Belle: You are a nurse by profession, what started you on your course of working with Healing Energy?
Brenda: Excellent question! It was all by grand design I’m sure that I stepped into that world of energy healing as a great combination with nursing and what we consider traditional Western medicine. It all happened in my own hospital where I worked ten years ago. Unknown to the staff, we had a Reiki Master who was part of the volunteer staff team doing hands on healing on different patients. We never even knew what that was or weren’t introduced to it by our management staff, yet all our management staff were getting Reiki sessions and enjoying the benefits of it. They had called them stress breaks and so one day after watching this gal go around and put her hands on people we all kind of looked at each other and said, “What’s that, freaky voodoo stuff?” We were kind of fascinated with it, and everyone had an opinion of what it was without knowing what it was.
When break time came, I was down in the break room with a colleague when the freaky voodoo lady came down to introduce herself, sensing and knowing that we probably had questions and didn’t know what she was doing. So she briefly told us what she was doing and asked if any of us would like to have a mini session. And I was jumping up and down because at that point I was going through what was probably the lowest point of my marriage. My husband was experiencing some very severe emotional, mental problems and going through a breakdown and I was just trying to figure out life. So I said, “Sure, pick me… pick me!” She did, and she did her little thing with putting her hands on various parts of my body; starting at the head and working down to my feet. By the time she got to my knees I was so out of it. It was like I was on an island in the Caribbean having a relaxing vacation. When she was done and called me back, I basically couldn’t believe what I felt simply by having hands applied.
I asked questions and started coming for stress breaks every week like the senior management were doing, and before long it was very clear that there was something very special going on here. I wanted to know how this worked and wanted more, so I started taking my training with her. Over the course of the next five years I took my time training with Reiki, always thinking that the next level was the best level and I would not need anymore, only to find that was the answer to what I needed next. Becoming a master teacher really has opened the door for me to help others in new and unique ways. It combines beautifully with Western medicine, as I said before, but it is also cutting edge for people who are looking for solutions here and now without having to grab a doctor, or get a prescription or have a treatment in that manner. And so that’s how I found Reiki and it has opened many doors to me that I would never have had if I had stayed closed, not open to possibilities.
Belle: Awesome! So you’re a Reiki Master Healer. What does Reiki do for an individual, not only a healing level of their physical body, but within their life?
Brenda: Wow! Where do I begin on that one? Well, as a nurse, the scientific part of me wants to find out how does it work and what are the benefits, and how does it help people and what situations can I use it in? Well, what I have found is that what it does is breaks through the pain, fear, and anxiety triangle. Breaking any one of these helps to release the other two elements of that triangle. So, what it does for people is it opens up the world of possibility because when you are trapped behind pain, fear and anxiety, you feel stuck. It doesn’t matter what situation there is, I am sure this triangle can apply to almost every facet of what is occurring in life. If you’re feeling stuck, and this opens up by raising your frequency of vibration, which is known as a Schumann frequency, it raises it up from where you are, less than 7.83 hertz, to 7.83 hertz, which is our sound frequency for optimum health, vitality, wealth, and emotional healing. So when we raise to that frequency it’s almost like jump starting a car battery with cables that are applied from another battery source. But if I’m the cable, jump starting a person’s emotional, wealth, financial, whatever it is they need fixed or jump started, then where is the source of energy? Well, that source of energy is not something that is seen, it’s more unseen. It comes from the energy field all around us. You know static electricity, we know that if we take florescent lights and stand under a power grid that they light up. So the free flow of ions all around us is possible to be channeled from where it is scattered to something focused in jump starting someone’s own battery to their own Schumann Frequency.
Belle: Oh, this is so interesting! Now, you offer a 28 day Reiki Transformation. What does that involve?
Brenda: Well, Reiki is something that is beautiful in that it doesn’t require your physical presence to be present with me in order to receive energy. Working in distance is actually much quicker and effective than a hands on treatment with a live practitioner. So the 28 days of Reiki is my special gift I put out for the world for anyone who wants to break through the pain, fear and anxiety triangle by creating a 28 day program of total immersion in distance energy. So, if a hands on session is great, can you imagine what being immersed in 28 days of this would do for you?
Belle: It would be amazing!
Brenda: Absolutely! So the 28 days of Reiki is basically, you sign up and pay in advance and that is your consent to start the process of receiving because everything requires conscience consent. I put you in my special book and every day, several times a day actually, I will do Reiki over the book and it is transported to you. So it’s possible that one person can receive distance as well as a multitude of people all at the same time, all over the earth. And at the end of the 28 days, we have a live one-on-one session for half an hour and we do some deep distance work together. We can use Skype or phone to really break through and finally clear other issues that may be holding you back as well. You can sign up for the 28 days of Reiki on my website at
Belle: Now you also talk about a quick pulse technique. How does that benefit those who use it?
Brenda: Wow, I have been so blessed. Eight years ago, I was introduced to the work of Jo Dunning. Jo Dunning survived a cataclysmic life experience to be given the gift of a healing technique which is a clearing technique called the Quick Pulse Clearing Technique. This is beautiful as well because you can do it live in person, or do it by distance. Basically, this is one of the techniques I use in that half hour session we do at the end of at the end of the 28 days of Reiki. And what is does is that it goes to work and starts to unravel the threads of an issue that is holding you back. So it will go to work over days, weeks, months, and years to unravel all the pieces, all the myriad of pieces that are part of an issue. And you start to notice that, over time, the issues may still pop up every once in a while but you look at them in a different way and think of them as just interesting, isn’t that interesting. You lose the emotional charge attached to it and in losing that charge you actually notice that your life becomes freer and easier and opens up to the great possibilities of what else is possible.
Belle: That’s amazing because it seems like Reiki energy just seems to know where it is needed to go and it knows what it is needed to do.
Brenda: Yes, yes!
Belle: Now you are launching a new company called E Factor Network. Explain what this company is going to offer.
Brenda: With all the beautiful work I have been able to do with Reiki and Quick Pulse Clearing, I started a year ago offering teleseminars in the transformational realm called the Healthy Wealthy Evolution. And through this teleseminar series I have been introduced to amazing healers, teachers, speakers who offer amazing healings and clearings and new insights into life. I loved doing the teleseminar series, but when my last event ended in June of this year I offered up to the Universe ‘where do I go next?’ And I was given the gift of going into greater service. So, as a nurse I triaged wounds and health issues. Now as a teleseminar host and broadcaster through my own right, and with my healing abilities and now triaging peoples’ abilities and needs to be seen and heard in new and exciting ways and E Factor Network was born.
Truly miraculously the right people came to help support me in the creation of this company over the last five weeks. And since then, we are now able to offer to the world anybody who is in the heartfelt transformational realm an avenue to have full service. Healers are traditionally not necessarily business people because their gift is usually focused on their healing. But by combining what I know about healing techniques and broadcasting, I am able to pick somebody who wishes to have a greater presence in the world and expose their gifts by taking them and showing them how they can enhance their publicity, marketing, social media presence, and take them from invisible to invincible through online broadcasting and multimedia experiences through syndicated avenues that will help to reach millions of people.
Belle: Wow! So it’s basically introducing their business to the world.
Brenda: Yes.
Belle: So is there a website for this yet or is this still in the works?
Brenda: There is a website. It is And if anyone would like to contact me directly they can email me at
Belle: Wonderful. We have so many people who are honestly struggling to get their business out there because, as you said, we do our job, we do our work, but we have absolutely no idea how to market what we do to the world. It sounds like what your business is going to offer is to give them that platform in which to introduce their business or their line of work.
Brenda: Exactly! See, Belle, the days of the broke healer are over. That may have worked in other generations past where a healer can walk down the road and be fed and clothed and housed by the benefactors of their services, but that just does not happen anymore. We need savvy services and be cutting edge in how we present ourselves to the world to be seen and recognized by those who are looking for our services. And the world of the internet is opening doors for people all over the world who otherwise may never have had the doors opened. So it is possible and imperative that we need to look at the model of our success in helping others is tithed back to us in ten times fold the magnitude of service we provide. So in creating personal wealth as a healer it shows the gift of how beneficial our healing gifts have been and so it is necessary to look at the models from different eyes.
Belle: And that’s where you come in.
Brenda: Exactly!
Belle: That is incredible. So, any final words, Brenda that you would like to leave with our readers?
Brenda: I would love to. The reason I chose E-Factor as the name of my business is when you look in the dictionary the most empowering words start with the letter E; enrich, empower, electrify, evolve. These are all the words that I wish for each and every one of your readers to embody and embrace E-Factor in any way that we can help you in my online radio broadcasts and developing radio broadcasting network. So we are creating a change for people who wish to be electrified and encouraged. Step out of the shadows; go from invisible to invincible with a team of people who understand where you are coming from, who you are, and what you do. And may E-Factor Network bless you and help you to be all that you can be in this emerging time. This is the time of our life, let’s embrace it.
Belle: So this is a network that gives people a place to promote their own product or service, or guest on a program? How does that work?
Brenda: Part of the marketing publicity is that we offer a subscription service of advertising or being seen through the E-Factor Website. There are three levels: the $49, the $99, and the $129 level and they all give you exposure because we are advertising the website. The one that I really love to encourage people to think about is the $129 value because you get featured on the home page, it links to a back office page which can be either their blog, or their website can be attached, or they can use an E-Factor page as a bulletin board to post their events, sell products, audios, videos, whatever they want to post is featured on the home page. And banner advertising on the home page is also attractive to help encourage people to click through and encounter what people have to offer. But with the $129 package they could also get to have a half hour radio interview on my own personal broadcast show and they also get the opportunity to create, for a nominal fee, an audio commercial that will be played through the syndication of our broadcast. That is taking the silent and invisible healer into a whole new opportunity because our syndication is in the millions. So for a very nominal fee every month, to have that advertising footprint is huge.
Belle: I like the concept that it’s a like-minded community and that’s going to help launch anyone’s business who chooses to be a part of this network.
Brenda: Absolutely. We have people who are healers and traditionally, healers have been going through teleseminar series to promote themselves and that’s good, it has a nice decent reach but I also want them to explore the opportunity of other broadcasting avenues. Through E-Factor they can also post their products that they would usually offer as a joint venture and split the revenues 50/50. But whatever they sell through E-Factor on their own site is 100% their own commissions, so no commission splitting, it becomes a marketing point as well. The possibilities of doubling their income that they would otherwise split becomes obviously an enabler of them to have double the opportunity to express and expand themselves. Teleseminar hosts are also focusing on posting their sites on our format as well. This is beautiful because we are actually opening up the door for people who are heartfelt healers and teleseminar hosts to become broadcasters in different formats. The broadcasting format is in its infancy right now. We’re starting with one syndicated show but E-Factor Network is going to expand into a whole like-hearted, like-minded network of people with their own shows broadcasting and sharing their gifts in new and expansive ways.
It sounds like the E-Factor Network is a wonderful opportunity for any growing business. If you are looking to expand your reach with your business, be sure to stop by the E Factor website and check out all that they have to offer for you and your business. Or you can contact Brenda Pearce at We are honored to give the E Factor Network the Bellesprit Seal of Approval.]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.