What happened? Where did everyone go? And why did people seem to come and go so quickly in and out of my life?
As always, I knew that this instability was caused by me. So I took a closer look and here’s what I found:
When love is new and friendships are new they feel so exciting and so good. They begin with warm fuzzy feelings where everyone feels amazing, either of you can do no wrong. But as you go deeper into the friendship/relationship you begin to see what is under the surface, and what you see is not always that pretty. Actually, the scary things that you begin to see are just mirroring and triggering things about yourself that you have been avoiding, so instead of sticking it out we run. But who are we running from? It’s certainly not the other, it’s from ourselves. We run because we are afraid of being judged by others, we run because we are afraid of people seeing what we consider to be our weaknesses. We run from all of the things we have not yet accepted about ourselves. This is why relationships are amazing tools that bring these sometimes painful realizations to the surface, and are the fastest way of healing and knowing thyself.
Now that my own tendency to run is clear to me, I have set an intention to build a solid foundation, a place where I can firmly place my feet and feel at home. That solid foundation begins in me. By making a promise not to run from myself and my own fears anymore, no matter how hard, painful and confusing times can get. In turn, I will not run from others. I will have the strength and fortitude to tough it out!
When I feel the urge to run and hide, it helps me to remember that everything is always changing, nothing, no uncomfortable feeling, nor pain lasts forever; everything is coming and going, and through this impermanence there is always a stillness that never goes away. It is through this stillness that we find our secure foundation, so we can remain right here grounded in peace.