From Jacqueline: In the past 6 months I have been aware of more than a few energy workers who have had physical illness and depressions that have created a sense of isolation for them. I wonder if this is more wide spread at this time. What would be the cause and beneficial result of it?
In each case the worker has questioned why Spirit didn’t protect them or heal them more quickly.
Denise Divine D: Hello Jacqueline. We are currently working with several spiritual influences that are requiring more rest and energy protection. Many women over the last six months have needed to welcome the current Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) in Cancer (sign of the Mother) nurturing energies. This energy has been retrograde (in renew and reflection state) for some time. It will move direct again on March 6th to mid-July. This feminine and nurturing energy has asked all light workers and those of service to nurture themselves more. Sickness is a physical manifestation from an imbalance of self-care energy and service energy. Jupiter in Cancer has asked us all, especially women, to simply give to ourselves more and welcome the receiving end of life. Pushing against this energy has left many sensitive types drained and/or sick. In the #7 spiritual year of 2014, we welcome even more reflection, divine interventions, and alone time to renew. As we all continue to evolve, we must tune in further to our own energy reserves. Going with the spiritual flow within and outside of us is what is called for right now.
Erin Sights: Great question Jacqueline! Lots of energy happening at this time. We are advancing spiritually, very quickly, which can interfere with our energy emotionally, physically and can result in illnesses and/or stress. Healers or Lightworkers that may not be nurturing themselves or have issues to heal themselves will find they need to clear stuff at this time. Just because someone is a healer doesn’t mean they don’t have their own issues. Many times, what we are helping others with can bring things up in us if we have that issue too, and haven’t done the work our self. Often, when doing this work, issues that are hidden can resurface to inform us to take a break and look after ourselves and what has come to the surface. One may not be aware of it, or may not be paying attention to it, until it becomes a physical thing.
This year is a 7, a spiritual year, which can require us to look at our divine selves. Sometimes, it may be a spiritual issue, too, which can occur and manifest as a physical illness so that we will pay attention to it. What does spiritually mean to you now? We change and grow, and our beliefs may change, as well. Time to rest, look and clear. Thanks for asking this question for it is a great reminder for Healers and Lightworkers to pay attention to what we are treating and what surfaces in us and not wait until it affects us physically to make us stop and look.
Pamela Cummins: My guides are saying they need to protect themselves better, but are also learning lessons about themselves. One of the lessons is to experience what it is to have illness in order to have compassion for their clients. Now, I’m hearing Billy Joel’s song, “You’re only human, you’re supposed to make mistakes.” Healers need to learn lessons too.
Mystic Mandy: I agree with Pamela. We have things to learn about energies right now and shifting them and detaching from current ways of living and being, which need to change if lightworkers are going to bring in healing/change on a bigger level. Healing right now is geared toward helping others heal and go back into the same world with all its systems, norms, etc. which exhaust us and are breaking us down (unnatural food, rhythms, pollution everywhere, too much rush, striving, stress). I hear the song “slow down, you move to fast, gotta make the morning last.” We can’t just keep on keeping on how we’ve been going. Another message I get is we have to learn to pay attention to natural vs. unnatural and find rhythms again and a connection to the natural world. We tend to prioritize accumulating lifeless or unnatural things (or things that have been polluted and become unnatural-foods etc.) over treasuring life/nature, so that manifests decreased vitality and lifelessness (my guides have been on me to grow more things to get the focus off of the lifeless stuff and onto seeing things nurture and grow, tending life energy). The last words I hear are “Earth empathy” so some healers might be picking up on the planet as nature calls out for Her own healing. We have to remember that there is a wholeness energy. We’ve been focused on healing our bodies, but we are one with earth and what happens to Her body affects us, as well. So it might be time to go within, rest, learn about balancing yin and yang, and healing from a wholeness perspective etc.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Jacqueline! This is a question my light worker friends and I often debate. As healers we need to regularly offer to the light any negativities we have absorbed from clients. We have stated to the universe that we wish to serve. This will always be tested. The physical manifestation of illness can be a sign that we are struggling with the lesson. The important thing to do is take good care of ourselves and tune into the illness and ask what it is telling us about our lesson.
Lucia Bonilla: There is much happening all around us. Sometimes, we focus on helping others so much that we neglect to help ourselves. Spirit is always there for us, but we have to help ourselves. Giving so much of ourselves takes a lot out of us. I believe when we physically become unwell, it is a signal to take care of ourselves.
From Candy: My Dad is not with us anymore. How can I get him to connect with me? Can you tell me what message my Father has for me?
Pamela Cummins: I heard the Beatles sing, “Listen, move a little closer…” What that means to me is he is around you and giving you signs all the time. Ask your Angels and guides to help you become aware of the signs. They are adding, it is the little things that count, don’t dismiss it as nothing! I keep hearing Love as your message from your father.
Denise Divine D: Hello Candy. You can make a simple request to your father on how you would like him to communicate with you. Your father hears you as clear as the day. Placing photos of our loved ones around can also allow their energy to become more receptive. I keep being shown the right side of your bed. Try placing a photo on the right bedside table, if there is not one there already. I keep seeing flickers of light. Any candle or lamp will respond on that side of the bed from him. These light flickers are little signs that he is around and watching over you. Spirits often utilize electricity and energy to say their “Hello.”
Elaine Fessey: Hello Candy! Your dad is smiling and saying you must not worry so much. You are his daughter. I take this to mean you are a lot like him. Always ask your guides to help you. See signs everywhere and notice physical changes, hair standing on end, change in temperature, or a feeling of cobwebs tickling your face. There is love around you to combat any anxiety.
Lucia Bonilla: Dear Candy, your heart is hurting. You feel like escaping to a time when your father was physically with you. He is on the next part of his journey, but he remains in your heart. Think of the good times, the love that you share with him. He speaks to you, but you may not hear the messages because of the pain of losing him. Accept the pain, then release it. You will hear him. You will see the signs that he is with you. Be happy for him and you will connect. He wants you to be happy. He loves you very much. You need to be strong…that is what he wants for you. Blessings
Belle Salisbury: Hi Candy. First, I wish to offer you my condolences in the loss of your father. Having also lost my father in the physical, I fully understand your desire to reconnect with him. As the others have told you, your father’s energy is always around you. Releasing our connection to the physical realm does not mean that our loved ones have ‘left’ us for a place far away. They have shed their physical boundaries and shifted to a higher vibrational frequency that exists right here with us. When we can learn to open up to the various signs our loved ones are giving to us of their presence around us, we can then be comforted in the knowledge that they are with us and are trying to communicate with us through signs, such as a song that plays on the radio that reminds us of them, a light flickering on and off, or the television changing channels on you. You might also feel their touch as a gentle breeze upon your body, and even the sensation that someone has touched your hair. When you can awaken to the small gestures of their presence, you will then know that they are with you. Finally, my favorite sign that our loved ones bring; when you find yourself thinking of your loved one out of the blue, that is a sure sign that you have sensed their presence right next to you!
From Sarah: I really love my job as a teacher’s aide. But I’m Par Diem right now. I’m wondering when/if I’ll be offered full time and if it will be enough for me and my kids financially? Thanks!
Denise Divine D: Hello Sarah. I keep getting September. I feel the next school year in the fall and into 2015 will offer you opportunities to be a full time teacher. I do feel you will be ok financially, especially in 2015.
Erin Sights: Sarah, a job will come. I am getting first, you are to release the fear of financial security. Yes, what if? There is something stopping you from receiving abundance and ending the struggling. Take the time to look within and see were that belief is. You can do it and see the results by November. Relax and breathe stating, I am financially secure and worthy of having my kids financially cared for and myself. Hope this helps.
Pamela Cummins: Yes, yes, yes, But, I feel new work opportunities coming to you in the future that are more fulfilling. Stop worrying about the money, my guides are adding.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Sarah, I feel you will be offered more work, but you may find yourself diversifying into other areas. One particular area will be a passion. This will be in the not immediate future, but soon enough, as you will require specialist training. Your momentum is slowed down as you have a family to enjoy and take care of. All in good time!
Lucia Bonilla: Sarah, I pulled three cards. You have a great background. You know your craft. You need to focus on opportunities that may be available for you. Don’t miss an open door because you are waiting for something to happen. Make it happen! It may seem like an uphill battle at times, but by remaining true to your passion…your work, a partnership is coming. Blessings.
From Cindi: Hi, I have been having a lot of health issues. My knees are bone on bone and so is my right hip. I’m 58 years old and walk like I’m 100. I am unable to walk my dog, go to the store or shop. I can’t even watch my grandkids due to the pain.
I am wondering if I should proceed with surgery. My left knee is hyper-extended and I would do this one first. I have been going to physical therapy to make my core stronger. I’m so tired of being like this and just don’t know where to start. My doctor told me to join Jenny Craig and lose fifty lbs. I really can’t afford to join Jenny Craig, but would love to lose some weight. I’ve been eating healthy and trying on my own. I weigh 198 pounds and am 5’6 1/2 ” tall. I realize the weight loss will help a lot. Should I join Jenny Craig and have surgery? This has been going on since April 2013. The first diagnosis said it was my back. Thank you for your insight.
Pamela Cummins: Yes for the weight loss program. My guides are saying, “You can’t afford not to do it.” It is your choice on the surgery. I also heard, “It’s not what you’re eating, but what’s eating you.” That means there are emotional issues you need to look at.
Denise Divine D: Hello Cindi. Weight does indeed “weigh” on our body’s organs and bone structure. You should continue the weight loss by making sure that you include plenty of protein, fiber, and fluids into your daily life. Protein will allow you to build and tone existing muscle. Fiber will allow you to eliminate toxins on a regular basis. Fluids (water, turmeric lemon tea, and smoothies) will keep you hydrated and help you to eliminate toxins from your sluggish liver. Magnesium Powder is a mineral I want you to look into as well. Avoid too many dairy products and red meats. Whole wheat pastas and high protein, high fiber breads can allow you to continue with your weight loss program. Don’t underestimate beauty sleep as well. Weight loss often happens during those 8-10 hours of cell renewal rest.
Elaine Fessey: Hello Cindi! You have a whole new life waiting ahead of you post weight loss. You must do this at any cost. Then, you will have less discomfort and more confidence. It’s literally one step at a time, but you can do it. A personal loss has triggered this weight gain. This will start to become easier to address once you make the initial move. Much love.
Erin Sights: HI Cindi. The first message I received before finishing your question was weight loss. You will notice a big difference when the weight is gone. It will be hard for you at first, but stick with it. You will be glad you did. As you do this, the suggestion is to look at why you have the weight. What you are covering up. Time to drop the baggage, so to speak. You are worth being a pain free beautiful lady. Breathe, let go and walk away feeling lighter and pain free. You can do it.
Lucia Bonilla: Dear Cindi, losing the weight is the first step. It is hard, very hard, but making the decision to change is crucial. I was told that I needed surgery on my knees 4 years ago. I have never had that surgery and I am still walking. I have lost 50 pounds in three years. It wasn’t until I consciously made the decision to change myself for the better that the weight loss began to happen. I am getting education for you. Learn your body. What is going to help you lose the weight, the right foods, what can help strengthen your body? Movement. While it is painful sometimes, you have to move. Every movement of your body helps you to lose weight. You don’t have to run a marathon, but there are things you can change that will help. Lastly, listen to your doctor. Even if you decide to have surgery, the change will not be permanent if you don’t commit to changing old habits. I wish you well dear…it can happen for you!
From Jess: What is the purpose behind having dreams of a loved one? It’s always dreams that they are, in fact, still alive. I have dreams of my father, but not all the time. I could have a dream tonight and then not have one for a few years. But, it’s always dreams that he is still alive and it’s so real. He never actually talked to me in my dreams until my last one, which was the first time he ever talked to me. All the other times, I would just see him and I would talk and ask questions, but he never responded. I love having the dreams and I always feel so relieved and much happier, especially after the last one when he actually talked to me. I just would like to know if there is some meaning or something he is trying to tell me that I am missing.
Denise Divine D: Hello Jess. Our passed loved ones enjoy visiting with us during our dream state. It is when our minds are clear and our spirits can freely travel. Many visitation dreams often occur in Heaven where we spend many hours with our loved ones. We may simply remember them as dreams. Telepathy is our natural spirit language. It’s the way babies and animals communicate. Your father was communicating with you in this form, as well. You may not have recalled the full answers upon wakening. I feel your father is checking in with you to let you know that he is healthy, happy, and still around. I feel they occur more often than you remember, but the ones that you do recall come when you need them most. They provide comfort at certain times in your life.
Mystic Mandy: I have the same dreams with my father. Sometimes he is like a wise guide, sometimes he is just there in the background watching. There is usually a loving feeling. My sister says the same about her dreams. Other dreams are just working through past stuff. I sense a gentle and peaceful feeling from him, like he just wants you to know he is there. He says he wants you to “unburden yourself” of the energies, thoughts and opinions of others and find your own meaning to things and life. He says: “you are creating a life based upon others expectations.” So, I think he just wants you to be strong and take risks and participate in life without needing all the answers. Something reads unbalanced that he wants you to bring into balance, and with this I draw “Transforming your heartache by allowing yourself to grieve and move forward.” So, he may be appearing to help you through your grieving process but wants to do so in a way you can move forward.
Pamela Cummins: He visits you in the dreamtime because it is easier for him to lower his energy to match yours. I’m hearing Stevie Wonder sing, “I just called to say I love you.” My guides are adding – stopping by to say hello.
Lucia Bonilla: Dreams allow us to communicate with our loved ones, both the ones who have passed over and even the ones who are still with us on this side. Sometimes, the things we cannot say out loud are said in our dreams. Your father is letting you know how he is with you. Listen to what your father says to you, pay attention to how you see him, or where you see him. Journal your dreams. You may see a pattern or message that is not obvious while in the dream. How wonderful for you that he is visiting you! By accepting the blessing that is being given to you, you will be able to sense his presence at other times…when you are awake. He loves you much! Blessings!
Jennifer Sieck: Hi Jess! This is his attempt to get you to notice how he still is very much with you in your waking life. Even though he has transitioned, he is very much with you and in your corner as a guide, support and light in your life. The fact that he is now speaking to you means you are ready to hear his messages of guidance and love. The more you invite him in by paying attention to how he is helping you, the more he will choose to communicate and add strength to your journey, even though he has moved on in three dimensional reality. Honor his presence in the dreamtime and he will share his love and light more and more in your waking life too!
Erin Sights: HI Jess! Dreamtime is often the time our loved ones will visit us because this is the time we don’t have our barriers up. It seems like you are now more open to hear messages from him than before. He watches over you often. Enjoy your visits for there will be more, providing you are willing to have them. Which it seems like you are. Happy Communicating!
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Bellésprit (pronounced bell-e-spree) was born out of a desire to educate those who seek to expand their knowledge along their spiritual path. Featuring many contributors who are experts in their field, Bellésprit has a little bit of something for everyone who desires to learn more about spirituality, metaphysics, and the paranormal world.