If you prefer, you can request your name to be listed in the column as anonymous; however we will need your name for our psychics to connect with your energy.
From Donna:
How can I cure my tinnitus?
LynAnne Moon: Always of course, see your doctor and rule out any physical reason for this. An ear and throat specialist may be called for in this case. In the meantime, meditate and see the many little places of the ear and send your ears love (not irritation, although that might be what you feel). Tinnitus is difficult to deal with, but get to a quiet place as often as possible, and by all means…keep the racket down for now, until you’ve seen your doctor.
Pamela Cummins: Hearing the Beatles song lyric, “Listen, I got a secret…” Is there something you are not listening to? The other thing I got was to stop negative thinking and worry. I am hearing the song, “All right now, baby it’s alright.” Know that God is taking care of you.
Luci Leibfried: First thing, always seek a medical opinion. Second thing, open yourself up to receive the messages being sent to you. Meditate, call on your angels or guides and ask them what they need to tell you. Sometimes we seek things so intently, that we miss what is right in front of us. When we don’t listen, the universe has a way of getting our attention. When was the last time you had a checkup? It might be time… just to make sure. Blessings.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Donna, if all medical avenues have failed start to listen to your inner voice. My guide is telling me the child in you needs to come out to play. She has held back because of being afraid to be too conspicuous. Let your hair down and enjoy yourself more often. If you have a past life regression, you will ‘hear’ more answers to your condition. Good luck!
Mystic Mandy: I hear the words ‘Balance’ as what will help it, and for the cause I hear ‘Confusion.’ With my healing cards, I drew two cards of your being ‘empathic’ and tending to take things on empathically. I also drew ‘Detoxification’ and ‘Lymphatic System.’ So you may be cleansing something or have a need to cleanse something toxic (physically, emotionally or with relationships). Asking what you need to detoxify, I drew ‘Candida’ and ‘Find Someone to Do N.A.E.T’ (a treatment that helps with Allergies). Candida is associated with codependency and being scattered/indecisive. Allergies are associated with feeling unsafe or on guard all the time. For treatment, I drew the card ‘Cut Cords and Psychic Attachments’ as well as ‘Flower Essence/Homeopathy.’ So being an empath and sensitive, you might respond well to vibrational medicine and finding ways to discharge yourself of other people’s thoughts, opinions, desires energy etc. But as others say, see your doctor to rule out any medical issues or Meniere’s syndrome.
Donna Putrino Cantone: Hello Donna, please seek medical attention as this is not easy to cure. If there is no underlying medical issue, I’m hearing to look at your diet. Are you drinking or eating foods with too much caffeine? Are you listening to loud TV shows or music? Do you smoke? I’m hearing ‘detox’ so I feel it might be related to a food intolerance. Sometimes if there is no other cause, I would ask your angels if they are trying to communicate with you. Because their vibration is so much higher than ours you can ask them to slow it down or to show you in a physical way. Blessings!
Sandra Smith: Absolutely consult a Dr. who specializes in tinnitus. Once you do that, they may suggest cranial sacral therapy also. Best wishes Donna.
Danelle Devi: I agree with Sandra Smith! Once a Dr. has been consulted, go have some cranial work done and also acupuncture. It works wonders!
Kimberly Wilson Ward: There are a number of medical reasons that can cause tinnitus. Some of them are very simple: water trapped in ears, or the thyroid being off are just a couple. Consult with your primary care Dr. first and they can look for the obvious and then refer you on further options, if necessary. If there is no medical reason for the tinnitus, check back in with us.
From Melanie:
I’d like to know if my husband has made the right decision to continue what he is doing?
Pamela Cummins: I heard no, but he needs to find out for himself. I’m hearing the song lyric, “Going around in circles, I got a dance that ain’t got no steps.” Now I heard, “I’m on my way, home sweet home.” He will find his way to what feels like home and right for him. You can’t do it for him.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Melanie, your husband is trying to please too many people at once. He has not really got a clue why he continues in this way, but mostly it’s easier not to rock the boat. A time is coming where he will suddenly blow a fuse and say enough is enough. Then he will start to make the true progress with his life’s tasks. Be patient!
Donna Putrino Cantone: Melanie, I’m feeling that he is trying to bring fairness to himself and others. This can be a daunting task. I feel people look up to him so he has taken on this role. My sense is that he has another purpose to fulfill and the time will be right soon. Blessings!
Danelle Devi: The scales have come into my 3rd eye showing a balancing act. He’s trying to keep things balanced without the scales tipping. While it may have seemed like the right decision at the time, it’s now time to stop keeping things even and move onto the next journey. He may not like it at first, but it will be for the best and he will love it!
Kimberly Wilson Ward: Melanie, It is a good decision because he made a decision, however, he is going to have doubts at least once. This will cause some tension between you, if you allow it. When he has his doubts, encourage him that he made the right choice and that is it’s never too late to make another choice. Indecision has no reward. In the long run, all will be well whatever he chooses.
From Bill:
Will I ever be happy and find a boyfriend?
LynAnne Moon: Yes (I hear YES). But let me invite you try something new. Be happy in the now, enjoy yourself immensely by yourself. (Sounds strange I know), but your new friend will see you being happy even though you are alone and want to join in the fun. I keep hearing ‘Two for tea and tea for two’… crazy old song… but it is in keeping with enjoying your life now. Don’t wait to do this. Happy days are just ahead with a new love, but remember to love yourself first, and give to yourself… don’t wait.
Pamela Cummins: Yes, of course and stop focusing on it so much is what my guides are saying. You are looking for happiness outside of yourself. My guides are saying, “The kingdom of Heaven is within.” Happiness is an inside job. I got a vision of you walking thru garbage, clean up your issues, and work on your personal growth. Love will be around the corner.
Luci Leibfried: I felt this question in my heart when I read it. Happiness comes from within. Love comes from within. The boyfriend you seek is out there, but before you can bring him into your world, you need to love yourself first. Many people say, “oh but I do love myself.” Loving yourself also means forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself for not having the right job, not looking the way you think you should, not living in the right place, or having a boyfriend. Whatever it is, embrace who, what and where you are. All roads lead to where you are now…no regrets…this is the place you need to be to prepare for what’s coming. It is OK to be alone. It is a time to get to know yourself, to embrace who you are, to learn who you are…first. You are a diamond in the rough dear one, only you can polish the finish, the brilliant sparkle as a result will attract what you seek. Blessings.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Bill. There is something here that blocks your progress with your relationships. A situation with a family member has weighed heavy for too long and this sends out the vibe of conflict. Your auric field carries this information and communicates with other people’s fields to read what the other needs to resolve their life lessons. In this case, you are attracting the same conflict until it has been resolved. Start with the original person you interacted with and forgive them. Once you feel more comfortable, you will attract the partner you long for. Much love.
Mystic Mandy: What if someone said “no.” How would you react? Would it encourage you to affirm and decide that this would be the wrong answer? Or, would it help you to let of the outcome and decide to be happy within yourself just as you are? Happiness is a choice to be happy. And the words I hear are “forgive yourself” and “don’t trip yourself up.” So, possibly consider a different approach than getting trapped up in worldly concepts or what others tell you concerning you can only be happy when you meet that one partner who will fill you up. Learn how to fill your cup up first so that when you do meet someone you can be happy with them rather than expecting the relationship or feeling loved externally to provide that. That’s the best way to attract a relationship which is not codependent and where both partners can love and support one another without relying on each other to be their only source for feeling loved and happy in themselves. With “forgive yourself” try not to make relationships about ‘success’ or ‘failure’ when it comes to having one, keeping one, attracting one etc. Know you are lovable and successful just as you are.
Danelle Devi: Yes you will. A sadness comes over me because of the sadness resonating from you. Open your heart chakra and learn to love yourself first, and then love will come openly and freely. So much so, that you will have many opportunities to choose whom you want to spend the rest of your life with. Blessings to you!
Kimberly Wilson Ward: Bill, what I hear is that when you are happy you will attract him. He is just waiting because he does not want to be around a ‘sourpuss’. Sorry that is what I heard. <Smile> He will have a wonderful sense of humor and you will not be able to stop laughing. Warning: he will pick on you but in a good way, in an affectionate way. Do not mistake this for something else.
From Judy:
What happened to cause my daughter to die?
LynAnne Moon: My deepest and most sincere condolences for your loss. I personally cannot see these reasons right now, but I am lead to tell you that you are deeply loved by the Universe and your pain is not ignored. I encourage you not to dwell on these terrible events, but rather to remember the happiness that your daughter gave to you and dwell instead on that. I see a sweet happy face in front of mine, and I will let you know there is no sadness in this child or regret, only that she loves you.
Pamela Cummins: My guides are saying, “It was her time to go back with the Angels. Gone, but not forgotten, always in your heart.” There is no one or nothing to blame for her coming back home. She is with you. I am seeing pearls, not sure if it is a necklace. Your daughter loves you deeply now and forever.
Luci Leibfried: My heart goes out to you dear one. When someone is called to the next place, we will not always know why they are called. In this case, your angel was here and has moved on to the next part of her journey. While it is painful to see her go, please know she is fine. The love you shared still exists and will endure always. Knowing what happened to cause her to move on will not make things any easier, but celebrating her life will help to heal the loss of her physical presence. I say physical, because she is still with you. You will find your answers when the time is right, but it is not now. Right now, you need to see the happiness and love of this angel’s time with you, regardless of how short you may feel it was. I keep feeling the word gratitude….focus on the good things, be grateful for them. Blessings.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Judy, I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Many things that happen, good or bad, have been pre planned. Your daughter fulfilled some very special dreams while here on Earth. She is now at peace and wishes you to know everything is fine. She loved you very much in her heart and now wishes you to find peace in a family situation. With love.
Danelle Devi: Dear Judy, it was your daughter’s karmic contract to leave this earth plane before you. While we can’t understand it, we surely resonate with it. Your daughter’s energy is there. She wants you to know when you were at the window crying, she was there. You are mourning the loss of her physical body, but she is there spiritually. Just talk to her. Many Blessings!
Kimberly Wilson Ward: She had something to do that she could not do in this incarnation. She also says that she is well and not to worry. She is very active where she is now and she hates to see you cry. She showed me flowers near a porch and said her leaving was no one’s fault, it was just time. She has a grandfather figure with her and wants you to know that she loves you. She also showed me a picture that you look at often. She is around you. God Bless.
From Cindy:
My daughter Alicia is 13, will be 14 on the 22 of July, just informed me she is hearing what she calls demonic voices telling her to do things. I am concerned about this as I do not think it is medical in nature. Could you give me some insight please?
Belle Salisbury: Hi Cindy, that can be very scary to hear coming from your child. Often, when teens reach puberty, specifically girls, they create what is called psychic kinetic energy and it can attract less than desirable entities. Not demonic, per se, but voices indeed. I would begin by teaching her to surround herself with the white light of protection and when she begins to hear these voices she has the power to tell them to leave her and never return. As a mother, I’m sure you feel that you know your daughter very well and would know if she were suffering from psychosomatic issues, however, do at least consider having this ruled out if her voices continue over time.
LynAnne Moon: I’d like to add one more thing to Belle’s very good advice and tell you if this continues you need to go to your General Practitioner, and get some advice from them as well. I’ll be praying for you and for her.
Luci Leibfried: First and foremost, with all due respect that I say this, all medial reasons have to be addressed. IS the child experimenting with any kinds of drugs or has she been placed on any kind of medication by a physician? Are there any possible mental health issues? As painful as it is, parents need to address things that we feel strongly our children may not be doing. It is very rare that activity occurs is demonic in nature, but it cannot be ruled out. Has the child been watching ‘scary’ things on television or even on the internet that may be influencing or frightening her?
Once the medical issues have been ruled out, then the child needs to learn that she has the power to say no. NO you cannot affect me and I refuse to allow you into my space. Sometimes entities attempt to appear what they are not, in order to get attention. How better to get attention than to scare an innocent child. Has she been exposed to anything that may open a door within the paranormal? Do you, yourself believe in the paranormal? The child may be holding things in if she does not feel she will be believed. I beg you to seek advice both in the medical community and with someone who is trusted and familiar with the paranormal. In addition, if there is an elder, pastor or priest/priestess in your community who is involved in the form of worship you follow, have a conversation with them. Most of all, listen to your child and take note of what she says. I am very concerned about young people who see things in the media and think that it is ‘fun’ to attempt to mimic what they see. There are many things that are dark in nature and innocents can be affected negatively. I wish you well and pray for your family that this is resolved quickly and completely. Blessings.
Mystic Mandy: Try what Belle suggests, but I would get her checked out just to rule things out. My mother wouldn’t let me get checked out when I was at that age and I had severe social phobia and panic disorder that could have been better treated sooner than much later. I believe in combined approaches, alternative/spiritual and medical when alternative alone doesn’t help. You don’t want her suffering and to become frightened.
Using my angel cards and asking if she should see someone, I drew the card “Yes” and “Justice,” which can represent karma, ethics, responsibility, fairness. There can be an overlap between medical and spiritual. Like Luci said, movies, drugs, trauma (this life or past) and exposure to paranormal/movies etc. could affect her too. Drawing cards, it says she feels “conflict,” “unwilling to communicate” and “imposter: living a life based on others expectations.” Asking about what is going on in her real life environment that might be attracting this, I draw “Greed,” “Negativity: focusing on what you do not have rather than what you do have” and “Selfishness: Wanting everything for yourself without regard for others.” Usually what’s going on inside mirrors what’s going on outside or in her personal environment. She could be sensitive to the collective energies of the planet as well, which is largely focused on greed, never having/being enough, striving, conflict, competition, etc. Some beings are trying to break through to whoever will listen. Some want to help in positive ways as to warn us we are on the wrong path or of approaching disasters. Others feed on certain energies.
Sandra Smith: Rule out possible medical issues that might be causing this ASAP and in doing so I would suspect blood tests would be done to see what might be going on. Best wishes!
Danelle Devi: Hi Cindy, I have a few clients who have come to me with these issues. While I always ask them to seek a medical professional, once that is dealt with, I work on them at a core level. Sometimes a spirit extraction needs to take place, sometimes it’s trauma from losing soul fragments. While your child is going through this, ask her to recite the affirmation “I am healed and healthy at all times,” Blessings.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Cindy, my colleagues have given fantastic advice for your daughter. It’s not good that your daughter is experiencing fear and anxiety which attracts entities which feed and grow strong from this type of negative energy. Help her to be strong and without fear by talking with her. A counsellor can get to the root of this. If we have confidence in ourselves entities cannot have any power. We are in charge. Sending love and prayers to you both.
Kimberly Wilson Ward: Cindy, even though you do not feel it is medical, I would have a full blood workup done, specifically IRON levels.
From Melissa:
Will I ever know peace of mind again?
Mystic Mandy: I draw the card “Meditation.”
LynAnne Moon: I am feeling a lot of sadness from you, and your ‘peace’ is in disarray and distress (of course). This life lesson is not so much about finding peace as it is about finding yourself and getting back to a place where you feel safe again. As Mandy has pointed out, meditation and getting back to where your Universe can speak to you quietly again is important to your peace of mind. This may take a little practice, but do go within and visit with your God again, and let the Universe nurse you back to spiritual health.
Pamela Cummins: Of course, my guides are saying, seek and you shall find. I am getting to journal, yell, exercise, and get out all the issues in your tissues. I am hearing James Taylor sing, “You got a friend.” Find positive people to talk to and a counselor/coach would help hugely.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Melissa. Give yourself time to heal. This can’t be rushed or glossed over. The healing will be deep and life changing. Worth the wait!
Kimberly Wilson Ward: Melissa, you have obstacles and challenges, however, these are because there is something you are holding onto that you do not share with others. A ‘Suffering in Silence.” When you find a way to release this, I see positive movement forward. This pain that you carry can be released through writing a letter if you are unable to speak about it. Release it to spirit to take care of through burning the letter. You will find peace, I see this.
From Melinda:
Any big money winnings coming my way? Hopefully some good luck?
LynAnne Moon: I can never see this, but if you do, please remember to give thanks for all the wonderful good luck and give back a little to the community and charities. They are all needing the help right now.
Pamela Cummins: I am hearing, “You got to be in it to win it.” That is for all parts of your life, not just the lottery. I got the Beatles song, “Money can’t buy me love” and hearing the book title, “Do what you love and the money will follow.” Love is what makes the world go round.
Mystic Mandy: Nature wants us to get our focus off of monetary gain. This is why we are seeing disasters happening which are causing loss of property etc. We have become too dependent in unhealthy ways. Ask yourself “What do I want to achieve through winning money/having luck?” Are you looking for happiness? Security? Peace? Then work on cultivating these emotions from within another way. Focus on the attitude of gratitude for all you are already blessed with. We are creating these situations in nature because we focus so much on what we want and don’t feel enough in, rather than cultivating an appreciation and respect for nature, what is living and what we already have. If you want to find treasure, go outside and see all that is valuable in nature. Seek to cultivate luck and winnings there.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Melinda. I feel that you are looking at a monetary win as a way to give you a high and escape a situation. You have some wonderful associations with others that could be improved on. One, in particular, relationship could be pure gold with a little meeting of both parties half way. You will always have enough for your needs and have a big opportunity work wise on the way. Be happy!]]>