Answer for Frauntasha D. What’s In Your Numbers? Find out what your name says about you. Send in your request to Numerologist, Michael John Fierro and your name and numbers may appear in the next issue of Bellesprit Magazine. Frauntasha asked about finding her real self. Born on 10/23/1975, you have a 1 Life Path. In the spelling of your name, you have every number which indicates that coming into this life you didn’t really have any lessons that needed to be learned. Your chart indicates that since 2010, you have been going through a transition in your life and have had to deal with a great many situations that needed to be addressed. From the looks of your chart, your biggest issues in life seem to be that you may have allowed others to define you and rather than be yourself, you have been what others declared you should be. You probably come from a very disciplined family of origin (4-1st Challenge) that instilled a great many rules and regulations for you to follow with very little freedom to express yourself as the being that you truly are. Coupled with a Lifetime Challenge of 3, it is imperative that you break free of the bonds that have shackled you and “find your voice”. In the process, you must grow comfortable with who you are and be willing to express yourself accordingly. Your chart shows you to be a strong and powerful person who is a natural leader and innovator. You may have a tendency to worry excessively and by doing so, you paralyze yourself from making the necessary strides in your life that can bring about a grander self-actualization. Your chart also shows that you may have some anger issues and it is important that you turn your anger into positive action. Remember that losing your temper is a sign that you have allowed other people, or situations, to dis-empower you. If there is any time in your life when you should make the changes you desire, it is NOW. You are currently in your 2nd Cycle which is a 5. This is a 27-year period (from age 35-62) of change and progress and a perfect time to constructively release old patterns that are holding you back. You must discover that variety will further your purpose in life and that change is good. You are adequately equipped to be and/or do that which you desire. Are you willing to step fully into yourself? Bless your upbringing and life’s experiences for the highest good. Accept that which has transpired and use it as a platform for moving forward. Take the empty-handed leap into the void and allow yourself to LIVE! Blessings of Love & Light Michael John Fierro Do you have a question for Michael? Send your question via his website. Michael John Fierro is a Numerologist, Life Coach, and Author of YOU KNOW YOUR NAME…LOOK UP YOUR NUMBERS. He has been working with numerology since 1984 and is available for private sessions, lectures, and more. You may contact him at or]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.