Getting Positive Over Guilt
This article is about cycles, perhaps it’s about spiritual growth. Maybe it’s about figuring out how we fit into the larger frame of universal consciousness… Hello friends and welcome to another Patrick’s Ponderance. I promise this article will truly give your mind a spin so please stay with me. We’ll have some fun along the […]
On this particular day, the message was loud and clear and I could only stop and stare at this beautiful tree as the message poured into my awareness. Greeting Dear Ones and welcome to another Ponderance. I would like to start off by calling to your attention the photograph that is accompanying this article. It […]
Greetings Dear friends and welcome! This month I would like to delve into the subject of Consciousness. If you don’t mind, I’ll ramble on a bit to set up my thoughts but in the end it will all make sense. First, I’ll give a small bit of information about myself. Several years ago I stated […]
Meet the ladies behind this amazing Spiritual Network that is taking the Spiritual Community by storm! My name is Julie Simpson. I am a Spirit Medium, Teacher and Counselor. My faith is Spiritualism. It is a way of life for me, my life’s work. For me, Spiritualism is not for ‘entertainment only.’ I am a […]
This month I would like to delve into some thoughts that have been rattling around in my head for quite some time, and with recent events unfolding around us it seems this is a perfect time to share some of these ponderances. At the time of this writing the recent attack at an Orlando nightclub […]
Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.
©Belle Salisbury 2021 · Bellesprit
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