This month’s JOURNEY will allow the HEALING, ACCEPTING and BEFRIENDING of the ego part of ourselves. Throughout life we have been taught much from society and that which is outside of ourselves. Let us now journey to the inner self in agreement with the ego, which also surrenders to the inner self in this moment. For here we are ALL CONNECTED to all of the knowledge needed to benefit each other and GIAI. Start by sitting or lying in a quiet place. Today let’s make this place SACRED by holding and stating the intention aloud to make this meditation space of choice SACRED and completely filled with the LIGHT of Source/God. Now gently close the eyes and breathe in and out 7 deep breathes. With each inhalation visualize your entire being filled with golden white light of God. Each cell each organ yourself completely. From this place close your eyes and move your focus to your HEART chakra. See this chakra as a vibrant green in s the shape of a circle and about an inch, inch and a half in both width and length. As you focus here allow yourself to feel this chakra and the LOVE that resides and flows from this chakra. The more you focus on this chakra and FEEL feelings of LOVE the larger this circle expands. Stay in this place until your chakra expands to the entire width of your chest area and is pulsating with this clean and vibrant green color…. Love energy. Once you have reached this point bring your focus on your third eye and from this point what you see before you is a beautiful mountain with 3 peaks. This mountain is no ordinary mountain as it is made of all crystal and looks as though it is a CLEAR QUARTZ crystal cluster. As the sun hits this mountain you see beautiful rays of colors emerging from this mountain. The colors will vary depending on what is needed for each individual. There may be one color or multiple colors radiating back at you from this mountain. Walk barefoot towards this mountain on the white rocks before your feet that are the walkway. As you get to this three peaked mountain you see that there is only one entrance and it is located at the center peak. Notice the colors of the tree peaks as you stand before the entrance. Look at each and feel their welcoming to you. When you are ready take a step into the mountain. What you see upon entering is a GOLDEN floor on which you stand and walls made of CLEAR APOPHYLLITE. Allow your body to soak up the energy of this APOPHYLLITE and GOLD as its energy merges with yours. You will then follow your own intuition. You will walk either towards the right where there is another door leading to the right peak that you saw outside. Or you will choose walk to towards the left where there is another entrance into the left peak. Some of you may choose to stay in the room which you are in, the center peak. (Please choose center, right, or left before Continuing and then proceed to the coordinating paragraph followed by the Gratitude paragraph)
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About Bellesprit
Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.