“Stillness is the language God speaks, and everything else is a bad translation.” ~ Eckhart Tolle “Peace be still.”~ Rev. James Cleveland As we journey into October, the 10th month of this year, we are on a spiritual plane vibrating to a 7. How did I get that? The year is 2+0+1+3 =6, so take that 6 and add the month of 10 (6+10 =16 and 1+6 =7). The energy of the month of October is a 7. The 7 energy is about “Thinking.” This is a time to focus your Spiritual Self and Self-awareness toward being observant and meditate. October Forecast The Number 7 is the most mystical number in numerology. In the 7 cycle for this month the influence definitely represents solitude, spending some time alone, finding inner peace, and rest and rejuvenation at this time. Try to analyze and understand what’s going on in the physical world of you and what’s going on in the spiritual world of you. Overall, you will be doing some soul searching going in, so “Mind Your Business” for your future. There will be moments of creativity so do some self-expression; write, dance, sing; use your imagination. Connect with a child and be somewhat childlike and look with wonder to your future. Also, people will be experiencing some new things, new opportunities and beginnings. Pay close attention to the details and be very patient at this time. Here we go again when Mercury goes into Retrograde on the 21st day of October until the 10th of November. Remember Mercury Retrograde period is a period to be still, it’s a time to turn inward and re-evaluate, redo or revamp. People from your past may re-enter into your life so don’t be surprised at the texts or phone calls. It’s a wonderful thing that this month is a 7 energy. Those that will feel this retrograde the most are people born on the 5, 15, 23; Gemini, Virgo, and people, places, or things with the initials E, N, W. I also call this “Leading the Train of Life.” Time to shine or you may backslide due to the bad karma that’s been done. I want to add the word “Notice”- notice this energy! Those who need to be most aware are people that were born on 1,2,3,7,10,11,12,16,19,20,21,25,28,29,30 of any month or have a lifepath, name, personal year, month or date number that adds up to the numbers 1,2,3,7,10. Those born under the signs of Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces need to be conscious of the effect of the energy in October. People born in the months of January, February, March, July, October, November need to take note as well as people, places, things and words with the initials of A,B,C,G,J,K,L,P,S,T,U,Y. If you were born on the days of Sunday, Monday, Thursday these days are of great favor so pay attention to them. For spiritual assistance you can try calling on the Archangel Ariel “Lion of God.” For HooDoo Números Meditation in October, repeat these numbers to yourself out loud: 5308221120 and in the meantime say numbers 133915533. Repeat these many times every day for the rest of the month. This is something new that Spirit has been working on with me called, Number Frequency to keep the body and your reality at a balance. I also give Personal HooDoo Números to clients in situations where they need to bring balance to their lives. Everyone who knows me knows that I have back problems. I know where it’s coming from, so I’ve got a code for that and I say it almost every day and I have no more pain in my back. With the numbers, everything has a code. By saying the code you are creating balance. Remember that everything you do is calculated and there is power in the numbers. Making important decisions? Deciding to make a move or wait? Seeing if you are compatible with a mate? Do you have a question you would like to ask about the numbers in your life? Let the Numbers guide you to a more fulfilled life. To learn more about your energy this year and what’s in store for you in 2013, email me at basayda@bellesprit.com or dorrell3@gmail.com or call 864-326-5277. I am running specials with my Number Therapy Sessions/Readings if you get a reading from me I will read your Children under 17 for free. Contact me through this email address. Email today to schedule a time for your 2013 Number Therapy Reading!!! If you are ever in Greenville, SC, come see me at Studio Rejuvenate in Greer, SC. www.studiorejuvenate.com. I want to THANK all that have already received a reading from me. The more you know, the more you are prepared, the more opportunities present themselves, and the more success you will have. I am your Numerologist & Vibrational Advisor Affirmation Coach. On “Facebook” and “Twitter,” add me as your Friend. Listen to me on www.blogtalkradio.com/basayda-dorrell www.blogtalkradio.com/t2nrock www.t2nrock.com https://twitter.com/BasaydaDorrell www.facebook.com/basayda.dorrell www.facebook.com/BellespritMagazine ]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.