Libra: Libras can be difficult nuts to crack. Both Libran men and women are particularly guarded. This is due in part to their constant drive for security and routine and also the carrying over of issues from their past relationships. They will size you up just as you do them. They are not ones to jump feet first, rather they take their time getting to know you and find ‘proof’ that they can make a relationship with you work. I say relationships because Libras are not fickle lovers. They tend to want relationships or nothing at all. This is especially true of most Libra women. They will not jump in the sack just for the sake of good sex. They will need your attention, your wining and dining. This is the sign ruled by Venus and, as such, they pay attention to beauty, romance and the finer things. They do not need it to be high brown but they need to be shown that they are special to you and enjoy a beautiful landscape. This is especially true of how you look. Do not attempt to court either a male or female Libran looking like you just jumped out of bed. They like their mates pretty and well groomed. They also are suckers for good communication so be sure to brush up on your facts and have a wide variety of subjects you can speak informatively on. They like to laugh so be sure to have a good sense of humor. They enjoy the more crass humor, just be sure that it is not too offensive. Want to keep your Libran? Be stable and secure financially, as well as mentally and emotionally. Those who are fickle or run hot and then cold will quickly irritate a Libran. They have no time for those who create drama or otherwise cannot find a stable place in their own lives, much less a relationship with them. Despite being your exact astrological opposite, Aries has a perfect ability to even out the Venus and Mars’ sometimes conflicting qualities: aggression and sensitivity, authority and compliance, pragmatism and ingenuity. Aquarians will also appreciate your love of love and beauty, though be careful, Aquarians can be a bit fickle and flakey at times leading to unpredictable relationships with the more stable Librans of the world. Scorpio: Passionate, possessive and even a bit jealous, our Scorpio men and women definitely present quite the bundle when it comes to love and sex. They are a lesson in opposites and will definitely keep you guessing. For instance they seek out those who are just as oppositional as themselves. They gravitate towards those who can let their inner freak out in the bedroom and then head out for dinner with the in-laws or business associates. I’m sure many of you have heard the phrase ‘a freak in the bed and a lady in the streets’? Well Scorpios epitomize this. Sex is very important to our Scorpios. They will definitely make it good for you both and let themselves be free. In fact they are so calmed by sex that after sex is the best time to get them to open up. Make them laugh – they love to laugh and tend to do it infrequently. Scorpios also enjoy being complimented intimately. Bend down and whisper in their ear about how much you love their smell and then give them a lingering, sultry kiss and they will be putty in your hands. Just be sure when you deal with a Scorpio, even when you are in the midst of mind-blowing, clothes flying all over the place, sex, that you are still neat. They are notorious neat freaks and like things (and people) nice and tidy. Just be sure to not escape down into the basement or look into their closets. Though incredibly neat they are also insane pack rats. Scorpios can be difficult to deal with – they will likely have a desire to be friends with those that their partner may not approve of and can be quite jealous and possessive as well. They tend to fall in love easily because they love love but this does not imply that they settle down easily. In fact many Scorpios marry later in life. Not sure how your Scorpio lover feels for you? Flirt with one of his/her friends. You will either get a rundown of their friends lesser qualities, thus making them sound as the clear winner or they will take you home and kiss and perhaps make love to you senseless. It’s a bit manipulative but at least you will know whether you register to them or not. Best Matches for a Scorpio: Cancerians have the deep wellspring of emotions and can get on your level. Virgos have a similar work ethic and will ensure you are each committed towards working on the connection together. Pisces are also a good match but be careful that boundaries are in place; Pisceans can be quite possessive. Sagittarius: Sagittarians are the huntsmen/women of the zodiac and as such they enjoy a good challenge when it comes to love. Anyone who is too readily available to them or doesn’t make them work a little bit for their love bores them easily. Keep in mind, however, that anyone who is overtly manipulative or attempts to control them will be shown the door. Sagittarians need their space. They are among the most independent of the zodiac signs. They like to do what they want, when they want and they often times do it on such a short notice that no one will know about their plan until its already been executed. As such they need someone who is secure and capable of not allowing this to be taken personally. Though they appear wildly independent this is not to imply that they do not need anyone. They love the idea of having a strong and capable partner by their side but like all fire signs they are perfectionists and will not settle for just anyone. Additionally they need someone who is not showy or otherwise ostentatious in their dress or behavior. He/she is more inclined to notice your smile or the way your eyes sparkle in certain light than what you are wearing or who designed your shoes. To get their attention – speak on your adventurous side, which is a must have if you want to get and keep their attraction. Tell them all about the things you want to do, where you want to travel, or what and where you have already been. For a first date think outside the box! If you can introduce them to something that they have never done before this is a sure fire way to get their attention. Not to mention that when we are introduced to novel stimuli our dopamine receptors start kicking and this is a precursor to attraction and romantic love. Ready to bed your Saggy? They love sex in public spaces or any place where there is a slight element of danger of being caught. They are willing to try anything once and enjoy someone who is just as adventurous in the bedroom as they are outside. Keep in mind that when a Sagittarian falls in love they will get tongue tied when it comes to verbal expression of emotion. Rather than show you how they feel through words they will show you through action. If you can jive with this you will surely enjoy the lasting love and loyalty that they can provide you! Best matches for Sagittarians include those who fall under the sign of Gemini, Aries and Leo. Gemini lovers understand the “sampling” of partners that Sagittarians are known for and both Aries and Leo can understand your deep and passionate nature. I will see you in March to finish off our series! Until then be sure to show yourself the same love, attention and affection as you do those external to you. While we tend to highlight romantic love with another during the month of Valentines all healthy love external begins on the internal. So look in the mirror with love instead of judgment, run yourself a hot bath and take a sip of vino to celebrate the wonderful and gorgeous person that you are!]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.