By Danelle Devi
Creating a sacred circle is a very important aspect of increasing your effectiveness of a ceremony, since it focuses your energies, leads to right thinking, and sets intent.
Choose a place of power, a location in nature that is secluded or with a vista that “feels right”. Where your energies are most conducive to the sacred geometry of the land. Walk straight out from this place to the east, about 10 feet (if you can) or however large you want to create your sacred circle. It just needs to be big enough to stand in it. Stopping at each cardinal direction to feel the energies, walk around the circle four times singing or praying in thanks to the Creator and all beings for having this opportunity to share body, mind, heart, and soul. Sprinkle tobacco, cornmeal, or sge to form the perimeter of the circle. You can shake a rattle, drum, or other to break up the energies that are there. On the last round light sage or cedar and walk clockwise in a spiral toward the center, waving the smoke to fill the circle. Do as you are guided, performing ceremony or meditating and enjoying this sacred space.
I recently moved from Florida to London. During the transition of waiting for my belongings to arrive, I felt scattered and not grounded. My body was feeling sluggish and I could feel myself slipping into a state. I took matters into my own hands (deciding it was because I was not connected to Mother Earth) and during my third week here I started digging for rocks. I would ask Mother Earth if I could have the rocks I found. I placed them on the slab of concrete and started creating a circle. This now became my place of power. In the center I put the fire pit. I sang, danced, and drummed, feeling the energies come up and create this wonderful sacred space. I hung up prayer flags in the four directions as well as hanging Tibetan prayer flags. This serves me well and it has magnificent energy. I thank Creator for giving me this sacred circle.
Creating a sacred space can be done virtually anywhere and anytime you need it.
Mitakuye Oyasin,
Danelle Devi is a Tera Mai Seichem Reiki Master, Dar’Shem Master, Tarot Card Reader, Animal Communicator, Numerologist, Psychic Intuitive Empath, and Shaman. For more information about Danelle or to contact her, visit her website