What’s In Your Numbers? Find out what your name says about you. Send in your request to Michael John Fierro and your name and numbers may appear in the next issue of Bellesprit Magazine. Answer For Pieter G. Pieter wanted to know about the direction of his life after some recent setbacks. Pieter, with a birth date of August 27, 1964 you have a 19/1 Life Path. This would show leadership talents and the ability to be the head of large projects as either the director, manager or organizer. With the presence of the 1 and the 9 (the individual and the all), your life must be a blend of both of those energies. In other words, you must be considerate of everyone in your pursuits. You must learn to combine the vibration of doing for yourself with doing for others in a fashion that brings benefit to both. If you are operating on the negative side of this energy, you may very well lead a double life. Outwardly, you may project a very positive and loving image while internally you may be deceitful and somewhat of a fraud. The 19/1 is a lifetime of spiritual tests in which your courage will be tested repeatedly and you must be prepared to handle them. One of the most important things for you is to learn to be independent while staying away from self-pity and feeling sorry for yourself. Your particular concerns were about your recent setbacks. From your birthday in 2012 until your birthday this year, you were in a 22/4 Personal Year. The 22 would have brought on a greater focus on your work and the affairs of your life. The questions to ask would have been regarding your level of satisfaction with both things and the means in which you could improve both areas. Since you indicated that you were going through difficult times in both arenas, you might want to reflect on your own true happiness and satisfaction and realize that endings are in essence…beginnings. Have you been too self-centered? Have you been selfish? You must accept your participation in the events of your life and rather than look outward for explanations and reasons, turn inward to see how your actions and energy affect that which surrounds you. The underlying 4 indicates a time in which you needed to create a stronger foundation for moving forward while doing the work necessary to accomplish that which you desire. Your Essence for the Personal Year that just ended was an 18/9 which shows that you needed to slow down the pace of your life while paying attention to your body and health. It was also a time during which you needed to show greater tolerance and compassion in all you did. Legal struggles can also be influenced by the 18/9 Essence. At your birthday in August, you entered your 5 Personal Year so you can anticipate a level of change(s) in your life this year. Taking into consideration the difficulties of the past year, you should embrace these opportunities as a way to create a ‘new life’ for yourself. Be open to all possibilities and ride the wave(s) of change that come your way. The potential for a new job, new activities, new contacts, and perhaps some travel are all part of the 5 energy of the year. It is important that you do not resist any changes that show up as you may find yourself in a situation where you may have no choice in the matter. Your Essence for this year is a 15/6 which indicates that you may have some problems brought on by members of the opposite sex (could this be related to your divorce?). It is important that you accept responsibility for your actions and in your relationships. A source of joy and inspiration can be brought about through the use of your talents (music) and this may lead to successes in your work and business. This is a year during which more will and independence need to be exercised. My sense is that this transitional time in your life, if used properly, can be a time during which you step more fully into yourself. The result can be a better sense of self, coupled with greater satisfaction and rewards. I wish you great success in your actions and a blessed and gratifying journey. Blessings of Love and Light Michael John Fierro DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION FOR MICHAEL? GO TO www.michaeljohnfierro.com/contact-form.html AND TO ASK. With your question, please include your name (as it appears on your birth certificate) and your birth date. WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR YOUR ANSWER.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.