Ask Michael: Find out what your name says about you. If you have a specific question you would like to ask Michael, send your request to please include your name (as it appears on your birth certificate) and your birth date. Your numerology reading could appear here in next month’s column. Annette wrote and asked about her son Tavin’s chart. Tavin was born on 9/19/2000 giving him a 12/3 Life Path. This provides him with a unique and insightful perspective on life that may be in conflict with those around him. The conflict arising from the fact that he ‘sees’ and perceives things differently from others. He entered this lifetime bringing with him the wisdom of the ages. He possesses a poise that may be beyond his years and others may see him as somewhat unusual. His knowledge base comes from a more spiritual, all-knowing perspective grounded in an inner knowing that life is an illusion. With a 7 Lifetime Challenge, he must learn to grow comfortable with himself and his views, without allowing the opinions, or possible mocking of others, to deter him. Tavin has an 8 Challenge in the 1st position indicating that issues of anger or rage may be quite prevalent. This would also show that he comes from a family of origin in which anger, rage, or a bad temper are a part of the environment. The anger condition is exacerbated by the fact that he has an 8 Personality/Image and 1-8 in the spelling of his name. It is imperative that he overcome any of his own anger issues by recognizing the ‘loss of power’ that getting angry brings about. Since he may be seen as ‘different’, it is possible that others may pick on him and he must be cognizant of the fact that an angry response will be counter-productive. Because he also has 2-7s in the spelling of his name, and a 3rd and Lifetime Challenges of 7 there is great caution that he does not withdraw too deeply into himself as a means of self-protection. Slipping into addictive tendencies must also be avoided (as the most negative aspect of the 7 Challenge can be addictions). Tavin will be best served through education (both conventional and spiritual) and the sharing of that which he learns. Another thing that Tavin must learn to do is express himself personally. He has no 3s in the spelling of his name. This creates a condition in which he is unwilling, or incapable of expressing himself on a personal level. Coupled with the conditions of the 7 previously expressed, this could create great problems for him in his inter-personal dealings with others. Tavin has a 5 Expression and 5-5s in the spelling of his name. This creates a great curiosity about many things and adds to his ability to perceive things that others may not see. Another caution here is that he learns to be focused while maintaining balance in his life. It might not be unusual for him to be ‘diagnosed’ as ADD, or some other malady, by an educational system that may not be equipped to handle him (as they do with so many). The abundance of 5 energy, coupled with the 7 energy and Challenges in his chart could easily lead to situations in which ‘overindulging in pleasures of the senses’ becomes a problem. If he were to become involved with drinking or drugs, this could begin a descent down a slippery slope, possibly ending in addiction. Proper guidance, self-respect and the respect of others for him as an individual, while learning to express himself will go a long way in keeping him on a path that results in good things. He is capable of accomplishing many things, and could have an impact on those around him if he channels his energies in a proper direction and avoids getting too caught up in himself. Blessings of Love and Light, Michael John Fierro Michael John Fierro is a Numerologist, Life Coach, and Author of YOU KNOW YOUR NAME…LOOK UP YOUR NUMBERS. He has been working with numerology since 1984 and is available for private sessions, lectures, and more. You may contact him at or]]>
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