A channeled message from Edgar Cayce as shared with DC Love.
By DC Love
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. I, Edgar Cayce come before you today and offer you a little bit of enlightenment.
I feel that I had lived my last life before all that I offered was truly embraced. Healing, reincarnation, holistic medicine, universal consciousness, soulmate connections, the soul’s purpose, crystals, colors, stones, and intuitive forces, are some of the things that I was interested in, and for a good reason. All of that was more than 60 years ago, but the information I gathered is timeless. I truly didn’t realize the impact of all I had learned and how it would still be here today and embraced beyond my comprehension.
My knowledge expanded and encompassed over 10,000 different topics.

I was born in 1877 in Kentucky on a farm. During my early childhood my gifts began to manifest. I had begun to connect with those in the spirit world, one being my grandfather. I knew that our loved ones remained with us after death. I received information and connected with those who passed during the dream state. I also came to the realization that souls are infinite and continue on after physical death, as well as soul families, which include our furry friends. They, too, have contracted to be with us through many lifetimes helping our souls to grow and accomplishing our purpose during each lifetime.
As well, I found the connection the physical body has to its many incarnations. Health is not limited to taking care of the physical body. It must also encompass our minds, as well as cellular memory. When someone is diagnosed with a disease, it is not just the illness that needs to be considered. The medical communities focus on one disease, instead of the complex issues that need to be considered. There are so many factors involved.
The Akashic Records contains each individual’s records pertaining to all earthly lifetimes. Beyond that, every thought and feeling is also recorded. These records affect our reality depending on the way the soul chooses to present itself, as well as its desires, it also affects the outcome of each lifetime.
Spirituality is the source of all life. Meditation is significant. It is the key to connecting with Source. Prayer cannot be discounted. Meditation is prayer. Spiritual affirmations are tools that can be used for enlightenment.
I hope this has given you a little food for thought. As the man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Thinking is in your mind …which can activate your purpose and will, and embraces the physical, spiritual and mental aspects of the individual. Each soul constantly meets its own self. No problem may be run away from. Meet it Now! I think that this is enough for now. I would like to come back to connect with you all regularly. Stay close to nature and breathe it into your soul. Embrace each sunrise and sunset.
Blessings to all. I Am Edgar Cayce.
About the Author:
DC Love is a Psychic Medium, Angel Intuitive, Divine Healer, Conscious Channel, Empath, Reiki Master and Teacher, Natural Healer and Radio Host. She brings forth divine guidance and healing from Jesus, Mother Mary, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, her furry Angel Ginger, and, every now and then, the not so divine Joan Rivers. DC is also a Bellesprit Diamond Psychic and Healer. You can learn more about DC Love or schedule a reading by visiting her web site at http://www.therealdclove.com.
Images used by permission–Edgar Cayce Foundation–Virginia Beach, VA; EdgarCayce.org.