Ask Your Chakras, Improve Your Life
Chakras are insightful, interesting, life changing information one can easily understand and apply. The methods depicted here will stay with you all of your life if you wish. Applying these tools will begin to alter your life experiences, whether it is using your breath and imagination to relax or receiving timely messages to gain understanding. The range of exploration and self-help available to us is limitless, timeless and available to everyone all the time. Use this information to better understand yourself and your personal issues or help others do the same.
You are beginning the greatest adventure of your life; self-discovery is unique to each of us. Accept this opportunity to explore your inner life. It’s exciting, informative and easy to do. Regardless of your existing knowledge on the subjects included here you will be wide-eyed and pleasantly rewarded once you apply these tools. Let’s get started!
The following information on chakra colors is universal knowledge. Color is energy manifesting at a specific vibrational rate. It is no secret that the colors of a rainbow are orderly in their arrangement. Vibration is an individuation of energy.
Science can measure the waves and intensity of colors. Before science was able to prove those measures, people perceived the differences. We see color in nature and enjoy seeing rainbows and other prisms. It is natural to be intrigued by the colors around us. We accept that certain colors represent certain meanings; incidentally, yellow is the first color the eye sees. All colors are neutral, meaning they are neither good nor bad of themselves. Descriptive words associated with color help us to understand a color’s meaning in context and therefore changing the interpretation is ongoing as the contexts change.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Wheel of Light.’ For this work I will discuss the seven primary chakras accepted universally. They align along the spine from the tailbone area to the top of the head. Exploring our chakras is a method to acknowledge our inner self, our consciousness and learn to improve our health and happiness.
The Root is our base chakra. Located at the base of the spine. Its energy color is red. Red is a color of passion, love and vitality. Our body issues shows up here. This color can also be a warning of danger when it portrays fire, poisonous snakes, anger, etc. It is used positively to represent vitality, passion and love.
The Sacral is the second chakra located about the hip line. Its energy color is orange. Orange represents our full range of emotional experiences; are we joyous, jealous, secure, fearful etc.? The feelings/thoughts stored here affect the rest of our consciousness and experiences. This is the glue of manifestation because it controls the intensity of thoughts and feelings.
The Solar Plexus is our third chakra and its color is Yellow. Located at the waist line area of the body, it tells us to pay attention and be ready to make a change. It is a color of personal power and achievement on the individual level, indicating others need to notice us. It represents our ability to use our power well. The Red chakra energies needs to be clear and healthy so that this chakra has enough energy to operate fully.
The Heart chakra is in the center of the chest. Its color is green. Green is receptive. It allows us to blend, merge and express compassion and unconditional love. It is at this point our energies can find balance and peacefulness. The struggling part of being a person can be overcome if we chose a higher path and purpose.
The Throat chakra is at the base of the throat. Its color is light blue. Blue is about expression and creativity. This is where we discover our true voice and natural abilities. The unsolved issues in the orange chakra can cause blockages and weaken this chakra at times. Nagging coughs are an indication that this chakra is blocked to some degree.
The Brow or Third Eye chakra is in the middle of the forehead. Its color is purple. Purple indicates psychic energy, clarity and insight. It is important that the yellow chakra accept the guidance of this purple chakra rather than pushing it to perceive what the yellow lower mind wills. The decision maker needs to be the purple chakra when the best course of action is determined.
The Crown chakra is at the top of the head. Its color is violet. The Violet chakra is our connection to the spiritual planes and our guides, teachers, healers and helpers from other dimensions. It is from this energy center that we can chose to receive all we need to learn, heal and grow most easily.
So, we know that we have chakras, where they are found and what they represent and the colors of each; what next? Exploration of course.
It is a recommended practice to relax and pray for protection when seeking spiritual assistance. In this way our intention to receive what is for our highest and best comes from the highest and best source possible. The protective method can be achieved in several ways; see yourself wrapping a protective cloak around yourself, stand in the white light mentally, affirm that you are one with All, affirm that you are a child of God and only good can come to you now. You will find the method you like best.
Relaxation is achievable most easily by focusing on breath. Allow each breath to become even, gentle and then move that harmony throughout your body. It will melt away tensions as you are able to focus more clearly on breathing and then each body part you are sending breath to. Meditation is the natural state of deep relaxation.
Once you have achieved a comfortable relaxed state with your protection in place, begin to explore each chakra one at a time. Is the energy warm, soft, hard, sticky, or cool? Allow it to be what it is. Are there any thoughts or feelings coming to meet you? You can alter the energy using your breath and calling on your spirit helpers for assistance.
Remember to always express gratitude for healing and helpers. This method can transform your life by allowing you to alter your thoughts and feelings. No longer will you accept old limitations and failures as normal. Now you can see them as lessons along the way to more success and happiness.