Our Bellesprit Diamond Psychics and Healers provide psychic readings and answer your questions each month. Receive psychic readings from many different perspectives and connect with one of our Diamonds who best resonate with you. Send your questions to belle@bellesprit.com. If you prefer, you can request your name to be listed in the column as anonymous; however we will need your name for our psychics to connect with your energy. Visit our Diamond Psychics and Healers Listing: http://www.bellesprit.com/diamond-psychics/ Free psychic readings for May: Question:
From Tatiana: Hello, I am soon taking a Master exam and I am worried about it. Would I get it? It is so important that I get it and that I can provide a roof and some food for my children. I want to be able to provide for them and the family. Thank you.Diane Hiller: Hello Tatiana- I am hearing you have very bad test anxiety. I also feel you need to do some pre-test prep such as a practice exam. My guides are also saying to speak to your MD about the short term use of what is known as a beta-blocker. Many actors and those with stage fright use this very short term to help with severe anxiety. If you are opposed to meds, all the practice you can get in is what is needed. You will pass if you address this issue. Good luck. Pamela Cummins: My guides said, “Yes and chill.” I get a vision of a family sitting around a large table with lots of food. You have a large spoon and walking around the table putting food on the plates. That is confirmation that you are providing for them. Stop the worry and replace it with ~ thank you God for providing. Gypsy Spirit: What I got right away was that it is not really about this exam as it is about trusting the Universe/God to provide for you and your family. You are not going to do without. It may mean that yes, you will get through this exam. In the event that you do not get through it, there will be another door to open. This is really about you trusting and believing in yourself and trusting the Universe as you get into alignment with the oneness of the Universe. Listen with your heart, follow your dreams, and TRUST/BELIEVE in YOU. Elaine Fessey: Dear Tatiana. You are very capable of passing this exam but need to work a little harder. Patience and persistence will pay off. Try to believe in yourself. It feels as if your confidence has been dented in the past and you are buying into the self-limiting belief that you may not be good enough. Work on this issue. Is it still relevant today? Chances are this has held you back long enough. Take care and good luck. Lisa Noland-Shalosky: Dear Tatiana, as a channel for Gaia (Mother Earth) she specifically tells us “Before your thoughts can even become spoken words, they ARE!” I would ask you to consider the vibration of the unspoken thoughts that are rumbling around in your head. The Universe is listening, even if you have not spoken the words, they are listening and wish only to give you what you desire. At this time, you are expressing fear instead of love and peace over the success of getting your Masters. Consider visualizing test day, you are peaceful, calm and excited to be participating in the testing process. You see yourself answering the questions, one after the other with ease and grace with a smile on your face. With love in your heart and trust that all is working out for your highest and best good…see yourself successful and completing the test with a passing score! I wish you well and much success with your journey! Question:
From Melinda? Are my finances going to get better?Gypsy Spirit: Dear Melinda, your finances will get better provided you decide they are going to get better. We all have the ability to get what we want, it is just a matter of us using our power to get it. When you flip your thinking around from “are my finances going to get better?” to “My finances ARE getting better.” You will begin to see a shift in your finances. When we worry about our finances, we create the energy of fear over our money. By turning it around, you create your own power over your energy and your financial status. Pamela Cummins: My guides said to “Stop the worry because you are making things worse.” I heard his voice and got an image of a man who said to me many years ago, “When you pay bills and spend money say – I bless this money; may it come back tenfold.” My guides said to really believe it. I also see yellow post-it notes with money affirmations all over a room. I heard, “Blast yourself everyday with money affirmations, and ingrain it within.” Jacqueline Lunger: Allow me to chime in here …begin to see finances as tools just like your car or cell phone. It’s not about accumulating piles of it, unless you require that much. See yourself as blessed with more than enough and watch your tools improve. Su Davey: Hi Melinda, I feel your finances will improve, but it will be a steady process. Keep an attitude of gratitude and at the end of the day say thank you for all that you have, i.e. thank you for running water, thank you for the roof over my head. Believe all your needs are always met with money to spare. Elaine Fessey: Hello Melinda. I feel there is a slump coming where you may panic. The key is to work hard on a project and don’t give up, even when you feel there’s no point continuing. An upsurge in general energy levels and a more positive outlook is going to give you the boost you need. Good luck. Lisa Noland-Shalosky: Dear Melinda, I’m going to ask you the same question….are your finances going to get better? How do you answer? If you say No, then I promise you, they won’t. If you say yes, then I promise you they will. It’s a choice you need to make to bring it to fruition. I am a huge believer that we bring about that which we are. If you are in a place of worry and fear, then you will create more of that which you are and have. Consider taking the steps to move through the fear vibration…sit with the emotion of that fear…feel it…where in your body do you feel it? Acknowledge it then release it and let it go. It is apparent that it no longer serves you so now it is time to move on, period. Remember, you are the creator of your universe. Now create that which you wish to have! You may want to also consider positive statements such as ‘I accept my abundance now!’ The only thing you need to do now is change your mind about how you see your situation. May blessings and abundance be yours now and always! Love and light. Vaishali Nikhade: Hi Melinda, I asked how your finances will be for the next 3 months. It is an interesting question and I can see why you asked. It seems that you have been trying some alternate solutions to improve your finances – but they haven’t really worked. You end up with either losses or an end to that particular solution. But something will look bright after a while – it maybe some dim light, but it will be enough to move you forward. Almost, as though destiny will play a part. Your luck has been really low and even the small things you have tried to do have been slow or taken longer – but things will change with a new path and direction. Question:
From Melissa: Will I ever find peace of mind? Will I ever feel safe? Are some of us just destined to be forsaken?Gypsy Spirit: Dear Melissa, Finding a peace of mind is up to you. Feelings safe is also up to you. We all create the energy that we want to be in. It sounds like you have troubles or pains from your past that you are not willing to let go of. When we carry that luggage around with us, it pulls us down and away from the alignment that we are destined to be with the Universe. If you are wanting peace of mind, you must look at all those circumstances and understand the lessons you were meant to learn from them, then release the rest of the garbage. Allow those lessons to help you move forward in your life. The pain of what someone else or an event has caused you is not meant to leave you forsaken. It is meant to help you learn from it so that you can move forward. Forgiveness also opens the heart up to have a peace of mind. Forgiving yourself is the key to forgiving others. Once you let all the things that are not really important go, you will find your peace and will certainly not feel forsaken. One piece of advice to maybe help get you get going is that every day when you wake up, think of what you are grateful for. Begin having an attitude with gratitude. Jacqueline Lunger: Melissa, I sense that you continue seeking that safe feeling in all the wrong places. It’s the journey to your own self, the true inner you that will dispel your fears and bring the peace you desire. Meditation is a great way to begin to focus on your inner self and discover your own power and creativity. You will be successful! Pamela Cummins: Right away I heard, “Archangel Michael.” Call upon him for protection and safety. Now I heard, “Ask, believe, and receive.” The Angels are ready to assist you. I see the footsteps in the sand picture, who do you think has been carrying you so far? Now it is time for you to do your inner self-growth work. Diane Hiller: Reading in between the lines there are two issues. One, there is a core incident or a run of a few that have caused you to not feel safe in the world. The second is your thinking based on these experiences. These patterns of thought are already ingrained. I also sense a history of long term depression. It is likely best that you seek professional counseling to help work though these issues. This level of deep inner work is not always easy to do on your own. Best Wishes. You can move through this. Elaine Fessey: Hello Melissa. At the core of your unhappiness is an incident from the past that needs healing. Try to accept and forgive. This will stop the constant perpetuation of melancholy. Once you look back and rewrite your history, a great relief will pass through you. Keep going. There’s a lot more happiness to come to you. Good luck to you. Lisa Noland-Shalosky: Dear Melissa, Peace of mind is a choice, period. It is the job of the ego to keep the mind in chaos and fear, but it is also the job of the ego to keep us in balance. When the ego is out of balance you have fear, unrest and chaos in the mind, thus the feeling of not being safe. I would ask that you consider some quiet time for meditation and breath work. Here is a simple breathing exercise I recommend…with your eyes closed and your hand over your high-heart (between the physical heart and the collar bone) breathe in three deep breaths; in through the nose and out through the mouth like the wind. Repeat this three times. Now, repeat the breath work again two more times, but this time slow your breath down…then again two more times at an even slower rate for a total of seven breaths. This will move you from your head into your heart center where you will be able to focus more clearly on that which your heart wants and desires. With a clearer mind to get there you will be able to see the direction in which you need to go. Chaos is fear and fear is non-love. Choose to be mindful and safe where you are. Choose Love. Question:
From Dee: My husband has been eating nitroglycerin pills like M&M’s. He experiences chest pains but will not go to the hospital because he said there is nothing the Doctors can do for him anymore. I just need some peace of mind. If his time is up, then I want to really know. I know GOD puts no more on us than we can handle. A little peace of mind would help. Thanks.Jacqueline Lunger: Health related questions are touchy from an ethics stand point. You know him best, why do you think he is taking the stubborn stance? Have you decided to call an ambulance when it happens again? He isn’t allowing you any say in this. I wish you both the best. Diane Hiller: It sounds like you are poorly informed about your husband’s health issues. You may need to call his MD. If your husband is not willing to allow this communication and you feel he is being irresponsible with his health you may need to call an attorney. His Dr. is the only one who can to give you his prognosis. Best of luck. Pamela Cummins: My guides called him, “A stubborn old goat whose time is not up yet.” Now I hear, “Enjoy each day you have with him.” I do get that something will happen that will cause him much fear, but he has free will to take whatever action he chooses. Elaine Fessey: Hello Dee. It feels like your husband is holding too much fear around this situation and its making you very anxious. There is a treatment for him that could put both your minds at rest. You must take the initiative here and take him to see his Dr. I feel your frustration is caused by him not allowing you into his worries and fears. Don’t give him a choice in this. Wishing you luck and sending love. Lisa Noland-Shalosky: Dear Dee, It is unfortunate that your husband is choosing to stay in fear and not seek the help that he so needs. As humans, we have free-will and the ability to make choices that we feel best fit our immediate needs. He is making his choice, unfortunately, to the detriment of his loved ones. You may want to consider writing him a letter to express how his actions make you feel and share any other words that you would want to express so that you have no regrets around this situation. The best you can do is trust that all is working out for the highest and best good of all involved and do your part to have no regrets. Give it up to God and the Angels and continue to love him through it. I wish you all the best and divine healing for all involved.
From Anonymous: I feel like I am supposed to be traveling soon to either India or Bali for more spiritual training and learning, more so in holistic healing. Am I just imagining this or am I really going and when?Pamela Cummins: I heard the song lyric, “Go where you want to go, do what you want to do…” I also got the celebration card. I am getting sacred learning and the number five. Jacqueline Lunger: The number 5 is one for flexibility, travel and sex. It represents the whirling vortex of energy that can be shaped and utilized as needed. Su Davey: I do feel travelling is on the cards for you, but also feel there is a personal matter that still needs clearing up and I’m being shown the word boundaries. Elaine Fessey: Travel that includes spiritual training is possible, but maybe not for five years. In the meantime, there are many ways you can begin this training from home and via the internet. The travel will be the end point and not the start of your journey. Enjoy the process. Lisa Noland-Shalosky: The number 5 represents change…and in this case change is good! I feel like you are soaring when I tap into your energy and this is always a good sign. Soaring to new heights, to new adventures, to new experiences and to new places. I would not limit myself to just Bali or India, I feel that it will be more than just this adventure, that this is only the beginning! Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life I hear my guides saying….’WELCOME!’ Happy traveling! Vaishali Nikhade: I get that currently you have some sort of conflict with travel – something is coming in the way and it needs to get resolved before any travel can occur. This can be something to do with an authority – for instance, the Government, immigration, etc. Whatever issues and conflicts are, they need to be resolved to move forward. Question:
From Anonymous: I just joined a writing group that is causing me confusion because I’m not sure if it is the right group for me. Should I stay or leave?Jacqueline Lunger: I feel you need a different group. Perhaps begin small with a few people who share your genre. Diane Hiller: I also feel you need another group, this one feels full of ego and non -supportive. Su Davey: I’m also feeling this group is not for you. It doesn’t feel as if there is a connection there for you. Elaine Fessey: I felt the energy in this group was all wrong for you. A new group will become known to you soon. That one will match your energy. Good luck. Lisa Noland-Shalosky: The first thing I would say to you is ‘trust your instincts’. Now, you may also want to consider sitting with the feeling of confusion, where are you feeling this in your body, sit with the feeling then release it and let it go. Then check in again. Is the confusion being caused by insecurities from past experiences? Or have you simply out-grown the group and need to find a new group that will offer you more challenges and greater experiences? Either way it’s not a bad thing or a good thing, it just is. If you choose to stay or leave, your choice, the decision you make is exactly the thing you should do. TRUST your gut, TRUST your guidance and TRUST that you are exactly where you are supposed to be for the exact reasons you are supposed to be there! Question:
From Sandra: Will my own business get a good start this year?Belle Salisbury: Hello Sandra, with this year being 2015, it adds up to the number 8, which is considered a prosperous number. This year is also a great year for women in business; whether it is to set your business in motion or that you begin to see the fruits of your efforts. For you, I feel that May does indeed bring the energy of your labor to fruition. You will begin to see increase beginning May and running through August as the energy around your business begins to flow a lot easier for you. Certainly, you must continue to put your energy in marketing and social media, as this will help your business to grow even more. Wishing you the best of luck in your business. You will not be disappointed! Elaine Fessey: Hello Sandra. I’m hearing that it will, but must be built up slowly but surely. If you rush, you will not get the results you desire. The slower you go, the stronger the foundations. Good luck. Pamela Cummins: I heard the song lyric by Foghat, “Slow ride, take it easy.” My guides are adding – People do business with those they know, like, and trust. Now, I am hearing, “Getting to know you.” Let the public know you through social media, blogging, and/or some form where you are adding value in their lives. I heard, “What’s in it for me?” You need to put yourself in your client’s shoes. Jacqueline Lunger: Outreach is what I am told is important for you to connect with people who can help grow the business over the long term. Su Davey: slow and steady is what I’m being shown and I’m being shown hands reaching out, so there is plenty of help available. I wish you success. Blessings! Our Diamond Psychics offer psychic readings services. Check out our Diamond Psychic and Healer Listing for your next psychic reading. Views:]]>