“Choices….Chances….Changes….You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.”
I found this quote on Facebook last week and it just clicked with me. In the last few months of my column I have given you a background in spirituality; what it is, how to ground and protect yourself, and how to forgive and release so that you can move forward. This month’s article will focus on your inner strength and love. The preparation work you have done through my last few articles has equipped you for this next step. It has to do with improving your self esteem, loving yourself, so that you are more connected to Source and ultimately have more power so that you can just be.
“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”~Dalai Lama
There is so much going on right now. EVERYONE is changing, experiencing this wonderful shift, and as scary as it is….it’s happening for a reason. So instead of fighting it, go with it, flow with it, let the chips fall where they may. YOU are a beautiful soul meant to do beautiful, wonderful things. It’s time to take back your power!!! Stop being a victim or a prisoner, stop being controlled, stop giving up on your dreams and goals, stop losing your own identity, and putting everyone else before you.
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.” ~Deepak Chopra
If you’re anything like me, changes are coming fast and furious….kind of like the movie. It’s hard to “keep it between the lines”, so to speak, because there are cars passing you on the left and right, things to swerve around that need to be avoided, and obstacles standing in our way. We have to choose whether or not we are going to play it safe, or go for the gusto. Me, personally, I’m going for the gusto. I’m tired of being someone I’m not for the sake of other people’s feelings. I’m tired of holding my tongue so as not to offend anyone. I’m tired of being “good”, when I really just want to go enjoy life and have fun. I’m tired of not being and doing everything that He wants me to be and do, which ultimately was decided before I even came to be on Earth. This is my time!!! This is your time too.
“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” ~Lao Tzu
So go get it!!! What are you waiting for? Life is way too short to not live your life the way you want to and live it for yourself. Life is way too short to have any regrets. No one is in charge of your happiness except you!!! If you want to go back to school to get a degree, then do it!! If you want to go on a dream vacation, then go!!! If you want to get out of that relationship that you just aren’t happy in anymore, then leave!! If you want to change your career and use your creativity so that you live a life of bliss, then do it!! You are the creator of your own destiny.
“Life is not in having and getting but in being and becoming.” ~Matthew Arnold
I have searched for so long trying to figure who I am and what I am to do. I’ve changed jobs. I’ve changed husbands. I’ve joined clubs and civic organizations. I’ve tried so many different things and still didn’t feel that I was where I was supposed to be, doing what I was supposed to do. Yes, I am a mother. I am a daughter. I am a wife. I am an employee. I am a friend. All of these are wonderful and have ultimately prepared me for what God brought me here to do and I finally have it figured out. I am a healer. I am a teacher. I am a lightworker. I am a Reiki and IET practitioner. I am an author. I am meant to be of service to others, to heal, to comfort, to help, to guide. It has taken me so long and I have changed so much over the last two years. One of the things that took the longest for me to change though was loving myself, loving me for me, and accepting me for me.
“One aspect of unconditional love means fully accepting and loving yourself as you are.” ~The Silva Method
At the beginning of March, after many months and years of not feeling myself, knowing I wasn’t truly healthy, and not feeling comfortable in my skin, I sought advice and treatment from a nutritionist. I found out I had several food allergies that were contributing to my dis-ease. Now four months later, through a drastic lifestyle change and wellness plan, changing my eating habits, portion control, adding whole food nutritional supplements, and daily exercise, I have lost 3 pant sizes, over 30 pounds, and over 13% of my body fat. I finally feel comfortable in my skin! My skin glows!! I feel great! I have more energy! I haven’t been in a bathing suit in two years; I haven’t been in a bikini in 5 years! This whole process has opened me up to looking and feeling better than I have in years and I LOVE ME!!
I am not perfect by any means. I have my flaws, but I have finally accepted me for me and I love me for me, and I know that I am just as God intended me to be. Everything that I have written about for the last 3 months I have done. I’ve gone through it. I’ve made those changes in my life to get to this wonderful place that I’m at and YOU CAN TOO!!!
“Change…one of the hardest lessons in life is letting go, whether it’s guilt, anger, love, loss, etc. Change is never easy, you fight to hold on, and you fight to let go.” ~Sherry Jones
I’ve accepted me for me. I’ve accepted that I’m not perfect and life isn’t perfect either. I’ve accepted that I suck at being in relationships. I’ve accepted that I’m not easy to live with. I’ve accepted my past, my mistakes, and my indiscretions. I have let go of everything that needed to be released so that I could get to this wonderful place; a place of peace and joy and happiness and fulfillment that I always knew was waiting for me, and I KNOW it’s only going to get better. Learn to say NO….put yourself first. How can you possibly take care of others if you are too tired to take care of yourself?
“It’s not only safe for you to be powerful, it’s also necessary AND the foundation of your life purpose. Reach deep inside of you and pull up your power. Speak your truth with honesty, love, peace and power!” ~Doreen Virtue
I honestly couldn’t have said it better myself. You do have the power, the power to choose, the power to take chances, the power to change, the power to love unconditionally just as you are loved. Think positive! Turn your life around with the power of positive thinking and the power of positive feeling. You get what you give, so give it positively.
“First make things happen within yourself, then let things spontaneously happen in your life.” ~We Are Human Angels
Spend some time alone and focus on all of the things you are grateful for then think about how you want your life to be. Make a list of goals. Start small. It can be as simple as wanting a monthly pedicure, but be grandiose. If you want the luxury villa in Venice then put it on your list. There is enough abundance in the Universe for all of us and each and every one of us is deserving of it.
“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.”~Denis Waitley
You decide!! Are you ready to take a chance and change your life? It’s your choice.
You are love…..you are loved!!
So, until next time, all my light and love. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message on Facebook or drop me an email.
Email: magictouchhealing@gmail.com
Web Site: www.magictouchhealing.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MagicTouchHealing
Find out more about my sources for this article below:
Dalai Lama:
Deepak Chopra:
Lao Tzu:
The Silva Method:
Doreen Virtue:
We Are Human Angels:
Denis Waitley: