Question: From Melinda: What type of positive opportunities do I have coming this year?Pamela Cummins: LOL I heard the song lyric, “So many men, so little time.” I am interpreting that as you will be very attractive to men because you feel so good about yourself. It also means you will be busy doing the things that are important to you. Your self-confidence continues to grow. Denise Divine D: Hello Melinda. Family will bring blessings to you this year. Take moments to connect with your female relatives and friends during this first half of the year. Passed loved ones are watching over you and guiding you along. Reach out to them for support and guidance. You will be much more tuned in to your emotions this year. This will allow your heart chakra to be much more open to give and receive love. Connect with family and friends now for doors to start opening. Mystic Mandy: I hear the word ‘Health’ and the opportunity to bring things more into balance within your life, especially if you overdo things, take on too much empathically, or feel ungrounded or drained. There is something you need to pay attention to and take action on which has the opportunity to be your teacher if you listen and can clear yourself of energies that are not healthy for you. Now is a good time to improve your diet, meditate/listen, and detox from whatever is unhealthy for you. Elaine Fessey: Hello Melinda, There is a positive upsurge in all areas of your life. Relationships become fun and you see life in a new way. This has the knock on effect of bringing better health, especially around the chest and heart chakra area. Workwise, you may have to take a step backwards but this is for the best right now. This picks up in the next year. Best wishes. Donna Cantone: Hi Melinda, my angels are telling me there is a situation that you need to heal. It might be good to see the other person’s point of view with compassion. This will bring you healing. I’m sensing a little indecisiveness on your part because you don’t have all the facts. Once you do, everything will resolve. I feel you will have or already have an opportunity to work with communications and the arts. The angels are with you for support, so do not feel insecure. Enjoy! Erin Sights: HI Melinda, this is the year for you and your heart. What you desire. When negativity tries to enter, stay positive and you will succeed. Work and family will take on another approach in your life. You will look at things differently and be strong. Breathe, you tend to forget to take deep breaths. Things will happen for the best. Forget about last year.
Question: From Shawn: How I can financially help my husband and I, since I don’t work outside the home (for several reasons). Thank you in advance for any insight…Love and lightPamela Cummins: Heard loud & clear “Internet.” There is an opportunity there. Now I heard, “Seek & you shall find.” Happy searching! Denise Divine D: Hello Shawn. Get creative. Take a look at your creative talents, especially in the forms of writing and/or creative design. There are many sites where you can earn from your creative skills. Mystic Mandy: I hear “spend less” and “simplify.” But, I also feel you might be able to take internet training for something in a way that doesn’t cost too much. There is part of you resisting though, maybe feeling it would all be too difficult or not trusting. The card I draw says “You lack the necessary skills or motivation. Try not to take the easy way out. Keep proactive and get help and the necessary skills when you need them.” A site I recommend to others who want to learn some skills, but don’t have a lot of funds is You can also, sometimes, take adult education or college courses by correspondence through certain schools as well. For myself, when starting out, I took a few cheap graphic design courses, but learned a lot for free (there is tons of free resources on the internet). I got work through and Taught myself WordPress and Joomla using free resources. So, there are opportunities out there for people who need to work from home. There are jobs where you can type, assemble products or doing other things from home, but many are scams, so if you go that route be selective. Some other sites you might want to check out are,, and Staci Wells: I agree with Mystic Mandy. I feel “distance” and “the internet.” Things you can sell on eBay come to mind, whether they are from your own closet or your own craft creations. Get artsy and sell it on eBay. If you are still suppressing your creativity and prefer to ‘play it safe’ look for a customer service sort of part time job that you can do at home with your own computer and internet connection. Elaine Fessey: Dear Shawn, Your husband feels blessed by your emotional support. You are a natural care-giver and can enhance this by training in talk-therapy that you can use via the Internet or telephone. You also have a flair for Feng Shui and design, all of which can be done online. Enjoy the new opportunities ahead. Jennifer Sieck: Hi Shawn, I, too, am feeling this is an issue of motivation. I cannot emphasize how important it is for you to give up any back story around lack or scarcity. When you give up this story, you will find opportunities for home based businesses open up. This is definitely the future trend and your guides are saying you would have fun selling on e-bay and going to some auctions. I feel you very much like to do things on your own terms, so I think this would be a good fit. I also see the potential to fill some more hours with home based customer service work. Wishing you well as you chart your new course. Erin Sights: HI Shawn, I agree with internet and training. There is an opportunity for you though your self-esteem and doubt is stopping you. Something creative could be a possibility, as well. Are you creative? You have an idea, take steps with thinking about whatever that is first, and the training will be there for you. It is right under your fingertips. Donna Cantone: Hi Shawn, the angels are telling me that there are many things you can do from a practical standpoint to help with finances. Saving, buying less, budgeting, etc. They say to ask them for help, be open to receiving their guidance and follow through. Answers do come, so be aware of everything you see and hear. They ask you to have patience and faith as good things are coming in the near future. Blessings!
Question: From Brenda: I have been pursued by a company to have me work for them. I will be having a second interview per my request. I currently have a 40 hour job, which I dislike how I have been treated. I also own a company that is growing but seasonal. I love how my company makes me feel inside. I also feel it will grow much bigger this summer. I am hesitant to take the new job offer when I love what I do for my own company. The not knowing if the feeling of growth will be enough to provide for my family and bills is my concern. I have asked for answers many times from my guides. I have not been able to hear or see their answers. Thank you for your help.Pamela Cummins: I am hearing the song lyric, “Take a look in the mirror” and look deep within. I also heard, “Don’t do it baby” from a song that refers to white lies. It really is your choice and I feel they will make you an offer that is hard to refuse. If you do take the new job, it will be short lived. As far as your current job, my guides are saying – boundaries. Elaine Fessey: Hello Brenda, what I hear is stick with what you know for the time being. The new company will make promises they won’t fulfil. Your company will be in a much better position within five years and you need a job you can do without pressure to help build it up. Stay put for now. This cannot be rushed. Jennifer Sieck: Hello Brenda. I am feeling that you are coming into a new place of growing awareness regarding your deeper needs and wants. I feel that the new job will be way more than you bargained for. I feel that yes, your business is growing and will continue to grow. I feel you will slowly be able to step back from the job you don’t like. The more you can work with affirmations and creative visualization related to abundance, the faster you will see your business grow. Your guides are telling me this is the way to grow your dream. Let the rest easily fall away… Donna Cantone: Hi Brenda, my angels are saying that if you feel a lack in finances at leaving the full time job, then stay. They say you deserve the best and to be treated well. Keep reaching for your dreams and grow the business you love. They are with you, supporting you. You will find in time that your business will grow and so will your finances. You’ll move on from the job you dislike to the one that you love. Blessings!
Question: From Deepak: I have one question if you can please help. I lost my job on 31 Dec 2013 and am looking for a new one – when do u see a new job for me? Many Thanks & Regards, DeepakPamela Cummins: I heard May. In the meantime, I got a vision of a waiter in a nice restaurant. That waiter could be symbolic of doing work part time or you don’t want till the May job. Stop worrying. Mystic Mandy: The card I draw says “Laziness. Try not to waste your time or talents. Don’t be idle. Don’t wait for what you want to fall from the sky into your hands. Keep pursuing goals and options.” It also says not to let a negative attitude or ‘poor me’ overcome you. As for when, I draw “The outcome looks uncertain. Let go of ego around this issue and be able to see what is preventing you from progress. Strive for inner balance.” Send Us Your Question! Our Diamond Wisdom column is for YOU to submit one question to be answered here FREE each month by one or more of our talented psychics and healers. Views:]]>