Greetings Beloved Ones, It is I, Archangel Haniel whose name means “The Grace of God.” I greet you today with a message of joy. I am honored to connect with each of you. I ask that you spread the joy that you feel to everyone. Be the reason someone smiles today. This is a beautiful way to make a difference in every person’s life as well as your own. Little things can make a big difference. Feel the joy deep within your heart. Joy is your birthright. It is an uplifting emotion. Invite me in if you need help connecting to your joy or as you are working to manifest your earthly desires. Sense my divine frequency. I will assist you as you connect to your higher self, helping you to recognize who you truly are, connecting mind, body and spirit. With my help you will enjoy a more peaceful, loving journey, transmuting anything negative into a positive more balanced experience. Please accept the help I am offering each of you. Become aware of the synchronicities that begin to occur. Embrace your life, as you will become more open, receiving the guidance that is needed. You will find circumstances that caused anxiety or sadness are completely restored and harmonized, bringing peace and understanding. The power you will feel, as your life changes comes from within. With my influence, I will help to bring love and harmony into all areas of your life. You will begin to understand absolute fulfillment and will have complete comprehension of your life’s purpose. As you are divinely guided, you will be able to move in the direction of your dreams, discovering your true path. The happiness you will encounter will become lasting joy. I will also help you to find inner fulfillment and create a more loving life. I am here to help each of you discover your purpose by taking the next step on your path today. Live in the present moment and begin to become empowered as we work together, transforming your dreams into your reality. Beloved Ones, invite me into your life today. I am Archangel Haniel. Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.