Is Indifference the Opposite of Love?
It occurred to me that maybe we have been misled with the talks promoting the belief that the opposite of love is fear.
It occurred to me that maybe we have been misled with the talks promoting the belief that the opposite of love is fear.
Medium Shelley Hofberg has had many encounters with her Spirit Guides…
Power Plays, Death, and Immaculate Rebirth with Mars Trine Pluto February 24th, 2021.
Artistic Vision, Passionate Love, and Profound Psychic Experiences are Blooming the Last Two Weeks of February.
February’s New Moon Brings New Opportunities for Adventure, Personal Discovery, and Spiritual Exploration!
Everyone feels it – no one wants to deal with it. We have no choice except to walk across the bridge of consciousness
I realized Mother Earth wanted to communicate something very important to me
What’s “the year of birth?” It’s about bringing in a new world, a better world.
Intense, spooky, and almost ominous waves of energy will come to a climax …
The Divine Masculine energy will be inviting us to rise above petty arguments
Soul murmurs are nudges from the Divine; messages from Source; intuitive wisdom […]
Do you actually know how the Law of Attraction really works […]
This isn’t about astrology MAKING you do something, it’s about what you’ve asked for […]
Relating to Karma, everything you do, good or bad, will reflect back to you […]
Anita Neilson discusses the importance of tuning out and getting rest […]
What does it take for you to experience self-love? […]
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