These are important times we are in right now. We are paving new ground, charting new territory. We are laying the groundwork for a beautiful world to come, and we all need to be sharing what we know.
The concepts of the ascension can be hard to understand because they run contrary to how we have always believed the world to work. For instance, we have always believed that war is the way to stop others from harming us and taking what is ours. However, our hearts and guides are beginning to tell many of us otherwise. We are being guided that love is the answer to all battles.
Other issues that come along with the ascension energies, like awakening to psychic and mediumistic abilities, seeing ghosts, and having contact with spirit guides, are equally hard to comprehend for folks who have not yet had those experiences.
Those of us who are having these experiences need to be sharing them. Sometimes people need to hear concepts several times before they will begin to take them in and feel comfortable with them. After hearing something several times, you say, “Oh, yeah. I have heard that before. It must be true.” Or you at least think, “There must be something to that, I will have to look into it” and you open up just a little. When you open even that little bit, you open for the potential for those experiences in your life.
Even just a few years ago, I never heard people use the word “energy” outside of spiritual circles unless they were talking about gas, coal, solar or nuclear. Now I frequently hear people talk about the energy of a place or “not liking his energy.” Concepts are beginning to seep into the general public.
Watch Out For The Train!
There was a time when I questioned my qualifications before publishing my book, Clear Channel. I felt like even though I had had these experiences and Spirit had shared information with me, there was still so much I did not know and I could always find people who were more experienced than me. When I think about it now, it was also the case when I was giving talks and writing in speech pathology. There was always someone who knew more. If we all waited until we knew everything, we would never share anything.
Luckily, a friend shared an image with me that Spirit showed her. It helps me to this day, even with writing this column. As we were talking about my insecurities about sharing and about the possibility of waiting to publish, Spirit showed her an image. It was that of a train. The meaning was that it’s like we are all on a train. Some are in cars in the front, some in the middle, others are toward the back. I may not be in the lead car where I can see all that is coming, but I still know what I have experienced. I can stick my head out the window and let them know there is a turn coming up, because I have just gone through it, and that it will help if they lean to the right and then hold on tightly for the bump after that.
We all need to be sharing what we are learning on this journey through ascension, because each time we do, we make the journey easier for others. We make these new concepts more palatable and we make it more likely others will share, too. I cannot tell you how many times Spirit urged me to speak to someone in particular about a spiritual topic and they have responded with something like, “Oh my God, I have had that experience, too, but I thought people would think I was crazy if I said anything!”
But What Do I Know?
Maybe you don’t know anything about ascension, but you have been having experiences with ghosts. Maybe you have been able to communicate with relatives who have passed. Maybe you think you have begun to have psychic insights, but you are not all that sure. Begin to talk about it. You do not have to teach about it. Ask others, “Have you ever had an experience like this?” Guaranteed that if they have not, they either will, or they will meet someone who has had similar happenings. Then they will share your experiences.
Tread Lightly
Start out easily. Share where it’s comfortable and with people you feel safe with. See what happens, refine your approach and branch out from there. It probably will not serve you to be known as that “crazy” one, so tread lightly, but do tread!
If you are still afraid, or need to understand your experiences more before you share, reach out to others who are likely to be similarly-minded. You may find them at local spiritual groups and you can definitely find them on-line. Join my Facebook page or the pages of other Bellesprit columnists who have had experiences like yours and ask questions. I will try my best to answer your question or find someone who can.
At the very least, write down your experiences. I knew with Clear Channel that it was important that I write it down. Even if it had never gotten published, it created a stronger energetic mark and helped move us all forward if it was written down. It’s on the order of doing a good deed, in a sense. Even if no one sees it, it still carries a positive energy with it and has shifted everything in a more positive direction.
Share, reach out, ask questions or teach as you feel guided, and in so doing, you will add your energy to this ascension.