany their articles. Do not insert photographs, sound files, or videos into the text. These files must be submitted separately with instruction as to where they are to be inserted. Bellesprit may provide photographs to compliment your article content.
Photographs which accompany your article must be copyright to you, a copyright free image, or show proof of permission to use an image with the proper copyright credit to accompany the image.
1. All photographs must be a high resolution of at least 300 dpi.
2. Photographs must be large enough to include in your article. We cannot enlarge a photograph without losing resolution or the quality; however, they can be reduced in size without losing its quality.
3. Photographs must be formatted as a jpeg or png file.
4. Sound files which accompany your article must be in an mp3 format.
5. Video files which accompany your article must be copyright to you in a flash format.
Bellésprit does not compensate writers. We will not trade articles for ad space, press release considerations, or other rewards. We do ask you to include a short editorial-style write-up about yourself (not more than 60 words); a high resolution digital photograph of yourself is optional. These will be added at the conclusion of your article providing indirect promotion in exchange for your article.
We do ask our writers to share our web site with your followers on your web site or fan pages to help with its distribution by sharing either our Facebook Fan Page located at
Bellésprit accepts submissions on a continual basis and will use them as soon as possible. The sooner an article is submitted, the sooner it can be used.
Editorial Policy
All authors who submit articles to Bellésprit agree to the following:
1. Edits will be made at the discretion of Bellésprit regarding length, style, grammar, organization, syntax, and clarity.
2. Article publication and placement are at the sole discretion of Bellésprit.
3. By submitting your work, you grant Bellésprit full, yet non-exclusive, rights to publish your submission in our online web site both now and in the future.
4. Acceptance of these terms is a precondition of publication by Bellésprit.
Bellésprit does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information, product or service represented within our web site. The information provided is for educational or entertainment purposes only.
Anyone using the information provided by Bellésprit, whether medical, legal, business or other, does so at their own risk, and by using such information agrees to indemnify Bellésprit from any and all liability, loss, injury, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from such use.
No Implied Endorsement
Bellésprit does not endorse or recommend any article, product, service or information found within said articles. The views and opinions of the authors who have submitted articles to Bellésprit belong to them alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bellésprit or its staff.
Links to other web sites from Bellésprit are provided for convenience only. Bellésprit is not responsible for the content or availability of any external or 3rd party sites and does not warrant or guarantee the products, services, or information found on these sites.
About Bellesprit

Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.