Dream My Grandfather has been dead for about 5 years now and I had a dream that we buried him in a cemetery and were going to visit him. There wasn’t much dirt over the grave despite the years that had passed and suddenly he rose from his grave and miraculously was alive again. He was walking and talking with us and everyone was really happy. He even went on this Family vacation with us and out to eat at McDonalds. It was really bizarre because when he did pass in real life we had him cremated. I couldn’t find a word that meant to bring someone back to life to look it up in the dreamer’s dictionary. Any suggestions? Koren, NY Interpretation My guides said “He lives forever, gone but not forgotten.” and I heard the song lyric, “Oh yeah, life goes on.” 1st. This could be an actual visitation, but you would know best because you felt all the feelings in the dream. Only you can figure that out. 2nd. The fact that there was not much dirt on his grave means he did not leave many issues within himself or family. It shows that he lived a clean life. It is obvious that there was much joy and love with the family towards your Grandfather because everyone wanted him to go on family vacation. 3rd It could be symbolic for that your Grandfather is always with your family. You are the best interpreter of your dream so it is up to you which one of these feel right to you. Nightmare Nightmares are the worst! Whenever I have one, there is no way I can fall back asleep without going back into the same dream. But nightmares are there for a reason, they help us overcome an issue. When my niece was three I had the following dream: My niece, Cynthia and I were in a basement of a home that I used to live in with roommates. We were talking when I heard an evil cackle of a witch in the back of the cellar. I was terrified and wanted to get out of there. I said to Cynthia, “Let’s get out of here.” I reached out to grab her but instead she walked away from me towards the laughter. I was frozen on what to do. Part of me wanted to run away to safety. But I couldn’t just leave my niece there. I awoke from the dream. I was shaking with fear and knew if I fell asleep I would go right back into that nightmare. Facing the Nightmare I went into a state of meditation and recalled the dream. I visualized myself running and catching up to Cynthia before she got to the witch, stopped her, and grabbed her hand. The witch looked like the evil witch from “The Wizard of Oz.” Hey, I feel your smiles and giggle, but it’s my visualization and used whatever worked. I told her to leave us alone. She did her cackling laugh and went towards us. I turned around, grabbed a bucket of water, and threw it on the witch. The drenched witch started yelling, “I’m melting, I’m melting.” We watched her melt away. Cynthia looked up and smiled at me. We turned around and walked hand in hand out of the basement. I came out of my visualization, laid back down, and slept like a baby. Interpretation My niece is now in her early twenties but I remember this dream like it was yesterday. When Cynthia was a young child she represented my inner-child. The basement is a low level place, has always been creepy for me, and where the root of the problem was. The evil witch was symbolic for my fearful, dark side. I was in turmoil of whether to face my demons and free my inner-child issues, or take the easier, wimpy way out and run. When I went into meditation I had no idea how I was going to proceed. The love I felt for my Cynthia and my inner–child (I had an established relationship thru prior work) gave me the courage to face the witch aka my dark side. I spoke my truth even when I knew she meant us harm. By throwing the water on her – I was cleansing away my fears, the dirtiness I felt about myself, and not letting my past issues have any power of me. When Cynthia and I walked out of the basement, we were walking into a new phase of our lives. I hope my experience will help you overcome any nightmares in the future. In the meantime, enjoy your dreamtime! If you are baffled by a dream and need help interpreting it – email it to pamelabellesprit@gmail.com. Pamela Cummins aka “The Musical Psychic” is also a radio show host, author, and coach. To learn more please visit www.pamelacummins.com.]]>
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