A crystal of the heavens, this stone’s vibration is soft and ANGELIC. With celestite you are easily able to connect with the angels as this stone clears the way for communication and connecting with them. This celeste crystal resonates with your higher heart, throat, third eye, crown, and star chakras, enabling you to communicate from a centered place of the heart. Celestite helps you to speak your truth eloquently as well as awakening the third eye to a higher dimension where Angels reside. This stone also connects you to your star chakra where you are able to transcend worldly ego and the materialistic. From this chakra you are able to transmute energy through your connection to God/Source and bring this newly transmuted energy back through your bodies into mother Gaia through your earth chakra.
This month’s meditation will have you focusing on chakras. There are many chakras, being that you are multi-dimensional. The most common ones recognized are the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. In this meditation there will be a few more to add. We will start with the star chakra followed by the crown, third eye, ear, throat, high heart, heart solar plexus, sacral, root, feet and earth chakra which sits a few inches below your feet inside of Gaia. In this meditation these chakras are all aligned with the spine in a straight line and all viewed in the color of white. There will be a continuous flow of white light from one chakra to another as GOD’s/SOURCE’s LIGHT moves through.
Start by relaxing yourself in a comfortable space of your liking and in any position. Gently close your eyes, calming your thoughts and take a few deep breaths. Place you focus on your third eye using this area as your inner movie screen. This screen is blank, and white. As you gaze at this screen an object in the form of a solid celestite crystal appears. This star represents your star chakra which sits above your crown chakra. This chakra connects you to GOD/SOURCE/UNIVERSE and gently guides energy down through your other chakras below down into mother GAIA. Allow yourself to consciously connect to this chakra for a moment.
When you feel connected, visualize a large bubble of LIGHT above your head and high into the center of the universe. From this light ALL existence began and through this life of ENERGY all will continue. This light is GOD/SOURCE. See this light cascading a white light in the form of a cylinder into your star chakra (right above your head). As this light enters your chakra feel the over powering vibration of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and WHOLENESS. Let this PURE LOVE energy sit in the star chakra for a moment. When you are ready, allow this chakra to rotate right and start the process of releasing this GOD energy into the crown chakra. Feel the calmness that comes over your mind as this light evaporates all negative thought patterns in this moment.
When you are ready let the clockwise rotation of your chakra begin as this energy continues to flow to the third eye. As this energy rests here, feel any psychic attachments and cords that are not in your highest good dissolve and being replaced with LIGHT. When you are ready allow the right rotation of this chakra. Follow this loving light down from your third eye to the ear chakra. As the light sits here feel the sound of GOD’S LOVE. Some of you may even hear a high pitched tone or tickle as this light rests and re- aligns this chakra. Hurtful words that were spoken to you and blocks to hearing your GODSELF TRUTH are now being transmuted in this LIGHT. When you are ready, allow this chakra to rotate right as God love and wholeness continue to flow.
This Energy now flows down to your throat chakra. As this chakra fills with the light of GOD it clears the passage of the throat for clear, HONEST COMMUNICATION which is stemmed from your HEART. Feel the LOVE that fills this chakra and thank the throat for allowing you to communicate your thoughts and feelings this lifetime. When ready, allow the rotation to the right to take place. This light now moves into your high heart chakra. As this chakra is filled with GOD’S LIGHT envision PEACE, HARMONY and tranquility in your entire BEING. Sit with this vision and allow yourself to feel at peace, in harmony with ALL and tranquility WITHIN. This higher heart chakra opens up the space for you to give and receive love on a higher frequency. This LOVE is UNCONDITIONAL without ego interference. When you feel full, allow the rotation of this chakra to the right. Follow the flow of GOD’S unconditional love and light energy down to your HEART chakra. While this light sits here know that what is being removed from this chakra’s vibration is pain. This is pain from all lifetimes that was caused to you by another, and equally the pain caused by you to another. Forgive yourself and others for the past and know that YOU are WHOLE and DIVINE LOVE. Sit here as long as you need to feel this lightness in your actual physical heart. This will be your signal to move to the solar plexus chakra.
Rotating the heart chakra right and continuing the flow of this LIGHT and LOVE of God, focus your attention to the solar plexus chakra. God’s light fills this place with the unlimited DIVINE power of CREATIVITY each being is gifted with. Those beliefs are projections of yourself and others that are not in alignment with the HIGHEST part of who you are and will be gently transmuted into the TRUTH of your God-self. You are not apart from God as many were taught. God has always been WITHIN you and each being of existence. Everything in your life and world was and is created by you FREELY. Let God’s light sit in this chakra until you feel ready. Once ready, rotate the chakra to the right. Follow this LOVE ENERGY into your sacral chakra.
Once here, see God’s light immediately rotating the chakra to the right upon entering. The energy will not flow down during the initial rotations as these rotations are slow in movement to thoroughly CLEAN cords, and memories no longer needed at your current VIBRATION. You now know you are WHOLE, you are BEAUTIFUL and your God self is capable of doing all successfully. When it is time to move forward you will see this chakra speeding up its rotation in alignment with those before it.
Once this is seen follow this Flow of energy to the root chakra. As God’s light sits in this chakra this chakra pulsates like a heartbeat. “I AM safe to be who I am at all times FREELY and FLOWING with all that is. “ This is the mantra to speak quietly or out loud as God’s light removes fears and worries of you being enough and safe in GOD’s LIGHT and Love which exists in you already. When this chakra stops pulsating allow the right rotation to begin and the flow God’s Energy down to your feet chakra, following the flow directly down in-between your two feet where Gods light rests. God’s love removes and pushes out the fear of being stuck in any situation. You are FREE in this moment and EVERY MOMENT to choose what you create. It is always possible to create harmony in any circumstance. Fear is now removed and replaced with God’s light, God’s Love, and God’s TRUTH. Let God’s light sit here until you feel completely strong in your truth which is the truth of God and your existence. When you are ready allow the right rotation flow to gently bring God’s energy to the final chakra, the EARTH chakra. You are connected in each moment to GAIA by this chakra to Her. Allow God’s light to sit here and BALANCE and ALIGN you and your connection with Gaia. God’s light grounds your energy to that of GAIA and bathes you both in the divine light of GOD/SOURCE from whence we ALL come. When both you and the earth are completely filled with this light you will see a white rose as the earth chakra. This symbol is Gaia’s way of thanking you for acknowledging your connection to Her and allowing God’s light to flow from your vehicle of light to Hers as She does for all beings. From the earth chakra now moving upward, see each chakra turn into a white rose bud. Once you make it back up to your star chakra your meditation is complete. Before you open your eyes see each rose bud clearly in your chakras. Recognize and honor your ONENESS to Gaia, God and all that exists in GRATITUDE.
The Angels as written through LEIGH Hickombottom]]>