One of the benefits of using visualization for pretty much any goal is to be able to cleanse and clear your personal space without needing actual physical actions as a follow up to make it happen. For example, many people choose to smudge their personal space which is rooted in the Native American culture as a cleansing ceremony or prayer ceremony. Sweetgrass, Sage, Lavender, Cedar, Palo Santo wood and other natural or organic plant materials are placed in a bowl such as an Abalone shell or stone bowl, and are lit until they produce a sweet smoke and aroma. The smoke can be fanned with feathers or even the hand, starting in the East corner of the home, to the West, and back again to the East to complete a full circle. Projecting an intention of clearing negative energy, deflecting negative intentions and providing a clear space to reclaim boundaries is a helpful way to maintain a healthy balance. The smoke as well, interrupts any Infrared energy waves which are in the lower part of the visible light spectrum. These waves of energy are responsible for some of our darker thoughts and emotions which can attract spirit energy and entities that match that vibration. So, smudge has many benefits. And not only does it work for a physical space, it works for people as well. People can smudge themselves and each other to create the same effect. Well, what if those materials are not always convenient to use? What if someone is in a work place or somewhere else and cannot just light a stick of sage or Palo Santo if they need a smudge? Visualizing the smudge can be just as effective energetically as the act itself, especially when there is a muscle memory and memory imprint in the physical body from already doing the act of smudge prior. It is incredible the way the mind can recall information and replay it which can induce direct results that are just as effective as physically repeating the experience. Think back on the movie, “The Matrix”. This movie highlighted the way the mind works. If the mind believes it to be real, then it is real. The same goes for visualization of any form. Whether negative or positive, the mind can be an incredible machine to creating a desired result that can achieve tremendous results! So while taking this principle and applying it to cleansing of negativity especially while visualizing the act of smudge, we can achieve the desired result. And the more we do it, the stronger the imprint will become which will only intensify the result! Whether you’re at home, at your desk at work, or even driving around town and you feel completely overwhelmed and surrounded by negativity, even if that means someone has entered your mental space and is invading your thoughts with negativity, you can visualize this simple act of smudge and transform what is happening to you at that moment. You can visualize the smoke wrapping around your body starting at the feet and rising upward. You can see it move to your midsection, then chest, then extended outward to your arms and finally your face and the top of your head. You can visualize your entire body engulfed in the sweet smoke of all the elements you have put into it and picture it completely relaxing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. As you picture this, also picture the smoke carrying away any negativity that has been attached to you in any form that is unwanted. You can also do this with your car, your home, your workspace, your desk, etc. You can even do this with your children, your parents or others that have given you permission or have requested their personal space to be cleansed. This is different than using energy healing to assist in someone’s overall well being. This allows their space to be cleansed without bringing different energies within their body, or creating a situation in which your own energy is entangling into theirs that can create an energy “bleed back” of negative energy that can be damaging to both people. Keeping our personal space free of energetic debris keeps us aligned with our highest good and greatest potential. It keeps us from absorbing other energies as our own and visualizing a smudge such as this allows us to keep our energy draw filled with only the simplest and purest vibrations. So, happy visualizing everyone!]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.