We dwell in a world that seems to force us to rush through life. There is an almost constant flow of intrusions and distractions that make us feel as if we have no time to nurture ourselves.
By Rebecca Nidey
Everything I Need To Know I Learned In A Haunted House
Recently I was introduced to a way to ease the feeling that our lives, bodies, and spirits are off balance.
Jennifer Sieck, MA is an Intuitive Counselor who has created an instructional CD based on methods she developed while in her twenties. This CD, Chakra Balancing For Every Body & Soul, discusses the Seven Major Chakras of our bodies. As she explains, the word Chakra meals “wheel” in Sanskrit and each chakra is merely a wheel of energy. Just as an unbalanced tire can cause problems with our vehicles, Chakras that do not align can have a negative impact on our energy levels, physically and spiritually.
Since many of us have busy schedules and are pressed for time, this compact CD is perfect as it packs much information into a little over 31 minutes. Beginning with an in depth explanation of each chakra, this disc contains meditations, spoken words and vocals, along with beautiful background sounds of nature, making it perfect for both beginners and professionals.
In a soothing, calm voice Jennifer proceeds to walk the listener through each chakra. After explaining how it relates to in our personalities and lives, she demonstrates visualizations and tones that may be used to balance each zone of our body. This includes the colors that represent each area and may help with healing it when used in the visualizations. She also gives information on how the different chakras can impact our physical and emotional well-being.
At this time, the wonderful instructional CD, Chakra Balancing For Every Body & Soul, is only available by contacting Jennifer to request a copy. She can be contacted in the following ways:
E-mail: imaselkie@Juno.com
Website: www.innervoiceintuitive.com
Facebook pages: Jennifer Sieck or Inner Voice Intuitive Readings and Counseling
Jennifer is in the process of developing a DVD as well as a download of this CD so that her instructions can be delivered to tablets and cell phones, making it portable. Through her website, you can also see a list of her other services.
I highly recommend using this beautiful instructional CD to align your chakras…they are the key to your physical and spiritual health. Having listened to the lessons several times already I can attest that I felt a great peace and much less stress by the end of each session. Please consider checking out this CD, Chakra Balancing For Every Body & Soul.
About the Author:
Through her work on the investigative team for the Crawford County Illinois Ghost Hunters, Rebecca Nidey has an understanding of the paranormal, spiritual, and metaphysical worlds and how they work together.
Rebecca has trained in the Healing Touch technique (a form of energy healing). She is a certified Psychic Medium trained by Belle Salisbury, and she is a certified Paranormal Researcher.
Rebecca is the associate editor for Bellesprit Magazine and also writes a column titled Everything I Need To Know I Learned In A Haunted House. She has been a co-host of several radio programs for the Haunted Voices Radio Network and HeyZ Radio Network highlighting the Paranormal, metaphysical and literary fields.
To learn more about Rebecca or to schedule a reading you can contact her at https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.nidey.