“May the bridges I burn light the way.” ~ Anonymous Jussta Thought… Change is not only in the air, but running rampant in all of our lives on every level. Relationships are abruptly ending as we discover the relationship no longer fills our needs. New relationships are tentative at best. Energy patterns have never been more intense – and this is only the beginning of a decade long period of extreme change in our social, government, and global systems. We have all witnessed the revolutions and protests in the Middle East and Greece – protest are violent – people demand change without having a vision of what the change they want will be in the future. These same people then protest even more violently and still have no vision. How is change impacting your own life? Have your finances been reduced drastically as you try to make ends meet? Are you still living the lifestyle you had even though you can no longer afford it? If your financial health has increased, have you begun sharing your new-found wealth? Here is an exercise I recommend. On a large piece of paper, draw a line for two columns vertically. Above one column name it SAME, above the other column name it CHANGE. Now begin making entries in each column of what is the same in your life and what has changed in the other column under change. This exercise does not have to be done at one sitting. In fact, it will serve you better to leave the piece of paper in an obvious place to write on it as you think of circumstances that fit under one column or the other. Some of the topics you may want to jot down include, health, relationships, companions (pets), finances, housing, work, intuition, sensing, obligations, responsibilities, equipment, knowledge (including what you have learned), eating habits, activities, hobbies. One you commit to this exercise, you may likely need several sheets of paper. Try not to look back at what you have written for at least a month. This time period will give you an opportunity to review all you have written down over the previous month. Each of us often hang on to what we know, we resist change with every cell and atom in our being. Yet, change will not be denied. We either embrace change or do everything in our power to ignore the changes occurring in our lives. We each make choices many times a day – each choice makes a difference in our life. NOT making a choice allows others to choose for us. Who do you choose to be from this moment forward? A chooser or a follower? I wish you blessings of love, light and joy. “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” ~ Unknown ~ Jussta Thought © 2012 Jussta All Rights Reserved Jussta jussta@jussta.com www.jussta.com]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.