In the midst of whirlwinds and turbulent times with many paths laid out before you how do you make a sound decision? And what path is the best path for you to take?
My life is being put through a complete transformation and makeover. Unexpected changes with my career and relationships are being hurdled at me. Feeling completely out of control and unstable, I find myself becoming paralyzed with fear and panic wanting to make hasty decisions out of desperation, and clinginess.
Being in such a vulnerable state feels extremely painful and uncomfortable to me. I feel completely lost and out of control. I want so badly to have a clear knowing of what I should be doing in this moment, and what direction to take. The fact that I don’t know what I am doing or what I should do terrifies me.
I embraced this vulnerable feeling, and I thought back to past times when I felt this way and made decisions out of fear, making my life a bigger mess than it seemed to have been in the first place. Knowing this, I decided to proceed carefully and with caution.
I spent quiet time alone, praying for guidance and the whirlwind settled as I came back to my breath and the stillness within. Taking my focus off of everything that was occurring on the outside, I was able to relax into my heart and to ask myself some really important questions like, what do I want? What feels right for me? Without being influenced by anything or anybody on the outside. It is through knowing yourself and your own ‘wiring system’ and being completely honest with yourself when asking these questions that you can make a sound decision.
Take a pause to consider…Who are you? At what pace do you live life? What is comfortable for you? What makes you happy? These are really great questions to ponder when making important decisions. I think the best advice I can give you is to have patience with yourself, take your time, and wait until it “feels” right to respond to life’s dramas. We are conditioned to think there is a rush, but remember there is no rush!