Wicca & Paganism FAQ’s
August’s offering is a letter I wrote to a dear friend, who finally came to me saying “LynAnne, what’s it all about?” She just wanted to know a little more about Wicca and Paganism. If you’ll forgive the conversational style that I am well known for, we will explore a little more about it, and […]
After many years of staying home with my children, and because I was now single and on my own, it was time for me to enter the ‘real world’ again. To tell you the truth, I was nervous and pretty insecure about the whole thing. I had a very comfortable existence while I was married […]
It’s August! That means summer is almost over for us in the Northern Hemisphere. How can that be, since I haven’t taken any vacation yet? We wait, and not very patiently, for summertime and it just flies by every year. This is the month that many kids in the Southern U.S. states and college students […]
Spirit hit me right between the eyes this month. I should have known it was coming, given that they are, after all, all-seeing and all-knowing. I had been slipping a bit in my spiritual practice, especially my meditation because of a busier than usual work and family schedule. I guess I kind of thought I […]
Many traumatic, painful and life changing events have happened in my life over the past 2 years. I divorced after an 8 year marriage, moved 2 times, and the last move was to be closer to my Mom, who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. On top of it all, I was in a very […]
Far too often the concepts of shielding and protection are filled with misunderstandings and a lot of drama. Rather than create a sense of security and comfort within Self, despite the appearance of safety, it tends to reinforce a belief that one is powerless. This in turn reinforces the fear that shapes our experience of […]
There is great controversy amongst spiritual light and energy workers, creatives, healers, intuitives, and heart-centered innovators around the topic of money, as if money itself is anything but neutral. This dissension can show itself in polarized points of view, the result of our experience of duality; of separation from the divine itself. When the subject […]
Since I began writing the Spiritual Feng Shui column over a year ago, the readership of Bellesprit Magazine has grown tremendously. In this column, I want to provide some basic information for the new readers about the ancient art and science of Feng Shui. It was established in Tibet and China about 4,000 years ago. […]
Like many women, I have had, if not, a love-hate relationship with my body, at least a love-courtship-sometimes-disdain and frustration with this now 54 year old Goddess who gazes and sometimes glares back at me from my mirror. If you want to get a true reading on how you feel about yourself, stand naked in […]
Everything casts a shadow or leaves a mark. Every word, every thought, every behavior. Your angry thoughts about the neighbor and the loving caress you gave a baby. Your diary, a dance of joy, a beautiful painting. Each leaves an energetic mark on the world and each, in turn, impacts your vibration and therefore your […]
Don’t kid yourself. What you buried is alive, active and in control […]
Over the past few decades many healing modalities have appeared that help individuals release specific events stored within their systems. Now, around the planet, many people are being guided to develop techniques that are starting to move beyond words and clear whole stories at a time, rather than having to verbalize and address specific events. […]
Now that I have re-captured my boat by seeing how I had allowed others in the past to hop in and steer for me, leading me to places and destinations I would have not gone myself, I am overwhelmed by the enormous responsibility of being the captain of my own ship. With my ore in […]
In June, we celebrate Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. Solstice is a combination of Latin word meanings, Sol “sun” and stice “to stand still.” Now, that seems like a gift “Sun to stand still” to bring longer daylight hours. What a wonderful thing to have happen allowing us glorious moments of fun […]
Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.
©Belle Salisbury 2021 · Bellesprit
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