Do you have certain Crystals or Gemstones that you are consistently drawn to; or are there favorite ones that you like to work with? What experiences have you had working with Crystals and other Gemstones? How have you worked with Crystals and Gemstones? For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to Crystals and Gemstones. I remember going on family trips and I often wanted to bring home a rock or pick out a crystal in the gift store or other “pretty” rock that might catch my eye. Working with Crystals and Gemstones were one of the very first tools that I began using. I remember even at the age of 4, I felt a need to be connected with them; and could spend hours upon hours gazing into them. In all honesty; I don’t think that has changed a whole lot. At one point in my life, I even was a sales rep for Crystals and Gemstones; and my boss at the time was always mesmerized how I would pick out the ones to take with me, and how I could pick out gem quality stones with my naked eyes (which of course he always had to verify with his jewelers loop). Even, early in studies and times of meditation I would hold crystals or surround myself with them when sleeping or meditating. I literally could gaze into them for hours and drift away into the portals that were open inside of them. There seemed to be an endless amount of information that they shared with me. It was sometimes cultures, sometimes scenes playing out like a movie. Sometimes, it was a person, place, or any other numerous things. I felt like I could explore endless worlds through them; and found each one to be so unique and special; like a little piece of the Divine (which of course I understand how they are fully that). It seems like, in my journey, so many of my connections with Divine have involved crystals. Sometimes this was connecting with someone in a way that Divine presence flowed through the time we shared. Sometimes, it was a gift given to me by someone very special in my life. Sometimes it was the most amazing journeys in the universe through meditation, visualization, or astral traveling. No matter what is happening in my life, it seems like crystals have always been there for me; calming me, energizing me, enlightening me. However, they have always reminded me of Divine Connection with their simple presence. One of the things I loved about Zion National Park, when living near there, was the amazing gemstones so abundant in the region. I remember a time when I lost everything I owned, down to the clothes on my back due to black mold. The only thing that was not “infected” with it was my crystals. I have had all kinds, shapes, and colors. Like all things in the universe, they carry their own vibration; and that vibrational energy then interacts with our own energy in a way that can provide all kinds of responses. Our heart may soften and open, we may find personal strength, we may receive a healing, our intuitive mind may open and so much more. Imagine every metal, mineral, crystal, stone having its own piece of the Divine within it; and then openly sharing with us. How the codes of these stones interact with us personally; can then show if we will receive healing, awakening, challenges, or any number of aspects in our life. They will show the way that they can assist and facilitate our own personal growth. Becoming aware of those that help you connect with the Divine, is truly a gift. As for me, I always like to keep ones around me that I can touch easily or hold quickly. It is like having a friend that reminds you of your true self, right in hand. What types of Crystals and Gemstones are you drawn to? Do you have favorite ones that you like to work with; or ones that you use for specific things? What effects have you received when working with crystals? Views:]]>
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.